Wisdom tooth operation during pregnancy?


New Member
Hi, wanna ask if anyone went for wisdom tooth operation during pregnancy? I am in tri 2 now n my wisdom tooth pains like hell n causes headaches!! So frustrating


NONO!! Big nono!!!! previously i want to do teeth filling also not recommended already... extract normal tooth also cannot so wisdom tooth is NONO.... u may want to ask ur gynae for more advise... but confirm no operation its dangerous...


Well-Known Member
nope.. and b4 u extract wisdom tooth, hav to go for xray too. xray is also a big nono for preg. =)


yes... dun thimk it's advisable to go... my fren went to extract one of her teeth ( not wisdom) in her third trimester and the dentist also thought it was ok but in the end, she gave birth in week 34... so better not to take the risk....