Y there are so many so many unhappy marriage here & quite alot people marry young


i am married when i was 27.....lols

not young but YOUNG AT HEART....


soli polute your thread.:tlaugh:
also married at 27. :001_302:

i feel that it doesn't mean that marry young = unhappy marriage.

there are also many cases where mature adults marry, also fight and end up divorced...... at the end of the day, it is whether the couple (young or mature) want to make the marriage work or not. this takes a lot of effort.


Well-Known Member
Cancanmum ya some pple will start to itch b4 7yrs hahaha ... Oblong is right , u see some couples old liao also say divorce here n there .


elaine, worse still, old hubby withdraw CPF and disappeared. supposedly to batam, with the 2nd wife, or "bao" another woman outside.... the very jek ark men.....


New Member
Hi it is so 'xin fu' to be together for 10yrs . Somemore 1st love so good , oh ya dun mind me asking u know people say 7yrs got such itch ? Do u believe that or no need wait for 7yrs anytime also can hehe
I personally think men dun have to wait till 7 years to itch. They can actually itch anytime they wanna esp with soo much temptation now outside. And i dun agree that married young mean unhappy marriage. Of course, in a marriage, there's always ups & downs. We do squabble but then we patch up too. 10 years of marriage isn't easy to maintain but with faith, i can everyone can.


Especially those lao ah pek! They think they got the charm when their age getting older & older, than they will start to itch go batam, geylang or massage palour or nightclub find those fat & ugly woman liao..

Those geylang woman looks the worse, wear till so tight fit like bao ba zhang like tat, see already also feel like vomit.. Dun understand why so many man still can do it with them.. Yucks!!! :nah:


Active Member
sometime very enivous of our parents... My parent for example, married for close to 40years, still so loving in their own ways.. they will argue, make fun of each other, have cold wars, etc.

but at the end of the day, they still make up, and sleep on the same bed everynight, care of each other when one of them is sick, etc.


Active Member
rare meh? what you mean by that? :tlaugh:
as in, the older generation that you encounter also like the younger generation, happy, or not happy also married, or, IMHO, they also treat marriage like "ma sa ma sa"?


yeah....so many older generation couples either stopped talking to one another, or were not intimate anymore.....my parents, my aunt, my cousins' inlaws all like tat....seldom came across those loving couples at 60s.


Active Member
ai ya.. they at least still together mah... very good already...
maybe their love for each other had reach a stage whereby they can understand each other without talking...:Dancing_tongue:

But seriously... i didn't realise my parents were so bonded. it is only when both of them kanna something last past few years then i realised that, "Hey, the two old bugger still cares for one another..."


New Member
Hi I'm married young and have 2 children before 25yrs old. My spouse is a yr my senior and a great chef. We're blessed with 4 dynamic children - 1 girl + 3 boys.

Personally, i find communication between spouse and wife and knowing and speaking the love langauages of our spouse and children is important. Sharing with you the 5 LOVE languages as below. Note that they are not in sequence.

- quality time
- acts of services (ie. doing things together, giving a helping hand..)
- words of affirmation
- physical touch
- gifts

You may like to read more details from this book "The 5 Love Languages of ... (Children/spouse)" by Gary Chapman n Ross Campbell, M.D.

Next, having a balanced family life is just as important as having a balanced diet. Trials are inevitable and essential to one's maturity and relationships. Some says "Time is either a pull or push for relationship." Pull means bringing the couple and family closer. Or pulls a marriage/ relationship apart. There goes the saying only time will tell the strength of a relationship. Just as it takes 2 hands to clap, so does successful marriage/ relationship. It requires both parties to stay committed to each other.

Forgiveness and willing to work things out together calling for perservance are another important factors to consider as well. Forgiveness brings about peace and harmony.

And above all else is "LOVE". Love bears no records of mistakes, it is always forgiving and it does not get angry easily. Love is patient. Cheers!