When does ur baby turn head down?

Hi everyone,

My baby turned down at 34 weeks. I guess talking to baby does help. Every night talked to her and told her how scared mummy is about c-sect.hehe


I was worried about mine too. my baby was at the correct position initially but breech at about 30th week. But she finally turned down at 36 weeks after doing much talking to her everyday. I also had been practising the bottom-in-the-air-head-down-on-the-pillow position. try it out for about 15 to 20 minutes a day.
Hi saquraz,

Thanks for your info. Finally, my baby head is down when I went to checkup last week. My gynae said I can go for normal delivery. :) Have you given birth yet? When is your due?



Well-Known Member
just went for check up and gynae told me BB head already turned down i was :eek: how come so fast... technically i am only in my 28-29 weeks only ...

gynae said it is about this time they turn down but turn down doesnt really mean anything so no need to worry:tlaugh:


New Member
last check up at 32 weeks. doc say he has turned but not sure if engaged cause never ask. recently feel more pressure below and going to toliet more often.

next check up on 116th sept. not sure how is it going to be. very nervous and anxious now.


New Member
I am 33 weeks now. I just went to see my gynae and he said baby head has not turned yet. She is lying sideways right now. He also added that baby is big. She is now 2.3kg. I feel very stressed up cos he said if nvr turn must do C-sec. I am feeling so down.


Well-Known Member
I am 33 weeks now. I just went to see my gynae and he said baby head has not turned yet. She is lying sideways right now. He also added that baby is big. She is now 2.3kg. I feel very stressed up cos he said if never turn must do C-sec. I am feeling so down.
don't feel too down my dear.. i know how worry u can be... because i been thru this stage too... but.. just to let u know.. is that.... there is a few % that the baby will turn down from 35 weeks onwards.. so there is still time.. i think u can go internet to do some research on some execise to help baby turn... if really when full term ur baby is still in sideway.. don't get too depress.. as long as the baby is healthy & u r safe.. that is the most important.... cheers