What is better ? Employing maid or childcare ?


New Member
I've a 18-mths-old and a 4-years-old. I'm the sole care taker of them since they were borned but now I'm going back to work.

What would be more suitable ? Employing a maid or putting them at full day childcare centre ?

Employing a maid would be cheaper but a lot of the maids don't have actual (a lot lied about their experience just to come to Singapore to work) experience in taking care or young children. I personally have seen many of them neglecting the chilren while talking to other maids or worst, cases of abuse in the utube. I also need to settle their sleeping area problem (which I don't have extra room), their cooking ability to cook decent food for my kids and many other maid related problems.

Putting the children in full day childcare is more expensive as it includes the K1 school fees but I know that their meals, care, education etc will all be taken care off. However, my hubby might not be able to fetch them at 7 p.m. everyday (OT somestimes) while my job requires me to be overseas quite often.

What shall I do ? Any recommendations ?


is there someone who can help u oversee your maid? if yes, u can consider getting one.. note that other than maid expenditure, u will also need to pay for your eldest child's school fees..
otherwise, you have to consider childcare (pick one near workplace) or nanny (able to pick up late) option..
if your job requires u to be overseas often, will your hubby be able to handle them alone after work? if not, nanny may be a better option as can nego to let them stay overnight.


I think your best bet is maid and with someone at home to oversee the maid, eg your mum or mil. Then when you're overseas and your hubby comes back, at least there's someone to help him out with the kids.

If you put your kids at child care, then your hubs will be handling 2 kids while you're away. Will he be able to do that?

Agree with foreveris that you can get a nanny and nego for the kids to stay overnight while you're overseas then your hubby won't be so stressed out with 2 kids and no other help at home.

One of my colliqs paid one of his neighbours to babysit his kids and when he and his wife returns from work, they just pick up the kids.