baby don't want to come out...


this monday i will be 41 wks pregnant.. i really hate to be induce cos i want to go all the way natural just like my first one( i heard when they burst the water bag is painful).. my first one come out when she just 35 wks(i guess she too excited to see the world and her parents hehe) so i'm very worried why my second one like to stay inside so much... my edd is on 4 march so i'm already overdue by a few there i can so called naturally induced? i do some research on the net the past few days they say drink castor oil(no idea what is that?)eat curry, having sex(not at this stage pls..) can somehow help you..aiyoyo what should i do? pls help me out thank you!


Hi asl..

I guess the baby will come out when it's the right time. My EDD is trrow but I have showed no signs of going into labour yet, except for the minor contractions.

I'm getting anxious too. But I know she'll come out when it's the time for her. And if indeed I need to be induced, I'll just accept it. What's important is I get to see and hold my princess and she's all healthy.

Hang in there yah~!


Hi Asl,

Two weeks ago, My BB also dun want to come out, My gynae say he good eat good sleep inside... wahaha, so I try to induce on 39wks 4 days, as he is going to be around 4kg(but I only put on around 9kg), my gynae insert a tablet for induction at 3pm and wanted me to admit to hospital at 8pm tat day, but I still got no contraction or dilation, so the nurse insert another tablets at 6am next morning but still I got no contraction or dilation, so I opt for C-section at 3pm, my bb is out, weighing 3.8kg... wahaha..

I just want him to be safe and healthy and I dun mind the pain, but i got not much pain at all, I was off the bed the second day and off to the nursery and feed him myself, My gynae is very professional.

Just relax and yr bb could be out anytime.. We just want our bb to be safe and healthy, just bear abit of pain. Hee..


Well-Known Member
I think by the time if induce b4 tat u might have contraction pain , u wont rem the burst of waterbag pain :)
I wish u & ur bb safe & healthy :)


yah.. i shouldnt just think about myself... my plan now is to wait till this friday if baby still dun want to come out i will "surrender" myself to the hospital hehehe... thanks to all who give me advice and support... but for now i opt for "wait n see"... will keep update bout my condition...


New Member
maybe u can try walking around - fast pace.. It helps abit. When doctor said I wasn't 'open' (on my due date) I was so disappointed & for the next few days, I kept going out shopping, force myslef to walk walk walk and walk, for 2 days, after which, the contraction came & I went hospital.. But i still ended up inducing though, as the opening was big enough -_- ... haha..


yah.. i shouldnt just think about myself... my plan now is to wait till this friday if baby still dun want to come out i will "surrender" myself to the hospital hehehe... thanks to all who give me advice and support... but for now i opt for "wait n see"... will keep update bout my condition...

Hi ASL..
Pls not to worry.Must be relax.Everything ok if is a time for you to deliver.wish you have a smooth deliver.
Thank You



this monday i will be 41 wks pregnant.. i really hate to be induce cos i want to go all the way natural just like my first one( i heard when they burst the water bag is painful).. my first one come out when she just 35 wks(i guess she too excited to see the world and her parents hehe) so i'm very worried why my second one like to stay inside so much... my edd is on 4 march so i'm already overdue by a few there i can so called naturally induced? i do some research on the net the past few days they say drink castor oil(no idea what is that?)eat curry, having sex(not at this stage pls..) can somehow help you..aiyoyo what should i do? pls help me out thank you!
Drink raspberry tea.....or coconut juice.....


hmmm..raspberry tea? i think i just try the coconut juice and do some extra walking n shopping(i dun mind lots of that)hehehe and not to stress myself thks huiboonimini,rosita and cancanmum... really appreciate it..


New Member
uh? I don't know if coconut juice is for 'cooling' effect, but I have heard people saying it helps to 'cleanse' ur system. Like for example, the point where baby is delivered out from you, he/she will be clean, not messy with blood all over. (something likedat). I did drank quite a few times & surprisingly when my baby was out, the midwife asked my hubby on the spot ''your wife drank coconut juice huh? ur baby looks very clean when she was out''

As for raspberry, the myth is that taking it will help to induce labour, so many pregnant woman keen to speed up their baby's arrival into the world will try. I bought it to try one cup only. hahah. But proven benefits are:- strengthen and tone the muscles of the uterus, helping them to contract more efficiently during labour & if taken during the weeks prior to delivery helps to shorten the second stage of labour by making contractions more effective etc.


uh? I don't know if coconut juice is for 'cooling' effect, but I have heard people saying it helps to 'cleanse' ur system. Like for example, the point where baby is delivered out from you, he/she will be clean, not messy with blood all over. (something likedat). I did drank quite a few times & surprisingly when my baby was out, the midwife asked my hubby on the spot ''your wife drank coconut juice huh? ur baby looks very clean when she was out''

As for raspberry, the myth is that taking it will help to induce labour, so many pregnant woman keen to speed up their baby's arrival into the world will try. I bought it to try one cup only. hahah. But proven benefits are:- strengthen and tone the muscles of the uterus, helping them to contract more efficiently during labour & if taken during the weeks prior to delivery helps to shorten the second stage of labour by making contractions more effective etc.
I see... but where to buy the raspberry? how is it taste like? hehe i know i sound so desperate... can't blame me,, all the ppl i know have been calling/email/sms any ways they can contact asking bout the baby(and never about me hehe) so stress...until cannot sleep


cancanmum, for the coconut juice should i buy the can one or the pure one?
drink those thai coconut juice, ie, the pure ones, or get from hawker drinks stalls or the Satay street along Lau Pa Sat, i dink they should have. Canned ones bluff people de~


I see... but where to buy the raspberry? how is it taste like? hehe i know i sound so desperate... can't blame me,, all the ppl i know have been calling/email/sms any ways they can contact asking bout the baby(and never about me hehe) so stress...until cannot sleep
Lipton has raspberry tea, mixed with other wild berries, selling at NTUC and also COLD STORAGE. Tastes sweet, sour and a berry taste. I drank it every night before i slept last time when i was about 37 weeks. No wonder my boy arrived on the 38 week 2nd day....lols!!!


Lipton has raspberry tea, mixed with other wild berries, selling at NTUC and also COLD STORAGE. Tastes sweet, sour and a berry taste. I drank it every night before i slept last time when i was about 37 weeks. No wonder my boy arrived on the 38 week 2nd day....lols!!!
Thks cancanmum for the help,but give birth already liao hehehe... no time to drink coconut juice or the raspberry tea baby come out already.. i think because i complain too much baby cannot tahan lols(i think that's the best natural way to induce).. when i wake up(the day when i start the thread)feel the contractions already.. Arrive at hospital around 1 plus,dilate 8 cm already.. 2.30 my gal safely arrive into this world.. Thk god everything went smoothly..


Thks cancanmum for the help,but give birth already liao hehehe... no time to drink coconut juice or the raspberry tea baby come out already.. i think because i complain too much baby cannot tahan lols(i think that's the best natural way to induce).. when i wake up(the day when i start the thread)feel the contractions already.. Arrive at hospital around 1 plus,dilate 8 cm already.. 2.30 my gal safely arrive into this world.. Thk god everything went smoothly..



Active Member
congrats!! new addition to mummySG!! hahahaha...
late to c this thread.. hahaha.. some old ppl tell mi when pregnant muz walk about... espwhen at last stage.. cuz will help baby decend.. gravity mahz.. hahaha