young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Well-Known Member
ne ade masa nak upload...Klau si kenit ne tkda kwn,jgn harap bleh upload seh...

Enflor,tdi i nak upload pun ade hang sikit seh...

Ina,suka ko kacau aku...?Step bz konon,agak nye ne ko bz main game


Well-Known Member
I have Bad stOmacH cRamp since Last 2wks....sigh...
Mcm KenA Sengugut Seh....

Nak MasaK Ape Ekh???StreSS btl...
Alamak, baru perasan this. I sering dengar this line masa i blum kawin dulu. It often comes from my mum, skarang pun dia cakap exactly same line mcm ni. :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Alamak, baru perasan this. I sering dengar this line masa i blum kawin dulu. It often comes from my mum, skarang pun dia cakap exactly same line mcm ni. :tlaugh:
heheheh...Biasa lah org2 yg dah kawin ne confem ckp mcm ne....stress tau nak pikir masak ape hari2...


Well-Known Member
Afternoon mummies....

how's the outing yesterday?

Ayu kau ada cium Enflor utk aku tak????:001_302:

Ish..apa ni cium cium. I cium lelaki ganteng jek :shyxxx:, cium pompan i tak main. I wanita tulen you. :tlaugh:

Wah diana dapat present apa eh besok from BOSS. Bsok kan hatch day


Active Member
Ish..apa ni cium cium. I cium lelaki ganteng jek :shyxxx:, cium pompan i tak main. I wanita tulen you. :tlaugh:

Wah diana dapat present apa eh besok from BOSS. Bsok kan hatch day

hahahah...ya lor...cium lelaki ganteng jer....
diana cium lelaki ganteng yg kat rumah tu jer...:shyxxx:

wahahahah...hatch day tgh pikir ape mau beli for my youngest bro...kite share same birth date...and my sis too,( her birthday is exactly a week after mine n bro bday but selalu kene celebrate on 2 dec sbb mum suka buat sekali jalan so takyah fening2 ):Dancing_tongue:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Ina,suka ko kacau aku...?Step bz konon,agak nye ne ko bz main game
Ni dah betol nye bz ni.. Mana kena plan for year end party, shipping, accounts.. Gosh!! Really wana run seh now...

Alamak, baru perasan this. I sering dengar this line masa i blum kawin dulu. It often comes from my mum, skarang pun dia cakap exactly same line mcm ni. :tlaugh:
Same2.. Pagi2 kalau bangun my mum mesti kuar kan line tu.. End up i pun pening seh.. hahahahaaaa...


Well-Known Member
hahahah...ya ...cium lelaki ganteng jer....
diana cium lelaki ganteng yg kat rumah tu jer...:shyxxx:

wahahahah...hatch day tgh pikir ape mau beli for my youngest bro...kite share same birth date...and my sis too,( her birthday is exactly a week after mine n bro bday but selalu kene celebrate on 2 dec sbb mum suka buat sekali jalan so takyah fening2 ):Dancing_tongue:

wah b-day together gether...buat foam party kah ? :tlaugh:

alamak, baru tadi received msg frm my mum, my sis still in the operation theatre C-sec.....eeiiii, ternaik bulu Enflor dengar potong potong badan nya kes. brapa lama eh agaknya kalo C-sec ? And i can't imagine sih...upper body awake and doc tengah kerja kan kat perut...seram:elvis:

Ok , nak siap2 and nak chow hopefully, by the time i sampai bb pun dah kluar

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
aisey....ina rindu aku eh...:tlaugh:
Dah ku agak dah.. Dah noon aru kau masok nye.. By noon tak masok compom kau buat taik mata pat umah lah tu.. heheheheee..

wahahahah...hatch day tgh pikir ape mau beli for my youngest bro...kite share same birth date...and my sis too,( her birthday is exactly a week after mine n bro bday but selalu kene celebrate on 2 dec sbb mum suka buat sekali jalan so takyah fening2 ):Dancing_tongue:

:wong22:HaPPy BirdDay To U in Advanced, bebz.. :wong22:

Yeah! :wong9: Yeah! :wong6: Yeah!! Diana dah TUA!!! huuhuuhuu :wong28:

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
alamak, baru tadi received msg frm my mum, my sis still in the operation theatre C-sec.....eeiiii, ternaik bulu Enflor dengar potong potong badan nya kes. brapa lama eh agaknya kalo C-sec ? And i can't imagine sih...upper body awake and doc tengah kerja kan kat perut...seram:elvis:

Ok , nak siap2 and nak chow hopefully, by the time i sampai baby pun dah kluar
Aarrgh.. Seramnye.. I pun scare2 tau..


Active Member
Dah ku agak dah.. Dah noon aru kau masok nye.. By noon tak masok compom kau buat taik mata pat umah tu.. heheheheee..

:wong22:HaPPy BirdDay To you in Advanced, bebz.. :wong22:

Yeah! :wong9: Yeah! :wong6: Yeah!! Diana dah TUA!!! huuhuuhuu :wong28:
Ina pon TUA jugak!!


Active Member
wah b-day together gether...buat foam party kah ? :tlaugh:

alamak, baru tadi received msg frm my mum, my sis still in the operation theatre C-sec.....eeiiii, ternaik bulu Enflor dengar potong potong badan nya kes. brapa lama eh agaknya kalo C-sec ? And i can't imagine sih...upper body awake and doc tengah kerja kan kat perut...seram:elvis:

Ok , nak siap2 and nak chow hopefully, by the time i sampai baby pun dah kluar
Usually tak lama. Nak prepare for operation takes abt 1hr. The operation itself abt 30mins to 1hr aje. :)

Usually orang yang kena c-section, for second baby onwards.. c-section jugak eh?


Usually orang yang kena c-section, for second baby onwards.. c-section jugak eh?

not really... can opt for natural birth if all goes well...
but for my case, 2nd pon kena csect jgak... coz she's too big! :err:

sedih tau.... i was really hoping for natural the 2nd time.... :tsad: tapi i redha lah.... nie pikir2 stop as 2 suah.... takut kena sembelih lagik! :nah:


Active Member
not really... can opt for natural birth if all goes well...
but for my case, 2nd pon kena csect jgak... coz she's too big! :err:

sedih tau.... i was really hoping for natural the 2nd time.... :tsad: tapi i redha .... nie pikir2 stop as 2 suah.... takut kena sembelih lagik! :nah:
Tulah... i really wanna do normal birth but im only 5months and baby is kinda alil big. Ishhh...


Active Member
Ladies... me tgh kanchiong ni..

Ada blood coming out. Perut tgh sakit ni. Otak i terus teringat my miscarriage. Should i go KKH now or wait till the blood kurang????

Semalam daughter n hubby main2 kat atas katil then daughter TER-karate kick my tummy. Melalak sey i.


Ladies... me tgh kanchiong ni..

Ada blood coming out. Perut tgh sakit ni. Otak i terus teringat my miscarriage. Should i go Kandang Kerbau Hospital now or wait till the blood kurang????

Semalam daughter n hubby main2 kat atas katil then daughter TER-karate kick my tummy. Melalak sey i.
alamak babe!! u should go NOW!!!
i doakan you and baby will be all right! take care!!!


Active Member
Ladies... me tgh kanchiong ni..

Ada blood coming out. Perut tgh sakit ni. Otak i terus teringat my miscarriage. Should i go Kandang Kerbau Hospital now or wait till the blood kurang????

Semalam daughter n hubby main2 kat atas katil then daughter TER-karate kick my tummy. Melalak sey i.

su i tink u betta go see doc now...pls bring someone along with u yah....
dont want u to faint again...take care beb..

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Ina pon TUA jugak!!
Sorry skit ehk.. Ina aru 21st ni.. Kau jangan nak tarik ku bersama mu k.. hahahahaaaaa

Usually tak lama. Nak prepare for operation takes about 1hr. The operation itself about 30mins to 1hr aje. :)

Usually orang yang kena c-section, for second baby onwards.. c-section jugak eh?
I heard eh kalau c-section kan perut susah nak kempes ehk? Izit true??

Ladies... me tgh kanchiong ni..

Ada blood coming out. Perut tgh sakit ni. Otak i terus teringat my miscarriage. Should i go Kandang Kerbau Hospital now or wait till the blood kurang????

Semalam daughter n hubby main2 kat atas katil then daughter TER-karate kick my tummy. Melalak sey i.
WoiT MAKCIK!! Apa lagi tunggu?? PERGI NOW!!!
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