We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Mxlo oh these are what I've noticed from about 5 acu sessions with him so far

1. I poo daily now! I think that's a miracle to me. I have constipation problem all my life. I could poo twice a week last time. If lucky, 3 x back then. In tcm, sinseh will always ask you this typical question "有没有每天大便?"。Now I can confidently say 有! Bowel movement seems important in tcm.

2. I now ovulate earlier on cd14. So happy. For many years (I think since early 30s) my cycle has been 31-33 days. I o-ed usually cd18. Now my cycle is a nice 28days.

3. For about 3-4years, my af has shortened to 2.5 to 3days only. By end of 3days, my af is stripped clean. But last cycle, my af lasted till cd7. Me cd9 now. I presume longer af means better I hope. The last time I had 7days af was probably I was 25!! So this makes me pleased.


Hi dragontail, you mentioned your hubby got the same problem as mine. Has he done anything to improve the condition?

what did dr chew did for u?

The full assessment to check if you are ovulating or the follicles?

did he suggest iui or ivf?

Recent days I have been researching on this because of my hub condition whereby most people says conceive naturally is harder.


Anyone has hubby went for acupuncture before?
when guy go for acupuncture for fertility problem, where does the sinseh poke the needles


good to be:848220 said:
Yes goodtobe u are right her medi for follicle one makes me heaty. .. that I kept getting headache. The medi for ovulation is ok. She did also give me vit c as well.
hi mxlo, you got to drink more water. no tea or green tea for those trying to conceive.

right now, I'm on 2ww but I feel that I had bloated stomach. not sure whether is it AF coming soon.
I drank alot of water during that period but still like that. My lips also cracked. So after 10 days of medi (5 each for follicle and 5 for ovulation) I went bk to see her. Then she said my body too heaty so gave me medi to cool my body down cos she said too heaty will cause blockage. Am now on 7dpo. Keke.


Active Member
Soursop, my hubby was on medication from DrChew. While I was with the first sinseh, he also went with me and he was on her powder medication too. With this new sinseh, so far he hasn't gone under his treatment but he should be next time, although he makes me promise I won't let the sinseh acu him. Haa.

With dr Chew, I had this medicine that helps ovulation. Can't remember the name but it's similar to clomid but it doesn't have the negative side effect of clomid. Also had another liquid medicine that gives me much ewcm. And I was also on gonal-f which is a self injection medicine pen. Sounds like a lot of things hor. Unfortunately 3 cycles with him I didn't succeed and I gave up. We did talk about iui and ivf. But in the end, I decided I don't want to go through that route. I want only natural means.


Wah dragontail that is quite good to hear! ! Ya must poo daily and my sinseh say not too hard and not watery is good.

I also feel I o-ed abit earlier this cycle but she say my temperature hike not that ideal. Boo hoo.
But no giving up. She said so long as got bd during that period is good!


Active Member
Adding on, yes the various visits DrChew did scans on me to make sure I'm reacting well to the medicine. Especially when one is on gonal-f, you need to be monitored closely to make sure you are not over-stimulated. Unlike ivf, though gonal-f is also used, the monitoring is not so intense since the eggs will be abstracted surgically. For natural ttc, you need your maturing follicles to be just one or two. And when doc thinks it's time you should pop the eggie, you will be administered HCG trigger shot. This is to ensure the egg will come out (some ladies have problem ovulating so HCG shot should help). Therefore a couple of days after the shot, you need to go for scan again because he wants to make sure your egg did come out. So you see, the visits are quite packed.

DrChew also believes in opk and bbt.


Active Member
Mxlo our cycle quite close. Maybe next week can feed your hubby raw oysters. My sinseh also says can let my man indulge some before O! I'm feeding mine tomorrow. Hee.


Active Member
Oh this morning I got practice the v legs opening and closing after our bd lol. Still too early to my o...but practice first haa.


My hubby din really take raw stuff cos tummy upset! Boohoo!

But I will tell him!! Btw where did u get the oysters?


Thanks dragontail for sharing your experience with me. Dun mind i ask, u trying for 2nd one? Cos u said u been to gynae when u had bfp.... :)

hmm... Hearing n reading till now, seem like sinseh is another good choice too.. I stayed serangoon area... Mayb can pop by e Yu Ren Seng at hougang mall....
as i mentioned before, my mense is very irregular.... Always late...nvr had cycle of 28 before...
of cos, first of all, i must wait till my AF to come.....
Oh this morning I got practice the v legs opening and closing after our bd lol. Still too early to my o...but practice first haa.

LOL dragontail, i also practice tat last nite! although i juz finish my menses on thur... lol... My hubby still ask me wat kind of new exercise is this? :p


Active Member
RedDates, update after your gynae visit! Hopefully you'll get the green light to try again.

mummygirl, I had two bfps but unfortunately they ended in MC.

I dont have experience with EYS. However I'm just gonna share this that I have two girlfriends who told me EYS sinsehs suck. Ooops. Friends complained the treatment there dont work for them. But of course, if you have recommendations from your friend to EYS then go try out first one and see if you like it. I personally dont really like EYS as they are too commercialised.

Since your AF is irregular, I certainly think tcm may be able to help. Are you also taking any supplements?

I'm starting a new regime. Of course, now with a new sinseh; plus his good acupuncture. I've just stopped my CW, which I have been consuming for 1.5years now. Want a change so now I take New Obimin (this is generally suitable for pregnant phase but TTC also can take) and Prenatal DHA(omega oil).
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Dragontail:848254 said:
My goodness. I type"V" and the auto correction makes it "very". WTH.

I get from : Greenwood Fish Bistro.
I don't take oysters myself. My hubby likes those from there so I've been getting from that place.
Ok thks for sharing! I will get it for next cycle if I dun get bfp!
sorry to ask.. wat is bfp? btw i went to my gp to got a letter for a scan. He gave me 2 choices : SATA or parkway east. will try to call up for an appt tomorrow cause i need the scan on thur n fri.


RedDates, update after your gynae visit! Hopefully you'll get the green light to try again.

mummygirl, I had two bfps but unfortunately they ended in MC.

I dont have experience with EYS. However I'm just gonna share this that I have two girlfriends who told me EYS sinsehs suck. Ooops. Friends complained the treatment there dont work for them. But of course, if you have recommendations from your friend to EYS then go try out first one and see if you like it. I personally dont really like EYS as they are too commercialised.

Since your AF is irregular, I certainly think tcm may be able to help. Are you also taking any supplements?

I'm starting a new regime. Of course, now with a new sinseh; plus his good acupuncture. I've just stopped my CW, which I have been consuming for 1.5years now. Want a change so now I take New Obimin (this is generally suitable for pregnant phase but TTC also can take) and Prenatal DHA(omega oil).

Dragontail, sorry to hear that..... But dun give up k, u sure will succeed soon!

Opps, ya i feel that they are commercial too... Maybe i gonna go ask around friends to recommend any good sinseh to me.... I really know none when it come to all these... :(

yes, very irregular since young... There was a period of two-three mths, my period quite steady, avg CD29...when i took e bai feng pills weekly.. I did not continue after i finish e course... I feel quite ex... But somehow it works to regulate....


Active Member
I am sure all of us will graduate. We'll have to keep positive mind =)

mummygirl, I am seeing my sinseh at upp serangoon which is near you. I'm quite new with him. About 1.5months.


I am sure all of us will graduate. We'll have to keep positive mind =)

mummygirl, I am seeing my sinseh at upp serangoon which is near you. I'm quite new with him. About 1.5months.
oh, u just changed a new sinseh? How was ur treatment with him so far? I stay near nex.... Upper serangoon is so near me... Lolzz...
where u stay? Nearby too?