where has my tummy gone?!!


Well-Known Member
i ate lotsa rice, potato, ice-cream etc during the last 2mths if not is only around 7kilo... and becos that time baby weight seems abit lil (to us) so force myself to eat.. haha..2weeks after gave birth, lost 10kilo, i thought weighing machine spoil...
hahha..but not bad ur weight gain was little
for all my pregnancies my weight again has been 12kg..the magic number!!!
For this baby,during my pregnancy i was put on 1500 calorie diet coz i developed gestational diabetes..so sian..cldnt even eat wht i want!!
Then during labour,nurse commenting..wah tummy so small..how big the dr say ur baby ah ?"Then when water bag burst she said..ooh soo much amniotic fluid n i was wondering"wah piang..if all amniotic fluid..then how heavy will baby be?!!!!"She was borned at 2.92kg to my relief.:Dancing_wub:


Mine can consider as small tummy too.. my cousin thought i've grown fat, and nobody would give up their seats to me even just the day before i deliver.

And when im in the labor ward, the nurses and doc who came in would ask what is my gestation period, and would comment "39 weeks so small??!!" But bb came out weighing a healthy 2.9kg! :)


Well-Known Member
Mine can consider as small tummy too.. my cousin thought i've grown fat, and nobody would give up their seats to me even just the day before i deliver.

And when im in the labor ward, the nurses and doc who came in would ask what is my gestation period, and would comment "39 weeks so small??!!" But baby came out weighing a healthy 2.9kg! :)
ya..shucks when u dont get a seat just coz u r not showing.Sometimes i wldget my kids to look for a seat for me.or i wld wait for a train thts more empty:err:


Read this post make me so sad. I don't belong to this group. I belong to the big tummy group. :(. Till now bb is 4mths old already still big.


Well-Known Member
TS, tts a good thing isnt it??
i also lost alot of weight after pin was delivered, weighed only 42 kgs!
my mum and aunt made me ate alot during my confinement, sayin im too thin.... -.-"
when i was about the deliver, ppl thought i was only halfway thru my pregnancy.
tummy was small but cos i was very skinny tts why can see the bulge.
pin was a good 3.2 kgs!
and cos of my age too, ppl thought pin was my sister... >.<"


Active Member
My mom have small tummy too, my sister weigh 3.74kgm at birth. My mom also told me not to get alarm if I have small tummy cos my build is relatively small.