young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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Hani, u r having tots abt ikat ? Tak ngeri ke with the whole process. I think, kak rose would be in a better position to comment on this tak silap. But dia ni sibuk with her cucu sampai takda time nak masuk sini.

Elo2 lah tu.bab ikat mengikat nie tanye lah kak rose..As for me,no choice lah..anak dah 7 dik oi,lau tak ikat,team bola ku ciptakan nanti..I did it a yr after my youngest was born.Big mistake,sakit beb! Tapi tak lah teruk sgt,kena tebuk kat pusat je.After a wk,dah ok lah.Lau buat right after birth,satu kali jln sakitnye.Now so far tak de prob lah.Cuma baru2 tu heavy mense,rabak gak.Lame2 dah ok cam biasa.Dulu pernah gak try pills,patches.Tak de side effect cume,the min I stop,sangkut!Haru beb kejap2 bunting,even so it is a great experience la to have plenty of kids.Lagi sume da besar2,da dpt cucu pun..Skrg kak rose goyang kaki ler..:Dancing_tongue:


Salamz to you again hazchaz and ana and to the rest of you lovely ladies...!!!

Just went to see my gynae Dr Paul at Thomson Medical 2 days ago..Im about almost 7 weeks now and Alhamdulilah...Me and hubby could see the tiny flickering heartbeat on the screen..Tu pun after 6 cups of water and 3 scans later baru bleh detect..My gynae takleh nampak coz my bladder was empty wen i had the first scan..!!

Air mata meleleh bila nampak baby's heartbeat..Syukur...After 2 miscarriages,i think this baby is strong enuff to pull through..Insya-Allah.. :webiggrin::webiggrin:
Hi there...congrats!

I'm 7 weeks along too hehe.. Insyallah ur pregnancy will be a smooth one :)


Well-Known Member
Yup sejak ngandung yang ni..Tekak selalu nak minum soya milk...Im drinking marigold's soya milk..And yes its true..My arwah mak pun ada cakap jugak dulu..She drank soya milk while pregnant with my lil brother..And he came out with really smooth skin..!!

You take care too yah.. :001_302:

Soya bean is gd...
Time pregnant dulu,i slalu pagi minum soya....
Anw,congrats again


Hi there...congrats!

I'm 7 weeks along too hehe.. Insyallah ur pregnancy will be a smooth one :)
Hi Nora...!! We're roughly around the same timing eh..!!! Hehehehehe..Insya-Allah both our pregnancies will be a smooth and healthy one.. :001_302::001_302:


Soya bean is gd...
Time pregnant dulu,i slalu pagi minum soya....
Anw,congrats again
Hi Ana...Jangan cakap pagi jer...Petang dan malam pun i minum soya bean jugak..!!! My MS quite bad this time round..And most of the time,ape yang i makan semua keluar balik..So drinking soya bean after that actually fills me up a bit.. :07:


New Member
Salam all mummies...

today i went to KKH for ADC... everything is normal and fine except dat they detected a bit thicker skin on the neck,i was told dat normally the measurement shud be 6mm,but my baby's is the doc strongly suggested i go for the Amniocentesis test...

i'm very depressed and worried and only God noes wat im feeling now....has any mothers actually experience this way b4...?



Well-Known Member
Haz, this test has some risks tau. Do check with your doc about other available options. Or is there anyway, you may want to seek 2nd opinion or something from another expert. There are certainly pros and cons with this test.

The pros are basically preventive measures and mental and emotional preparation at whatever the result is.The cons would be the adverse effects from this test. But should everything goes well, there is nothing for you to be worried about.

It is hard to say coz there r two sides to every coin. U gotta go with your gut feeling n some emotional support should you n hb decide to go thru with the test. Doakan yang terbaik for u and bb.


Well-Known Member
Salam all mummies...

today i went to KKH for ADC... everything is normal and fine except dat they detected a bit thicker skin on the neck,i was told dat normally the measurement shud be 6mm,but my baby's is the doc strongly suggested i go for the Amniocentesis test...

i'm very depressed and worried and only God noes wat im feeling now....has any mothers actually experience this way b4...?

haz.. 'Amnicentesis test' tu ape bende..?? never heard of it before la..


Active Member
hi all mums to be.. congrats.. take really good care of urself ya..

orang cina cakap dun drink cooling drinks lyk green tea n birds nest.. tu if nk drink wait till aft 8 mths. bird nest good for bb skin. skrg minum warm stuff lyk red tea, milk... i dulu pun drink nutrisoy but a nyonya told me to minum berpada-pada coz baby bleh kluar byk lendir aft birth... so i alternate soyamilk with fruit juices for breakfast...:001_302:

Dulu aft delivery, my menses very reg so senang detect if i sangkut but aft my miscarriage last yr, menses i very irregular. dunno wat tlah hapen... i wori jgk. i hav a fren smpi 6 mths menses tk dtg but shes not preggie... ni i tgh feeling sick n my menses lum dtg lagi. *wori wori* :shyxxx:

nowadays i mcm lemau sket.. bz la.. last fri dh lerr kena whole day tgk doc operate tgn mayat n sat my son start schooling pat zoophonics. it's good cuma anak i ni pat color dia conteng sket pas tu lempar crayon. Ish... geram... i nye baking pun lum continue sgt.. ingat dis wednesday i uat shepherds pie.. tgk lerr cmne... tgh cm nk demam ni... very d lemau...

ok galfrens.. it balik time for me.. Chao!!!! :Dancing_tongue:


Salam to all the Ibu!
Just gave birth to a precious baby boy a month ago. Staying in Punggol but currently crashing @ parent's place in Jurong West. :001_302:


New Member
haz.. 'Amnicentesis test' tu ape bende..?? never heard of it before la..
hey lis, its a type of down syndrome test to accurately detect if the baby is having any problems or not...

like enflor said,it has pros n cons.. i went for it anyway this morning,but i tawakal n berserah dgn Tuhan.. i'd do anything for my baby boy...
I hope my baby boy ni strong enuf to pull thru la...:embarrassed:


hey lis, its a type of down syndrome test to accurately detect if the baby is having any problems or not...

like enflor said,it has pros n cons.. i went for it anyway this morning,but i tawakal n berserah dgn Tuhan.. i'd do anything for my baby boy...
I hope my baby boy ni strong enuf to pull thru la...:embarrassed:
well hazchaz, i guess sume mak nak anaknyer all fine n dandy and insyallah dier takde pape..

i mcm feel u a bit cos i nk sgt baby boy but i hav 2 girls so i guess raser dier tu same.. but watever it is, allah tu maha kuaser.. ape yg dier beri.. mesti dier ader kasi backup.. dan dier tak akan beri kiter somethin yg kiter tak bole handle..

hubby is most impt person now to make u pull thru.. at the same time, we ourselves shud move on strongly.. juz for the sake of tt lil inside u..



Active Member
hello congrats to all mummy-to-be :001_302:
and to all newcomer on this thread, welcome on board heheheh...

nak tanya la...any FTWM here send your baby to Childcare centre?
or if you guys have any babysitter to recommend around Bedok or Geylang area?


Well-Known Member

icic..i feel for u lady..hopefully everiting will go smoothly for u..!! :embarrassed:

welcum aboard aliana..ape rasenye become a mummy..? n more intro bout urself..? umor brape..? hehe... :001_302:


hello congrats to all mummy-to-be :001_302:
and to all newcomer on this thread, welcome on board heheheh...

nak tanya la...any FTWM here send your baby to Childcare centre?
or if you guys have any babysitter to recommend around Bedok or Geylang area? a FTWM...mydaughter is in a childcare now. I aru started working 11 mths ago after my poly graduation. She is in Kidz Meadow in Buangkok, its funded by AMP. But i notice, mmg kids in childcare ni senang dpt sakit....she gets fever frequent. Doc kata this will happen until their immune system gets used to the environment. Itu la downside of a childcare...


hey lis, its a type of down syndrome test to accurately detect if the baby is having any problems or not...

like enflor said,it has pros n cons.. i went for it anyway this morning,but i tawakal n berserah dgn Tuhan.. i'd do anything for my baby boy...
I hope my baby boy ni strong enuf to pull thru la...:embarrassed:
hi haz... i can understand wat u r feelin. Be strong for the lil one inside u ya. Insyallah, e outcome of the test will be fine. btw im turnin 24 too tis yr.
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