Y there are so many so many unhappy marriage here & quite alot people marry young


Well-Known Member
Hi , im new here . I have 2 kids , one DD 9yrs old n one DS 4 months. I get marry when i was 17 but divorce wif my ex hb when i was 21. Just remarried last yr now im 26. So may i know who get marry young here too & how many kids u have, kindly intro pls. Thks !
Hi Elaine!!
I also married young.
ROM when i was 21.
customary wedding when i was 22.
Have one 15 mths old girl & currently expecting another girl. Due in May!!
Nice meeting u here!! :001_302:


Active Member
In my opinion, there are a lot of unhappy marriage nowadays due to differences conflict. There are a lot of conflicts to handle in marriage wherein most young couples doesn't know how to handle yet. The reason why it doesn't have a happy ending always. In my opinion, LOVE is not love at all when you were still young and gullible. It is just a mere feeling of urge to be with someone you think you will be with for the rest of your life. Anyhow, if things went the other way around...then those people who married young and stayed stronger until now probably knows that to love and get married needs a lot of patience, humor and sacrifice.


Well-Known Member
Yes true, i think that we only have one lifetime and today dont know what will happen tomorrow so must really treasure the person around you esp the one u love. :Dancing_wub:


Active Member
hI elaine!

I married at 22, rom and customary.
DS 15 months and DD newborn!

nice meeting you here too!


Well-Known Member
Hi january84 ,
So u r still on confinement now? Wah still can online leh , not tired mah?
Nice to meet u :)


Active Member
Hi january84 ,
So u r still on confinement now? Wah still can online leh , not tired mah?
Nice to meet u :)
hahaha... as and when la....

2nd one ma, so more easier as more or less pattern the same... hehehe..
slp when bb slp if im tired loh... hahah...


Hi , im new here . I have 2 kids , one DD 9yrs old n one DS 4 months. I get marry when i was 17 but divorce wif my ex hb when i was 21. Just remarried last yr now im 26. So may i know who get marry young here too & how many kids u have, kindly intro pls. Thks !
i am married when i was 27.....lols

not young but YOUNG AT HEART....


soli polute your thread.:tlaugh:
i m married when i was 24... i think it's really early.. i used to tell myself not to get married be4 30... too bad.. short gun le...


Well-Known Member
married when 23 n gave birth on 24~ unhappy marriage can b due to many factors~ It pretty hard to say why is there so many unhappy marriages as everyone will haf diff reasons on their breakdown marriage.:tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
i'm married at 18..now turning 20..
n we're still holding strong..in marriage..we need lots of understanding..sacrifices..mutual trust..always work on the marriage..
take turns in taking care of the kids..give out the house chores equally..etc..


Well-Known Member

Married at the age 19....
With 5mnth+ son....
One key for me is to have trustworthy in each other.....


hi... Rom at age 21, customary at 24... which most of my frenz said SO YOung haha... but i think is ok now wit 6month plus preggy. i noe my hubby when m 18 dating for 3 yr den ROM, get hse. Ok lah, at least my hubby quite honest althot he like to c MeiMei when we out haha... i cant restrict his eyes lookin at beautiful things (as i also like to look at handsome guy)

too long winded le hor... sorry sorry paiseh
hi... Rom at age 21, customary at 24... which most of my frenz said SO YOung haha... but i think is ok now wit 6month plus preggy. i noe my hubby when m 18 dating for 3 yr den ROM, get hse. Ok lah, at least my hubby quite honest althot he like to c MeiMei when we out haha... i cant restrict his eyes lookin at beautiful things (as i also like to look at handsome guy)

too long winded le hor... sorry sorry paiseh
mi got married at 21yrs old. Now my kids is 7yrs, 5yrs n 3 wks old... still going strong with my hubby :we2Randy-git:


New Member
Hi , im new here . I have 2 kids , one DD 9yrs old n one DS 4 months. I get marry when i was 17 but divorce wif my ex hb when i was 21. Just remarried last yr now im 26. So may i know who get marry young here too & how many kids u have, kindly intro pls. Thks !

HI, i'm new here too. I'm a mother of 2 kids who are 10 & 7 years old. I married at the age of 20 and have been married for 10 years. Now i juz turned 31 this year. Of course, we do have some squabbles at times but our love is still strong....he has "occupied" my half of my life. Started dating him when 16 and for 4 years bfore we married. And we are each others' 1st love.
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Well-Known Member
HI, i'm new here too. I'm a mother of 2 kids who are 10 & 7 years old. I married at the age of 20 and have been married for 10 years. Now i juz turned 31 this year. Of course, we do have some squabbles at times but our love is still strong....he has "occupied" my half of my life. Started dating him when 16 and for 4 years bfore we married. And we are each others' 1st love.
Hi it is so 'xin fu' to be together for 10yrs . Somemore 1st love so good , oh ya dun mind me asking u know people say 7yrs got such itch ? Do u believe that or no need wait for 7yrs anytime also can hehe


can i kaypo answer yr question? Lols

no need 7 years de la anytime will 'itche' lols

but most couples will need go thru the 7 year thingy and most strayed around tat time so be more careful lor ~

ps: mine oso 1st love leh~