When can we start using stretch mark cream?


Active Member
Please use it as early as you can before stretchmark starts to show... if it shows then ITS TOO LATE


any good creams to recommend? my MIL said J&J baby oil is good stuff
Hi, i am using Palmers Cocoa Butter...it has been good...I am now in my 37 weeks... and no stretchmark..but then again, my weight gain has been consistent as well..


Rmb to apply those creams/oil constantly! For my 1st preg, I applied religiously until 33w and i decided to stop applying (save $) thinking that stretchmarks wont come already.. and BOOM. Now my tummy, hips and thighs are filled with marks :'(


I used palmers oil since my second month, apply to hips and stomach. When u r close to your due date and bb dropped, your lower abdominal is prone to ugly stretch marks.


actually if you see the instructions on the bottles/tubes it will indicate areas like tummy, thighs, butt and even breast. Cause these are the areas that will expand. breast cause your milk production in place so will be bigger too.

i'm also lazy to apply, plus i really hate the oily/sticky feeling of cream/lotion/oil on me body, hence currently I don't use daily.
but when i apply, i'll apply on all these areas including my arms as overall I put on weight and that includes my flabby arms :(