We are TTC-ing!


Active Member
Lilhammie, let Dr chia help you with acupuncture. That might help. Give him few months to work on you. As for hubby, doc can prescribe medicine if he doesn't like acu. But my hubby is not under his treatment though.

I started seeing Dr Chia on 22nov. So not yet 3 months but he he feels my body is ready. I do feel improvement under with his treatment so far. However, I will also revisit my options after today's appt with Dr Sadhana. See how things go.


Hugs little hamster! !
We in same boat.

Today my temp plunge to below cover line
Af coming cos spotting appears.
Bbt is super accurate
Ladies, my temperature is always below 36! hw to increase my temp? I tried to soak my leg in warm water be4 sleep n wear socks to sleep. Still no effect at all... sob! sob!


Active Member
Thanks lilhammie. Give drc a shot. Nothing to lose :)

Soursop, now 你知道bbt 的厉害吗?

Apple, are you on tcm? Last time, my pre o temps always 35.xx. After tcm, it's about 36.1/2× .


Hi all,

May I kw what temp is considered normal for pre o, during ovulation n post ovulation??

Need I stop bbt when af comes??


Dragontail, yr Tcm Dr will not give u pre o or post o kind of medication rgt? Then usually he will give same medicine for 1 wk or 2 wks? Every visit medicine will be different? He got ask u to do bbt or not?


Active Member
I think there's no "standard" bbt temps. But generally too low means our body too cold. I would think below 36 is too low for me. I prefer to see it beyond since we need our body to be "warm" enough to conceive.

Yup drC is NOT a fertility sinseh. He doesn't believe in bbt nor do intensive homework only when we spot O, etc. He advocates have a peaceful mind and healthy living, and the rest like ttc will come in place. So no such thing as pre or post o medicine from him. His focus is on our Qi. His medicine and acu will improve that. Of course his acu points will also focus on our fertility points.


Thks littlehamster . Luckily my bbt always above 36. But only 3 days menses.. U think is ok ? Dun kw gd or bad if menses only 3 days..


Oh i see. Lastime my menses is abt 3 to 5days including spotting sometimes up to 7days. But im not sure if got ovulation or not.
This time, I think not really normal cos my blood flow is not continuously.. blood only flows out when im walking or after a hot shower n when drinking hot water.. a bit of blood clot, but blood was more on day one. Its bright red, 2nd day like not much flow. 3rd day, no flow until evening thick n deep red flow. Today, brownish already. Total is 4 days.. need to include spotting ?? On the whole, my blood did not fully occupied whole pad, not heavy..no need to chg pad often also.
Got a feeling like no energy to 'flush' out the blood..always get very bloated before menses n during menses..

Got asked my gynae if pcos will cause bloating, she said wont..but i heard some other gynae said it might cause bloating..dont kw who to believe..wondering why cant they standardise the ans?


Completed my hsg test n it was not that bad...just discomfort when dye placed in like menses cramps for abt 1 min but mild cramps


Active Member
Ladies, I was at kkh to meet the ivf doc just now.

I'm scheduled to do hsg sometime end Feb. Mid march will see the doc again and we will discuss the ivf plan.

Gee I never expected I would get to there. But I guess time is just running out. Will update again!


Jia you dragontail!

Anyway gals...i need the eye power help frm u all...ytd and today i did e opk..i'm nt sure if this will means i'm ovulating or not? My second time testing since 1yr ago... :p

Attached is the opk i did ytd and today...

