What are the 3 essential items you can't live without when you first had your baby?


New Member
I'm a rookie mom here! Trying to coagulate a list to put in my mommy's blog to help all other mommies!

Which 3 essential items can't you live without when you had your baby? Do share with us the item, where you can buy it affordably and so on, thanks!
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mummy jay

Re: What are the 3 essential items you can't live without when you first had your bab

1. Abdominal Binder!! I had a c-sect and without it I wouldn't have been able to move easily during the first 2 weeks. Can buy from pharmacies or maternity shops. I bought mine from Spring Maternity for $40+.
2. Steam Sterilizer. Technology is a wonderful thing especially if you are exhausted. Buy during promotions when they bundle it with other things.
3. Nursing bra. Makes things easier.


Re: What are the 3 essential items you can't live without when you first had your bab

For me, the ring sling tops my list! It was a lifesaver when my daughter wouldn't stop crying the first few weeks due to colic. Just pop her in the sling and she calms down immediately.... kept me sane! My hubby uses it too, and we couldn't have lived without the sling at all when my girl was a newborn. Also use it on the plane whenever we go overseas (and she has flown to Europe, etc at least 10 times since she's 6 months old).

Next would be a good breast pump. I suffered from terribly painful engorgement and my baby wasn't able to remove all the milk. The breast pump was another thing I couldn't live without.

Third but not last, something that money cannot buy - an understanding and supportive hubby who drove home during his lunch breaks to help look after baby for a while, so that I can have a mini break in the middle of the day while I was still on maternity leave and looking after baby all alone.


New Member
Re: What are the 3 essential items you can't live without when you first had your bab

Iphone> i had to stay connected...also when i needed any info on anything, could google it on the fly

Swaddle> large ones that could be used to swaddle baby snugly. Mothercare carries this brand Aden & Anais, veryvery nice!! ~$50 for a set of 4

My mother> helped with food, taking care of #1..

Just remember to keep calm and carry on!
Re: What are the 3 essential items you can't live without when you first had your bab

If you are breastfeeding, the 3 impt things are:
1) Good breast pump
2) Nursing bra
3) Disposable / washable breast pad

But I find actual support from hubby / family / friends to be the most important.


New Member
Re: What are the 3 essential items you can't live without when you first had your bab

(1) Breast pump
(2) confinement lady if you are the first time mother
(3) laptop to keep yourself occupied


Re: What are the 3 essential items you can't live without when you first had your bab

haha.. mine would be, $,$ & $!! no $, dont need to do anything..

well, for me.. other than my parents,hubby,etc..
in terms of items that i must have....
1- Pram ( very good for long hours outing )
2- Combi carrier ( my bb was really small in size, i had to use the bb lying position to carry her in the carrier )
3- Pacifier!! ( tame her down and make her sleep very fast )