young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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New Member
Hi hazchaz..!! Thank you so much for your warm welcome..!!

For my last 2 pregnancies,i was prescribed progesterone pills.. Last week,i went to see my family GP and he gave me folic acid and multivitamins..

1st april ni baru nak pegi my 1st appt with Dr Paul from TMC..As for now,im not sure i ni da ngandung berapa lama..Around 5-6 weeks maybe? Nanti jumpa gynae baru bleh confirm..Insya-Allah..Harap my baby ok..

Tersenyum i bila u cakap your baby is soft-nudging you...Must be a good feeling ehh..?? :bbiggrin::bbiggrin::bbiggrin:
hello again izanyzam...!

hehe...yes it is a very new and soothing feeling...everytime the baby moves,i always smile to myself n will rub my tummy..hehe .... every day wen i wake up,i will feel restless until i can feel the baby moving den it sumhow feels like a huge relief to me

well, take gd care of ur health n mind esp during ur first few months aite... insya Allah all will go fine..:Dancing_tongue::Dancing_wub::Dancing_biggrin::sayangbaby::wong18:


Well-Known Member
hehe...yes it is a very new and soothing feeling...everytime the baby moves,i always smile to myself n will rub my tummy..hehe ....

well hazchaz, after reading your descriptions, i reallllly miss being preggie. It is one of those wonderful feelings and sensations that may have cause many women here to go for their next bb after the first one. For myself, from now on setakat tumpang dukung newborns of friends or relatives ajelah. :tlaugh:Anyway, all glowing pregnant mamas, rest well and enjoy the rest of your journey.

Just read an article about a 'well-known' :)err:) blogging couple. hmmmm, didn't it cross their minds that no matter how pte they wanna be thru' blogging, the medium is still easily publicly viewed. My sincere sympathy goes to them esp being preggie and having to go thru' this emotional turmoil. At least, this will be a lesson learnt that she has to be discreet with personal matters involving taboo issues within her own culture from now on.


Active Member
diana, you SIL ni trainer ke over there ? If she is, what is her job scope ? Kindda interested to know about the job actually.

Any lobang for such trainer job there ? like the idea of mentoring inner self in pple esp kids. Waiting for opportunities that come by. SIL volenteer kat sana...dia ni punye la rajin..banyak tempat dia volenteer incl haig girl' dia tgh sambung blajar kat NUS...


Active Member
hehehe... i ni bkn csi just admin je... ntah doctors ni dh sotz agaknye i kena jgk dok tgk drg operate tgn mayat.. i cuma spray listerine je la jadi tk bau coz tgn dh start reput with skin all blue black n peeling off... ngeri jgk but trpaksa beranikan diri la.. mana tau one day i terjadi doctor ke? hahahaha.. mcm betul jek...:001_302:

I ni tgk korang bobal pasal preggie pun terigin jgk nk preggie.. tgh trying ni.. project besar!!! my period lum dtg lagi tapi i tk suspek aper2 la coz dr aziz dh ckp my period gonna b irregular :shyxxx: haiz... dulu after give birth mkn kacip fatima den it's regular pas miscarriage my system mcm dh haywire... lagi keje pat hospital lagi la sotz..

actuali i ni tgh trsangatla ngantuk.. boring.. i plan nk go somewhere this wkend but dunno where.. any nice places ke sale ke pat sini? btw, u al tau tk sapa2 nk organise ralph lauren spree? :err:


Well-Known Member
Enflor..i mood swing bukan psl berisi la..biase nye psl nk dtg haid..slalu mcm tu..den i'll become v lethargic..terok sgt..slalu tym gni..bnyk gadoh ngan hb..but now he seems to understand me beta la..die da get the rythem..hehe..~~

ish best la tgk org preggie..terase nk lagi..haiz..tpi bile pk2 kn alek psl financial..ish..tknk la dlu...TKOT....!!! :eek:

bz sgt ke kak rose..? den how's ur grand son..? ade kene saket kuning tk..? den die ade bgn mlm tk..?? hmm...


Well-Known Member
Oh monthly mood swings lah ni. I too used to be like that, kepala angin days before nak datang menses. Until i take control of ? Senang aje, it is just a psychological change in the mind.

Keep track the week you know that your menses may start to come (if yours is regular) so whenever u rasa nak melenting, keep reminding yourself that maybe it is due to the datang bulan. That will instantly help to keep your cool.

Besides that if hb is around, i'll kindda warn him in advance, tell him ''this week if i teruk sangat sebab i red flag ok." At least, he will not respond in a horrid way when i start to be horrid. Kalau tak api n api, abis lah. With my kids, i'll tell them that i am sick and i don't want them to do things to make me angry. Boleh tahan jugak lah dorang ni behave.

So far....kepala angin haid under control jugak. Senggugut aje dari zaman anak dara till now masih lagi ada.


Well-Known Member
i semenjak lepas bersalin alhamdulilah haid dtg regular...
Dulu zaman anak dara,senggugut teruk seh....dua hari takle bgn....mood swing jgn ckp...teruk...

alhamdulilah skg senggugut tak lah teruk can control & mood swing lesser....


i semenjak lepas bersalin alhamdulilah haid dtg regular...
Dulu zaman anak dara,senggugut teruk seh....dua hari takle bgn....mood swing jgn ckp...teruk...

alhamdulilah skg senggugut tak lah teruk can control & mood swing lesser....
ur haid dtg regular after bersalin? even when u breastfeed ur baby?


New Member
Hi all and salam...this is specially only out to muslim mummies.. those who r or whose families are actually thinking of going umrah or haj to tanah suci mekah and looking into comfortable and very affordable price of accomadation for whole family or investment wise,insya Allah, pls feel free to look into our website at and for any enquiries with no obligations at all,pls quote or pm me at ur own conveniency or juz email me at . thanks and salam.. :)


da pening2 ni tgk korang nyer entry sume lagi pening...

sejak semenjak ni terlalu sgt busy.. banyak transitions.. sume tukar.. lagi2 da dpt ruma ni.. abeh ruma nak masok masih tgh menyemak.. ngan tenants2 lame.. sigh~ lagi stress!

ni pon ngah pening nak switch keje.. transition lagi.. they makin it difficult for me to leave but then sane da memanggil2.. jgn nnt pecah berderai sume.. sigh..

stress nyah~ oh ya.. somethin to look forwad to.. make up class.. hahah.. tu jer yg bole buat me happy now but biler dlm class kpala otak pikir ruma.. cam mane ni..?

susah eh jadi mak.. satu kerjaya yg tak bole resign.. sign mati seh~


Well-Known Member
Hi all and salam...this is specially only out to muslim mummies.. those who r or whose families are actually thinking of going umrah or haj to tanah suci mekah and looking into comfortable and very affordable price of accomadation for whole family or investment wise,insya Allah, pls feel free to look into our website at and for any enquiries with no obligations at all,pls quote or pm me at ur own conveniency or juz email me at . thanks and salam.. :)

i keje dealing w oasis properties ke..? i heard tat it's having problem now..??


New Member

i keje dealing w oasis properties ke..? i heard tat it's having problem now..??
hi lis, i dun deny in all kinds of businesses and companies,they have their ups n downs,n i dun deny dat oasis had their downs few yrs back but since 3 yrs ago a new muslim management took over we have been going and growing strong up till now alhamdulilah. we have all the strong proofs and results to show n our company is not at all worried.

but somehow sadly it so happened dat one or two of our own people still want to try to bring us down but we juz feel so sorry for them.we r still doing our very best to make up to those who still deserve their dreams to be accomplished in any way possible and Alhamdulillah the company is still standing and has full honours of many organisations supporting us.

If still in doubt and need to enquire more wif no obligations, juz feel free to email me directly or call 8221 4202. My mission is to share with anyone the experiences that can benefit us dunia akhirat...

Last edited:


Well-Known Member
no la..i dun mean to offend u or aniting..but tat's wot i heard from ma MIL..niwae,she's one of them..die ade beli..

so yesterday wen i asked her,die ckp ngah ade
tat's y i tanye u..


New Member
no la..i dun mean to offend u or aniting..but tat's wot i heard from ma MIL..niwae,she's one of them..die ade beli..

so yesterday wen i asked her,die ckp ngah ade
tat's y i tanye u..
hmm...maybe u can ask her in detail and check wif me so i can look into the matter with the management... because every customer's well being is our priority:Dancing_wub:
its ok no offense taken.. i love to keep n open mind...there's a saying,when the going gets tough,the tough gets going...:Dancing_tongue: and lis,thanks very much for the feedback,i'm prepared to answer any of ur questions..:001_302:


Salamz to you again hazchaz and ana and to the rest of you lovely ladies...!!!

Just went to see my gynae Dr Paul at Thomson Medical 2 days ago..Im about almost 7 weeks now and Alhamdulilah...Me and hubby could see the tiny flickering heartbeat on the screen..Tu pun after 6 cups of water and 3 scans later baru bleh detect..My gynae takleh nampak coz my bladder was empty wen i had the first scan..!!

Air mata meleleh bila nampak baby's heartbeat..Syukur...After 2 miscarriages,i think this baby is strong enuff to pull through..Insya-Allah.. :webiggrin::webiggrin:


New Member
Salamz to you again hazchaz and ana and to the rest of you lovely ladies...!!!

Just went to see my gynae Dr Paul at Thomson Medical 2 days ago..Im about almost 7 weeks now and Alhamdulilah...Me and hubby could see the tiny flickering heartbeat on the screen..Tu pun after 6 cups of water and 3 scans later baru bleh detect..My gynae takleh nampak coz my bladder was empty wen i had the first scan..!!

Air mata meleleh bila nampak baby's heartbeat..Syukur...After 2 miscarriages,i think this baby is strong enuff to pull through..Insya-Allah.. :webiggrin::webiggrin:
salam n hi izanyzam...

Alhamdulillah n congrats to the three of u...(the little baby s the third..hehe)
Insya Allah everything will go fine.. just take much rest n dun think too much aite..
Psst..i heard soya milk is good for preggies n also the child will have beautiful skin..hehe...results have shown coz my mom drank soya milk all the way wen she was expecting my lil sis....and now my sis's skin is rili different n glowing white....hehe..jealous i...
im drinking nutrisoy most of the tymes now...hehe..

stay healthy ya....:001_302::shyxxx:


Psst..i heard soya milk is good for preggies n also the child will have beautiful skin..
Yup sejak ngandung yang ni..Tekak selalu nak minum soya milk...Im drinking marigold's soya milk..And yes its true..My arwah mak pun ada cakap jugak dulu..She drank soya milk while pregnant with my lil brother..And he came out with really smooth skin..!!

You take care too yah.. :001_302:
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