We are TTC-ing!


apple: maybe u dun go to the grp if its making its making u stress n sian.. my friends also keep posting their preggy tummy, scan pics n bb photos lk theres no tml... cant stopped so dun see loh.. i mean i m happy for them of coz but i really dun need anymore reminding... now my MIL dunno wat got into her suddenly ke-xiao n keep commenting bout my drinking cold drink, not good for womb, how to hve kid etc... shes dropping major hints lately.. sigh.. she isn't like dat last time.. and i tot since my bro-in-law wifey already gave her 2 grandchildren, we cld be spared.... apparently, NOT!

Dragontail: u on CD6 n me on CD8... i was wondering shld i see gynae next week? i read that most see gynae when they r on menses day 2... but my menses finished liao so i dunno if i shld go see or not.. or jus DTD this mth n see how it goes....

I'll be having my bday next month (tell hubs i dun wanna celebrate...)... oh man, another year older.... tick tock tick tock... help!
if i get my bfp wish, it'll be the bestest bday present ever!!!!!

Apple, how old r u, if u dun mind me asking...u sound quite young since u married recently right?
im 34 this yr. Got married last yr. hubby 37... as u say, time is not on my side. I think for my case, from young had been super irregular, and dun really paid much attention.
My mil nvr reallly stress me lar, she juz had the hook to hang the bb yao lan install in our room be4 we get married! LOL!

Magisa, my chinese sinseh ask me to go n c her during my menses n i juz start on her meds.. chinese med so yucky....


Apple: how long were u on clomid? did u take the max dosage eventually? mostly gynae will monitor aft they put u on clomid to see how u r responding to the med, and aft that they will give u a list of ideal dates to bd (baby-dance aka make love)....

also dun take clomid for too long ok.. coz it has side effects. me also did considered clomid coz i suspect i never O liao... or not fertile (no pms no cramp) but so afraid cause clomid will thin uterus linning... so i m not comfy with this med and intend to check it out with a gynae... oh, me also not goin to consider IVF coz i cant take the IVF stress...


how irregular is ur period? did u tell ur gynae?

i read that Chinese med will tiao ur body and make ur menses regular.. but take time. Its good that u r seeing Chinese sinseh.

Dun fret ok, my menses regular also like that... sigh...


Maqisa...yes it's frm ralph lauren...kekekeke...
Anw me nw on my 1ww le...hahaha...anw me looking fwd for new yr eve to come...

And updates...me will finish my entire antibiotics course today..me dun feel e pain when i urinate le...


Active Member
Maq, doc can still do scanning mid cycle. I mean you can still go ahead to fix an appointment if you wanna try this embarkment. Don't need to wait till got mense. But of course, best to call your desired gynae and find out more before you make the trip.

My last visit at TCM my sinseh asked me why I kept clearing my throat. I didnt even realise I was going to fall sick. So he treated my bad throat with medicine of new taste. For the first time, my tcm medicine is sweet! Got that pipagao taste. So delicious :)


Yukki: 紧张大师,:001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302::001_302:

actually me got confession to make here.. i also buy baby mittens and a baby spoon when i went Christmas shopping...

oh man, the crazy things we do when we r ttc-ing... hubs almost faint when i show him


and i almost bought a baby carter romper.... den i sorta ''woke up'' and i tell myself never venture into the baby section during shopping again


Dragontail: yeah that's what i was thinking too.. okok.. will call n make appt tml as gynae closed on boxing day too
u gals so funny.... my hubby get worry when i c fb frnds posting bb pic. he worry i get depress easily, scare tat nxt time if i really preggy ,i will get pre natal blues!.
i told the chinese sinseh abt menses irregular, she gave me 2 medicines, one for ovulation, one to tiao the menses... hope will hear some gd news soon. btw the chinese sinseh i going to is at roxy sq, anyone got reviews ?


Active Member
Oh, I just received last week for the first time many pads and baby clothings from friends whom have bfp-ed. Baby dust for me :)


Active Member
What's the name of the TCM, apple?

I go to roxy square for my regular hair treatment.

I like my sinseh so far at upp serangoon. Also nearer to my place.


I also feeling the stress lor.. my hubby cousin marry 3 mths after us n their bb arriving nxt mth..... Lets juz jy together!!

Btw i'm on day 6 of my menses and onli chinese medication nw. my sinseh wan me to scan to c gt any eggs. she was surprised that my gynae onli did blood test on me after clomid.

My hubby also not worried one everytime juz ask me to take it easy.... i got a group in fb... most of them getting preggy, c them announce everytime on fb make me more stress and keep on wondering y is it always easier for others and not for me?
Hi Apple, I am keen to join such FB groups with Ladies try to conceive.... Can I know the name of the group? One of my frien, been trying for 2years, finally found out preggy last month, so happy for her.
The tcm shop is call orient de wellness gallery. Sound ang mo rite? lol!

mummygirl, tat fb group is not for ladies trying to conceive, they are 2012 brides. So many of them getting preggy this yr...


Hello All, good afternoon....

Today is my CD42, still waiting for my AF to come.... but not yet. Tested HPK on CD35 but -ve, so feel disappointed and din test till now. Do you all think I should test again? Or just wait for another 1week? Base on my calculation, my hb did not BD during my Ovalution period, hence, being preggy is low chance...


Dragontail...thanks for the wishes..me dun wanna pin too much hopes le...lol...

Maqisa..yes me v gan chiong abt holidayyyyssss!! Lol..yeah those baby clothes are so adorable lor makes me wanna buy all of them!