We are TTC-ing!


New Member
Hi all, need sm advice.. +opk seen ard Cd18 and cd19. Cd20 opk became negative le. Temp inc on cd22 and cd23 (today). How do i determine which day i O?
Actually I read that luteal phase is always the same every mth but I realised mine is not the same length every mth..ranges from 10dpo to 14dpo...so I always get cranky around this time ;p


Active Member
Sunshine, if I'm not wrong, you need about 0.2 degree to signify ovulation has taken place (in bbt and of course it must be sustained for few days).

Me should be 7dpo there about.

For ladies who bfped, did you have implantation spotting? For both my bfps, one yes one no.


Dragontail: no implantation bleeding leh.. no implantation cramp either... now my tummy got growlin noise lk as thou there's little bubbles trickling...
Right now I feel super normal, I dun feel preggy at all!!!
I had bfp 1.5yrs ago...I rem my back was aching like crazy and I thought it was from doing sit-ups (I din know I was preggy that time) and feeling really tired for the first month. my bb got NTD and went to heaven at 11weeks : ( I asked my current gynae if it was due to my lack of taking folic acid, he said no, it was fate. I duno whether he was trying to be nice but I felt relieved someone telling me it was not my fault. I tot it was sufficient to take pre-natal pills which oredi contained folic acid so I din take more folic acid and I keep thinking whether it was becos of that...Everyone TTC-ing here, pls start taking folic acid now just to be safe.


Nope... itz nt e hunger pangs.. though I m eating a lot more than norm...

Hfa: watz ntd? I stopped folic acid a while ago coz I guess I m nt consistent... now takin em n multi vits Obimin daily.