young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Nak tanya u all, u ladies ada tak close frens yang terkeluar dari Islam...I mean, really tinggalkan Islam and convert to another religion ? How do u all react eh esp bila berdepan with the fella ? Or how would u react shud u encounter one ?

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
And beautiful BUTTERFLIES (Ina, FYI, kita kita ni smua dah tak nak ngan title houseflies lagi hek, sila amik perhatian :001_302:) masak apa ?
Hahahaaaaa.... OOooohh!!! BUTTER - Cos u all memang asyik baking je kan.. FLIES - Eh, itu tuk malam je kan? wahahahahahaaaa.... Pada sesiapa yang tak suka bake still consider HOUSEFLIES... :001_302:


Well-Known Member
Nak tanya you all, you ladies ada tak close friends yang terkeluar dari Islam...I mean, really tinggalkan Islam and convert to another religion ? How do you all react eh esp bila berdepan with the fella ? Or how would you react shud you encounter one ?
I ade frens (hubby Best fren galfren)we are very close....My hubby slalu yg nasihat kan dia bt den she just nod her head jek(masuk kiri kluar kanan)Chritmas & hari raya semua dia celebrate....

My mum ckp "SETAN DUNIA"


Well-Known Member
Hahahaaaaa.... OOooohh!!! BUTTER - Cos you all memang asyik baking je kan.. FLIES - Eh, itu tuk malam je kan? wahahahahahaaaa.... Pada sesiapa yang tak suka bake still consider HOUSEFLIES... :001_302:

FLIES eh....malam oni ???? U sure or not ????? :tlaugh:Sotz ah otak INA nih. Kasi kepala Enflor pun mcm nak sotz jugak sih baca bab FLIES ni. But as far as i know my flies always fly :001_302: :001_302: :001_302:


Well-Known Member
nari no coOk enflor..

regards yang terkeluar dari agama Islam tu.. tk pernah plak..
but if i were to encounter one.. i dunno how to react.. confirm blurr giler nye.. :err:


Well-Known Member
nari no coOk enflor..

regards yang terkeluar dari agama Islam tu.. tk pernah plak..
but if i were to encounter one.. i dont know how to react.. confirm blurr giler nye.. :err:

I ada sorang kawan ni, dulu memang rapat ngan dia masa skool dulu, sampai ingat lagi blajar IRK subject for our O's dulu (Islamic Religious Knowledge). So dia ni dah 10yrs duk kat US after she graduated. Anak dahh tiga. So bila i started to locate old members thru the other site kan, so dapat ah contact dia. Bila tengok photos, mcm terperanjat ah tengok her baptism ceremony and her support for the JEW and her condemnation of some Islamic values (coz of the terrorists thingy) And she is flying back to SG next week. Staying ard for two weeks and nak jumpa....Haiyo...i really dunno how to react sih depan dia nanti.


Well-Known Member
I ada sorang kawan ni, dulu memang rapat ngan dia masa skool dulu, sampai ingat lagi blajar IRK subject for our O's dulu (Islamic Religious Knowledge). So dia ni dah 10yrs duk kat US after she graduated. Anak dahh tiga. So bila i started to locate old members thru the other site kan, so dapat contact dia. Bila tengok photos, mcm terperanjat tengok her baptism ceremony and her support for the JEW and her condemnation of some Islamic values (coz of the terrorists thingy) And she is flying back to SG next week. Staying around for two weeks and nak jumpa....Haiyo...i really dont know how to react sih depan dia nanti.

alamak..!! she used to study IRK.. but end up being like tat..?? i tink because she didn't put it into practise.. tat's y she turned out to b liddat.. (most of the time, it happens wen u dun put it into practise..) hmm.. i rase klau u takot nanti u rase janggal.. den u juz deny her request of miting up politely lahh.. takot nanti kita terkate2 ke.. ckp yang bukan2.. pon tk guna.. nanti kita plak berdosa.. btol tk..??

Mama Ina

Well-Known Member
Splooge Invaders

Check that game... Since smua bebual pasal branak2 kan.. Seronok!! Diana dah main kan game tu.. hahhaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
alamak..!! she used to study IRK.. but end up being like that..?? i tink because she didn't put it into practise.. that's why she turned out to b liddat.. (most of the time, it happens wen you dont put it into practise..) hmm.. i rase klau you takot nanti you rase janggal.. then you just deny her request of miting up politely lahh.. takot nanti kita terkate2 ke.. ckp yang bukan2.. pon tk guna.. nanti kita plak berdosa.. btol tk..??
Tu lah, I nak try taichi the meet-ups. But another fren kat sini, she is trying to gather all the close geng to jumpa together and they are talking about "let's wine and dine" in those exact words. I mean i tahu lahh musim X-mas kan. And my circle of frens plak ada two extreme ends. One extreme end - family women, following Islamic values, mcm kita2 the usual ones kat sini. 2nd group - mostly single career minded high-achievers, some married, slalu party sana sini tak ingat dunia (dorang minah Islam by title only). So this fren from US betul sangat nak jumpa I with my kids so the anak can play together with mine. But knowing her lifestyle mcm mana, i really will feel out if i hang out with this second group of members.


Well-Known Member
Tu , I nak try taichi the meet-ups. But another friend kat sini, she is trying to gather all the close geng to jumpa together and they are talking about "let's wine and dine" in those exact words. I mean i tahu lahh musim X-mas kan. And my circle of friends plak ada two extreme ends. One extreme end - family women, following Islamic values, mcm kita2 the usual ones kat sini. 2nd group - mostly single career minded high-achievers, some married, slalu party sana sini tak ingat dunia (dorang minah Islam by title only). So this friend from US betul sangat nak jumpa I with my kids so the anak can play together with mine. But knowing her lifestyle mcm mana, i really will feel out if i hang out with this second group of members.

den i highly advise u to taichi the mit up(s) as much as possible.. coz environments plays a great part in our lifes.. klau org yang tk betol (plus ngan kita nye IMAN yang tk brape kuat nie).. we might b easily influence by ol the negative(s).. maklum lahh.. nk buat jahat.. dengan sekelip mata ajek da boleh.. klau nk buat baek, VERY hard.. :nah:

sape nk wine & dine.. tu drg nye pasal.. kubur drg, biar drg yang jawab.. kubur kita, kita yang kene jawab sendiri.. :embarrassed:

i do have my old skwel frens.. yg maseh lagi enjoy..etc.. kadang2 smp drg nk mit ngan i pon, drg sendiri yang rase paisey.. due to the drastic change tat i made in my life.. tpi cket pon i tk amek hati klau drg tknk mit ngan i or said many tings bout me.. coz i noe i'm doing the rite ting now..


Active Member




No more time to FLY .. Morning .....
Good afternoon Ina!!!
Today i bgn pukul 4am. Terus takleh tido balik till 7am.
Apa maciam semua? Ada baik kah?


Active Member
then i highly advise you to taichi the mit up(s) as much as possible.. coz environments plays a great part in our lifes.. klau org yang tk betol (plus ngan kita nye IMAN yang tk brape kuat nie).. we might b easily influence by ol the negative(s).. maklum lahh.. nk buat jahat.. dengan sekelip mata ajek da boleh.. klau nk buat baek, VERY hard.. :nah:

sape nk wine & dine.. tu drg nye pasal.. kubur drg, biar drg yang jawab.. kubur kita, kita yang kene jawab sendiri.. :embarrassed:

i do have my old skwel friends.. yg maseh lagi enjoy..etc.. kadang2 smp drg nk mit ngan i pon, drg sendiri yang rase paisey.. due to the drastic change that i made in my life.. tpi cket pon i tk amek hati klau drg tknk mit ngan i or said many tings bout me.. coz i know i'm doing the rite ting now..
Betul betul!!!
Me pun dulu hooray hooray.. lifestyle orang puteh terussss.. but after kahwin and settled down, i find tat lifestyle waste of money and time. My frens mostly all non-muslim so when they know i've changed... dorang pun paisey nak jumpa selalu. Kalau jumpa pun, i bring my hubby and we meet somewhere far from clubs or bars.. usually cafes or beaches to chat. Dah sekarang2 ni pun, i restrain myself from meeting up ppl yang minum depan anak2 dorang (org melayu kita - islam) coz i dun want my children to see all tat! I find it disrespectful to the kids and those who dun drink.


Well-Known Member

sape nk wine & dine.. tu drg nye pasal.. kubur drg, biar drg yang jawab.. kubur kita, kita yang kene jawab sendiri.. :embarrassed:
tu lahh, coz even if i opt for kopi while they have their wine...then the kids around mesti tertanya kan - Ibu why your frens Malay still drink air setan ?" Apa Enflor nak jawap. Then kira i minum kopi dorang minum wine, kira i subahat jugak pe kalo duk satu meja or satu bilik. Dulu, i really tak kisah bab all these coz solo mahh, now dahh ada anak2 nak kena jaga diri jugak kan depan my own kids.

I blum sound kat hb about my fren nya lifestyle ni. Kalo dia tahu, sure dia ban me frm going. But half of me, nak jumpa all these members esp member yg dari US nih, the other half of me feels onus is on me to show good example to my kids. Yalah lis, i might juz forgo this meet-up unless, they wanna go makan at any Indonesian restnt, instead of those high-end clubs for "wine and dine". Which i am pretty sure this group of galfrens will choose the latter. thanks for clearing my doubt babe coz i know that i do not belong to that lifestyle.


Well-Known Member
noon mommies smue........
nOon rhay.. how r u..?? anitym delivering now..?? smlm i chat ngan u kat msn.. tpi u tk reply..
aniwae, nanti bile dah bersalin, do text us ok.. mane tau i boleh drop by east shore n visit u... =)

Betul betul!!!
Me pun dulu hooray hooray.. lifestyle orang puteh terussss.. but after kahwin and settled down, i find that lifestyle waste of money and time. My friends mostly all non-muslim so when they know i've changed... dorang pun paisey nak jumpa selalu. Kalau jumpa pun, i bring my hubby and we meet somewhere far from clubs or bars.. usually cafes or beaches to chat. Dah sekarang2 ni pun, i restrain myself from meeting up ppl yang minum depan anak2 dorang (org melayu kita - islam) coz i dont want my children to see all that! I find it disrespectful to the kids and those who dont drink.

thnx for agreeing.. tpi memang btol lahh.. it's disrespectful to drink infront of those yang tk buat n also infront of the kids.. mengajar yang bukan2.. jgn ckp minom ajek lahh.. even doing tings tat u shudn't.. it's best to show goOd examples to our kids.. coz kita yang mencorakkn drg.. klau kita buat perkara yang tk sepatutnye, buat satu ari drg da besar, buat mcm tu.. kita nk ckp ape..? nk salah kn sape..?? we have ourselves to blame for the environment tat we've given them..

*aniwae, no offense to the others ok.. smuer org ade cara sendiri dlm mendidik anak2.. love u laydees.. :wong19:


Well-Known Member
ok lah, Enflor nak berdandan and nak wangi2 b4 BOSS balik. Pas tu nak lipat baju (my most hated house duty) Sepatutnya meet with Nur kat depan block, skali both our gals tengah nap postpone to next wk agaknya.

Ok later kalo ada time, i curi-curi masuk sini main game. Nak main game yg Ina cakap tu.

Ina there is one game - somethine that requires u to guess the tits of celebrities....REALLY. Ina mesti excited nak cari itu game
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Well-Known Member
tu lahh, coz even if i opt for kopi while they have their wine...then the kids around mesti tertanya kan - Ibu why your friends Malay still drink air setan ?" Apa Enflor nak jawap. Then kira i minum kopi dorang minum wine, kira i subahat jugak pe kalo duk satu meja or satu bilik. Dulu, i really tak kisah bab all these coz solo mahh, now dahh ada anak2 nak kena jaga diri jugak kan depan my own kids.

I blum sound kat husband about my friend nya lifestyle ni. Kalo dia tahu, sure dia ban me frm going. But half of me, nak jumpa all these members esp member yg dari US nih, the other half of me feels onus is on me to show good example to my kids. Yalah lis, i might just forgo this meet-up unless, they wanna go makan at any Indonesian restnt, instead of those high-end clubs for "wine and dine". Which i am pretty sure this group of galfrens will choose the latter. thanks for clearing my doubt babe coz i know that i do not belong to that lifestyle.

jgn ckp ur hb.. klau i tell hb yang i ade kwn mcm nie.. confirm2 dia ban i rabaks of miting up.. bukan ape.. not loOking down.. cuma taking precautions of being influence easily.. espcially kita wanita yang lemah iman.. NAFSU bnyk.. mcm2 boleh terjadi.. :embarrassed:
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