young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Member a FTWM...mydaughter is in a childcare now. I aru started working 11 mths ago after my poly graduation. She is in Kidz Meadow in Buangkok, its funded by AMP. But i notice, mmg kids in childcare ni senang dpt sakit....she gets fever frequent. Doc kata this will happen until their immune system gets used to the environment. Itu la downside of a childcare...
actyea.. dulu i ajar chilcare slalu sakit.. lagi2 fully aircon nyer childcare..
nora u keje mane?

ive been wanting to put those 2 girls in CC but mayb e kakak 1st.. adeq da 18mths then mskkan..

aiming for learnin vision but too ex.. so now ngah keje keras~ hahaha ;P


New Member
well hazchaz, i guess sume mak nak anaknyer all fine n dandy and insyallah dier takde pape..

i mcm feel u a bit cos i nk sgt baby boy but i hav 2 girls so i guess raser dier tu same.. but watever it is, allah tu maha kuaser.. ape yg dier beri.. mesti dier ader kasi backup.. dan dier tak akan beri kiter somethin yg kiter tak bole handle..

hubby is most impt person now to make u pull thru.. at the same time, we ourselves shud move on strongly.. juz for the sake of tt lil inside u..


Hi mummyliz, liz, nora23...

thanks for all ur supportive comments n well wishes..
it rili helps me stronger to live it up..
yes, anything for my little baby and i guess he noes his mummy is rili worried n depressed, coz he keeps on kicking n moving about in my tummy as tho to tell me dat he is strong n healthy n everything's gonna be fine!.... lol...

as of now,every morning i wake up i always look forward to his first wiggle ...

hehehe...i love my little Danish...:wong19::embarrassed:



actyea.. dulu i ajar chilcare slalu sakit.. lagi2 fully aircon nyer childcare..
nora u keje mane?

ive been wanting to put those 2 girls in CC but mayb e kakak 1st.. adeq da 18mths then mskkan..

aiming for learnin vision but too ex.. so now ngah keje keras~ hahaha ;P
My daughter was from e infant care for ages 3 mths to she is in the toddler care class. I keje at KFC and Pizza Hut Singapore... at the head office, as a purchaser..


Hi mummyliz, liz, nora23...

thanks for all ur supportive comments n well wishes..
it rili helps me stronger to live it up..
yes, anything for my little baby and i guess he noes his mummy is rili worried n depressed,keeps on kicking n moving about in my tummy as tho to tell me dat he is strong n healthy n everything's gonna be fine!.... lol...

as of now,every morning i wake up i always look forward to his first wiggle ...

hehehe...i love my little Danish...:wong19::embarrassed:

Haz! so glad to hear ur doin fine, n Danish too. It's so fun ya feelin them move inside :)


Active Member
good morning to all mummies....and to the little one inside your tummy too..:tlaugh:to nora23 n mummy_lizz thanks ya for your reply :001_302:


Well-Known Member
morning ol mummies & kiddoss..!! feel abit slack..

niwae,welcum aboard tinkerball..!! enjoy ur stay here..

nk tanye u ol..u guys got ani idea wot to cook today..??


Active Member
hi lis..tot of cooking western 2day. Thinking of grilled fish with fries but suddenly realised i dun hav any veggie for salad. Malasnye nk pegi pasar. So its cheese baked rice lah for today.


Well-Known Member
hi lis..tot of cooking western 2day. Thinking of grilled fish with fries but suddenly realised i dun hav any veggie for salad. Malasnye nk pegi pasar. So its cheese baked rice lah for today.
wow..!! rajin nye msk western..hmm...i plak maseh pkran tak tau nk msk ape hari nie..haiz...nari i rase mcm no mood la..


Active Member
wow..!! rajin nye msk western..hmm...i plak maseh pkran tak tau nk msk ape hari nie..haiz...nari i rase mcm no mood la..

kalau malas nk masak senang je.. ever1 dine out je. me bukannye rajin sgt. dlm seminggu mkn kat luar ard 2 or 3 times.. malas nk masak punye pasal.. :001_302:


Well-Known Member
kalau malas nk masak senang je.. ever1 dine out je. me bukannye rajin sgt. dlm seminggu mkn kat luar ard 2 or 3 times.. malas nk masak punye pasal.. :001_302:
hmm..mkn luar ehk..~~ last tym i like dining out..tpi skrg no more..coz the food everywer now da tk sedap...v hard to find nice food usually skrg i msk jek la...



icic..i feel for u lady..hopefully everiting will go smoothly for u..!! :embarrassed:

welcum aboard aliana..ape rasenye become a mummy..? n more intro bout urself..? umor brape..? hehe... :001_302:

Hello Lis! 33 this year, married for 5 years, my 1st bundle of joy due to hubby studies. Hmm.... Guess feeling being is a mother belom sink in yet! :elvis: Muahahaha.... Just very the ngantok!


Hi mummyliz, liz, nora23...

thanks for all ur supportive comments n well wishes..
it rili helps me stronger to live it up..
yes, anything for my little baby and i guess he noes his mummy is rili worried n depressed, coz he keeps on kicking n moving about in my tummy as tho to tell me dat he is strong n healthy n everything's gonna be fine!.... lol...

as of now,every morning i wake up i always look forward to his first wiggle ...

hehehe...i love my little Danish...:wong19::embarrassed:

Hi sis!
Be strong and insya allah everything will be all right.


Hi mummyliz, liz, nora23...

thanks for all ur supportive comments n well wishes..
it rili helps me stronger to live it up..
yes, anything for my little baby and i guess he noes his mummy is rili worried n depressed, coz he keeps on kicking n moving about in my tummy as tho to tell me dat he is strong n healthy n everything's gonna be fine!.... lol...

as of now,every morning i wake up i always look forward to his first wiggle ...

hehehe...i love my little Danish...:wong19::embarrassed:

Hi sis...Insya-Allah..Your little Danish is strong enuff and will pull through..Just dont be so stressed up about it..Takot affect both you and baby's health..

i pray that both of you will always be in the pink of health.. !!
hi evEryone........... i think im the newbie here cos i've read all messages it seems that all of u have gotten know of each other............ hee... well im not new in mummysg cuma i jarang log in... only when i've got the time...
so i intro myself... i am a young mum with 2 princesses ( hence the name). a full time wifey...hubby and i planning for another baby soon ... maybe mid year this year.... insya allah kalau ada rezeki dan panjang umur........... we are planning for another 2 :)
my eldest now is in k2 and the ygest in nursery.. life is definitely simple especially after motherhood but im enjoying every bit of it.......... nvr have felt so happy and blessed... seeing my princesses happy and knowing that im there for them really makes my day............ hope to make frds with other mothers to share experience and motherhood tips and advice......... hope to hear frm any one soon.....
take care all... may ALLAH bess us. AMIN


Well-Known Member
hi Princesses, welcome to the thread. Yup, things are definitely heating up here with all the exchanges of posts between many of us. Glad to learn something from each other and to lend our listening ears too for some moral and emotional support.

Good that things are looking well for you as a SAHM. I am one too but sometimes would do some freelance when i get bored with stuff at home. Do hope that you will have more additions to your family. Like the saying goes, the more the merrier!....(and chaotic?? :err: well, that sums up life for me at home with the kids :001_302: )


hi evEryone........... i think im the newbie here cos i've read all messages it seems that all of u have gotten know of each other............ hee... well im not new in mummysg cuma i jarang log in... only when i've got the time...
so i intro myself... i am a young mum with 2 princesses ( hence the name). a full time wifey...hubby and i planning for another baby soon ... maybe mid year this year.... insya allah kalau ada rezeki dan panjang umur........... we are planning for another 2 :)
my eldest now is in k2 and the ygest in nursery.. life is definitely simple especially after motherhood but im enjoying every bit of it.......... nvr have felt so happy and blessed... seeing my princesses happy and knowing that im there for them really makes my day............ hope to make frds with other mothers to share experience and motherhood tips and advice......... hope to hear frm any one soon.....
take care all... may ALLAH bess us. AMIN
i salute u la..~~ looking forward to makin ababies..

if u ask me, ahyo~.. mommy da naik penat.. hold on, pray hard jer tak sangkut..

im actually waiting for my girls to besar skit then nak njot time wit them.. u know girly stuffs.. heheh..

then kalau teraser nak lagi satu baru lain kali cerite.. ;P


Well-Known Member
hi evEryone........... i think im the newbie here cos i've read all messages it seems that all of u have gotten know of each other............ hee... well im not new in mummysg cuma i jarang log in... only when i've got the time...
so i intro myself... i am a young mum with 2 princesses ( hence the name). a full time wifey...hubby and i planning for another baby soon ... maybe mid year this year.... insya allah kalau ada rezeki dan panjang umur........... we are planning for another 2 :)
my eldest now is in k2 and the ygest in nursery.. life is definitely simple especially after motherhood but im enjoying every bit of it.......... nvr have felt so happy and blessed... seeing my princesses happy and knowing that im there for them really makes my day............ hope to make frds with other mothers to share experience and motherhood tips and advice......... hope to hear frm any one soon.....
take care all... may ALLAH bess us. AMIN

wah..!! rajin btol u nk buat anak..?? bgos la gitu...den u ade tym nk uat keje umah..? or even have tym for urself..??

kirekan u plan nk ade 5 kids in total ke..?? heheh... :001_302:

niwae,yesterday i juz baked hotdog bun & cheese sticks..
n today i baked chocolate fudge cake..
will upload the pix tmr or tonite..
here's the pix for the earlier ones..



Well-Known Member
Yg bulat2 macam buns tu apa ? Wah, lis rumah sendiri, dapur slalu berasap kah!

Tadi buat kek campak2... combine with existing recipe plus memandai-mandai campak mashmallows and wat-was-i-thinking-ingred. Jadinya, my kids makan sikit and 'campak' the kek after several bites. Hmmm....haru sih!
Guess, tmr will buy chocolate chip ice-cream to top it on top of the cake, kasi dorang selera makan.


Well-Known Member
Yg bulat2 macam buns tu apa ? Wah, lis rumah sendiri, dapur slalu berasap kah!

Tadi buat kek campak2... combine with existing recipe plus memandai-mandai campak mashmallows and wat-was-i-thinking-ingred. Jadinya, my kids makan sikit and 'campak' the kek after several bites. Hmmm....haru sih!
Guess, tmr will buy chocolate chip ice-cream to top it on top of the cake, kasi dorang selera makan.
yea..!! since da umah sendiri..boleh dikatekn dapor slalu berasap..haha..yg bulat tu cheese sticks..tpi i uat bulat cket..hehe..

ok..these is the pix for the chocolate fudge slices..


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