What shall you do if have slight flu symptom during early pregnancy?


Dear all ,
i am curious that pregnant mummy easily get sick like
flu and cough. I know got to see dr first but we cannot
anyhow take medication right? Cos recently have block
nose with slightly runny and bodyache .... Suspect I will
get sick soon:(
what are the advise for me as I am currently 7 weeks :(?


Have lots of rest and fluid. There are some medicine to take which is safe but i choose nt to take, just in case. I will only take medicine when i have high fever.


New Member
I will drink tons of water and juices.... And loads of bed rest~~
It helps naturally as I chose not to take the antibiotics the dr gave even though it's supposedly safe for us..
was intending to fall bac on the antibiotics only if the above method doesn't work... Luckily it does for me~


Hi Honeygirl, I did not take any medicine at all. I am especially careful when it comes to medicine during pregnancy. I healed naturally. Took plenty of rest and water. Stayed away from sick people.....avoided the crowd. :)