We are TTC-ing!

I used clearblue ovulation kit with smiley face last month . When you see smiley face , when do you BD? Do you BD few days after smiley face ??I BD on the night I saw smiley face and the next day evening I tested and also smiley face so BD again , AF just came .. Sigh.. Don't know what went wrong.
hi cookie, I also using clear blue digital test kit, mine shows "flashing" smiley which indicate "high fertility" for 1st 2days, based on instruction is best to test in the morning with first urine after ur longest slp, then start to bd, the next 2days will show "Constant" smiley which indicate "Peak fertility" and smiley will appear constant for consecutive 2days to catch total 4 days best fertility of ur ovulation period, so best to bd every 1 day till u c smiley face disappeared but can still bd if still got energy to catch the eggs jus in case it release later than expected. Jus my 2 cents worth.
Hi Dilemma, Welcome to our big family! U are definitely not alone, many of us shared the same journey n there's ups & downs, hurdles n setbacks, same emotional roller coaster rides, hope we can hold hands in hands to brace the challenges and fruitful journey one day! I have read ur intro basically the same story on wat I went thru,
do u try spa or massages? Sometimes is gd to engage some nice hobbies or little sports to keep weight off, my weight also keep climbing up until to a point tat I jus forced myself to go for a short swim every wk, little stroll with my dog, sometimes massage for relaxation, short getaways, Pilates/yoga/Zumba class as it keep some loads off ur mind on fertility issues. It is definitely not easy however believe tat there will be little angels waiting for us when our turns come & we will cherish more than any parents.
When i c my af come, jus try to rest a lot n start to recuperate body once it is over, best time to take bai feng wan, tonic soups, TCM, folic acid. Don't worry n think too much k, everything will go well n keep trying! Cheers!


New Member
Hey hi hi... so nice to get a reply so quickly! Thanks for your kind words... I used to do yoga and go gym but after started TTC, every month during the TTW I get so paranoid I don't do those anymore cuz I'm scared working out will affect the cycle.. silly right? Just the occasional foot reflex or facial after AF comes...

Now I'm just trying not to run out and buy a hpt (again), disappointed so many times.. this time I tell myself if it is meant to be, it is meant to be la... but it's tough... how long have u been TTC? What did ur doc advise besides taking tonics etc?
So n I are 31 yrs old , married since end of 2011 so kind of started from 2012 onwards but kinda broke after wedding, so dragged till year 2013 to save up more $, shld b coming to 2yrs of trying, but start to realize is not as easy as we tot so we started to take multi vitamins, folic acid, TCM. The doc gave me clomid, my 1st cycle failed so was v depressed, tis is my 2nd cycle, waiting to c result, if not success then try to hv 3rd cycle, if still fail then will hv to go for SO-IUI. The doc told me my is unexplained infertility so jus keep trying all kinds of methods whatever avail.


New Member
hi cookie, I also using clear blue digital test kit, mine shows "flashing" smiley which indicate "high fertility" for 1st 2days, based on instruction is best to test in the morning with first urine after your longest sleep, then start to bd, the next 2days will show "Constant" smiley which indicate "Peak fertility" and smiley will appear constant for consecutive 2days to catch total 4 days best fertility of your ovulation period, so best to bd every 1 day till you c smiley face disappeared but can still bd if still got energy to catch the eggs just in case it release later than expected. just my 2 cents worth.
Thanks for your advice, left few sticks this months.. Mine is the normal test kit can test 2 days in advance only? So guess have to bd until don't see smiley face .
Hi dilemma, all of us here went through a lot of up n down in our ttc journey. I'm 35 n hubby 38. Being ttc for 2 yrs still no result, on clomid , see tcm, go pray pray till now still waiting. I esp feel u when u mentioned that ppl arnd u are getting preggy.. some of my frnds are even expecting their no.2. And my fb notifications are fill with new born bb pics...
let's juz support one another in this journey and i know that all of us will eventually graduate from here. Jy!!


Hi Dilemma, I'm 34 years old this year. Married in 2011. Start trying for baby in 2012. Till now still none. See doc and gynae all say both of us fine. Try second iui fail. This time my hubby sperm quality is good but yet still fail for it! In the beginning when I'm trying for baby I gain a lot of weight. But I tell myself I need to lose some. During every AF I feel depress. There a few time break down n cry. I guess this normal. Cos we feel the stress. My hubby always tell me to relax can try the next time. Although I keep telling myself don't think don't think but yet I'm always thinking about it. All my gf surround me all got pregnant. Sometime I will tell myself I must Jia you must have must have! But I guess that and addition stress to myself too. So now I tell myself try not to think so much jus keep on trying. Jia you!! We will have babydust one day!
Hi ladies, I lost count at least 10 friends married after me Already gave birth n some even had 2nd one, feel stress & helpless sometimes but I believe our efforts will get pay off 1day! U can try to buy the Clearblue Advanced Ovulation test kits 60s can test up to 4 fertile days test on estrogen and LH.


Active Member
Majority of my friends also popped ping ping piang piang already. And i also have friends who are married and choose not to have kids and life is just as fulfilling, if not better. dont't compare or be pressured by peers. We all each have our own destiny :)

Mintminer have not't seen you for a while. ..how are you?
I really let it go this time, i went to tcm abt menses issues, end up menses in a mess. This mth i heck care, eat wat i like, nvr c any tcm. Only took clomid as wat my gynae say n dun bother abt ttc. Suprising, AF came itself and not much cramps. I think emotions played a part as well. I had not being doing BBT for 2 mths le, nvr test for ovulation, juz bd when feel like it... dun care dun bother... hahha!


New Member
Wow you girls are really strong-willed! :)
Thanks for sharing yr stories...it really helps to know you girls are coping so well, gives me the strength to continue too...

My SO and I decided if this month iui fail, we'll take a break for the rest of the year. Planning to go for a self-drive holiday in Dec, it will be so stressful worrying about it then... later cannot do this, cannot do that... see how bah....

Anyone waiting for AF? Day 30, 16days aft IUI now.. the suspense is unbearable...


I still around, just came back from Hk with my girlfriends, waiting for AF to arrive. I m thinking whether to switch tcm. Now controlling my diet for dec ivf.
Hi dilemma, i m @cd27, waiting also, estimate shld b ard 4-5days, standby some cheapo hpt test, tis wkend gg to Korea trip, hope won't feel too tired!
Hi ladies, my last clomid dosage was 150 mg plus metformine. went for blood test on mon, the kkh nurse called me yesterday say i am ovulating! So happy..... but hor when i ask the nurse wat is the next step i should take, she say,'u try to make bb lor'...wah.. was a bit speechless leh...


New Member
Hey eggscatcher.. u're gg to do a hpt right? when do u think it is accurate to test? I called the nurse at NUH CHR (I'm on CD31 now) and she said to test a week later if AF still hadn't reported. Omg. Ha.
Hi dilemma, If ur Cycle is regular n missed AF for almost 1 wk, can start to test in the morning first urine after a long slp. I think I will wait to test after I come back from holiday as I don't wan to spoilt my mood n put stress on my so n myself haha...