young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Selamat Aidiladha! siapa buat kekah? my parents semangat naik melaka kekahkan cucu pertama tersayang.

congrats on your newborn lizz! how's mummyhood all over again?


tanx WF..

mummyhood again?? heheh.. well, a history repeat.. but wit double trouble.. satu melalak.. lagi satu pon melalak.. nasib kakak dier low maintenance at nite.. but gettin sleepless nites is untolerable.. haha.. tak bole seh~

tis time round i think more bole handle.. n hb also tak complain pon kalau suruh tolong jage bb.. so i guess ok la.. cume makcik penat jer..


Well-Known Member
Waalaikumsalam Laila. Welcome to the club. Intro lah lagi sikit.....kalau nak intro banyak pun boleh jugak. Kalau nak tahu abt some of us here, u kenalah go to the past various pages.

Sibuk masuk sini dulu while waiting for azan maghrib. Jauhnya merantau buat aqiqah. I also suggested to hb buat gitu but he preferred to see it with his own eyes and let the kids witnessed their kambing2. So, kelmarin buatkan doter. My other two kids dah selesai lah a couple of years back.

Satu daging pun i tak amik for myself. Don't like the meat. Just took 2 kilos kasi my mum and mil. Pandai-pandai lah dorang masak2.


ELO!!!! :shyxxx:

Da lama tak masuk forum... bz la lately...
Lizz! Congrats on yr new arrival...Best tak jadi mummy lagi? :001_302:

I tis yr buat kekah jugak for my son.. Buat at Spore je.. Let my hb settle and witness the slaughter... Ingat nk witness jugak but cold feet last min.. hehehe..... takot!!!


Well-Known Member
Waalaikumsalam Laila. Welcome to the club. Intro lah lagi sikit.....kalau nak intro banyak pun boleh jugak. Kalau nak tahu abt some of us here, u kenalah go to the past various pages.

Sibuk masuk sini dulu while waiting for azan maghrib. Jauhnya merantau buat aqiqah. I also suggested to hb buat gitu but he preferred to see it with his own eyes and let the kids witnessed their kambing2. So, kelmarin buatkan doter. My other two kids dah selesai lah a couple of years back.

Satu daging pun i tak amik for myself. Don't like the meat. Just took 2 kilos kasi my mum and mil. Pandai-pandai lah dorang masak2.
Coz my hubby kiyai is there..i think cheaper lah....Anw,tak kisa kat mane kite uat as long semua nyer sempurna dijalan kan...


Well-Known Member
hmm..tahun nie i tk dpt nk uat la..sbb bnyk sgt problem yg cropped up..maybe insya'allah tahun depan aru i uat korban..

Laila..welcum 2 the cLub..intro la serba cket tentang diri u ye..
hope u enjoy ur stay here..


Well-Known Member
Do u ladies know where i can go for halal Dim Sum ? I only know of one place, thatz at Simpang Bedok. Lagi kat mana ?

Entah apasal terpingin nak makan Dim Sum.


Well-Known Member
i pun ngan source Dim Sum aft watch Lost & Found..heheheh
Last time ade kat Geylang at some lorong lah...


Well-Known Member
Kat Geylang...biar betul. Tak 'terhidu' pun kat sana ada. Kalau lah tahu.....

KAt M'sia berlambak halal dim sum. Kat sini susah betul nak cari. Hope some Chinese operators are working towards halal certification in opening more halal dim sum eateries.

I love Chinese, Japanese and Italian food. Hb tak suka, tekak dia Melayu tulen...:001_302:


Well-Known Member
Kat Geylang...biar betul. Tak 'terhidu' pun kat sana ada. Kalau lah tahu.....

KAt M'sia berlambak halal dim sum. Kat sini susah betul nak cari. Hope some Chinese operators are working towards halal certification in opening more halal dim sum eateries.

I love Chinese, Japanese and Italian food. Hb tak suka, tekak dia Melayu tulen...:001_302:

that's was hw many yrs back time Selamat Pagi Singapura...
Tak tahu whether ade lg tak..I & hubby mmg suka chinese fd...


eh mommies..

dimsum halal tak sala still hav kat bkt timah.. u know same lorong wit al-amin.. along e same stretch got tis chinese place but halal cuisine.. there got dim sum.. hhehe.. i pon kaki makan jgk.. maser bf2 dulu.. maser tunang2 dulu slalu rekki2 tmpt.. suker jln2 cari makan.. pegi shoppin.. pegi mane2 la yg teraser nak pegi.. hahah..

so try ah go look up kat sane.. mane tau still hav.. e shop nearer to e jembatan..

happy eatin~:wong29:


sape sape yg tgl kt daerah bukit panjang/ cck kt ten mile juction ada satu kedai sell dim sum halal if i'm not wrong


Well-Known Member
Dim sum halal makan place jauh sebelah sana plak. Bila masa lah nak gi. NurIrfan, if you dah makan kat sana and find it worth it, do share your views here. Will paksa my hb to bring me there then.

Ok now, i am looking around to get my SIL her wedding cake. Dunno if i should get a tier cake or just a cake for her wedding at tepak sireh. Tepak Sireh kasi pulut kuning, no wedding cakes. Agak2 yang makan pun anak2 buah yang kecik2, probably for 100 mouth. With a budget of less than $300. Any recommendations ? My SIL tak nak cupcakes as she'll have those at her Austrl wedding reception.

Tak reti lah nak buat order for wedding cake. During my wedding semua termasuk dalam my wedding package including our 3-tier cake.

:err: I was truly shocked to learn that Norfasarie's cake cost more than $1500 and Nurul Aini's cake cost $1000. Haiz, mahal mahal pun, bila makan, benda anu tuh keluar jugak kan.
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