Wedding rings

qiqi mama

i wear thru my preggy times but tat day quarrel wif dh then throw on floor then roll under bed then lazy take back :p


2nd tri bit cant wear.. so hang it on my chain lor.. then after preg the ring becum losser on my finger.. but lucky stil wont drp out la.. :lol:

Mrs Xie

Can't fit in my wedding ring since 5mth preggy, till now never put on cos taking care of DD, not convenient..... feels that it's a waste of money.... so expensive and now place the ring inside the drawer.... I rather bought gold ring than white gold in the 1st place.... :tlaugh:


I can't fit into my wedding ring since the birth of my dd 9 yrs ago...dh promised tt he wl get me a new one after he comes back in Dec....:Dancing_tongue:


Alpha Male

I can still wear mine throughout my preggy of 10 years (pregnant man) and counting.



my fingers are the only part of my body thats not affected by anything!!! hahaha

however we are thinking of buying wedding bands leh coz our design quite out of the fashion already...where to get nice wedding bands without diamonds?