young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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yea..!! since da umah sendiri..boleh dikatekn dapor slalu berasap..haha..yg bulat tu cheese sticks..tpi i uat bulat cket..hehe..

ok..these is the pix for the chocolate fudge slices..

wah best nyer...
bleh lah u ajar i bake k....
Ijan keep asking me to learn....heheheheheh


Active Member
halo mumsies, kiddies, foetus and mum-to-bes! Welcome ya!

I dh lama tk masuk coz bz sgt with my son dlm enrichment. Too tired oready smpi menses pun irregular (haiz.. cmne nk plan 2nd bb ni pun tk tau :shyxxx:)

I skrg tgh boring pat keje. smetimes i wish i m a SAHM but need to help hubby (maklum la skrg economy reali bad)..

wah.. bestnye i baca pasal org preggie.. teringat i suka lompat2 time preggie and dance stupid dance.. hahaha.. well, dulu i amik je test apa2. no worries to d mum-to-bes... insyaallah all ok. Just chill, b hapi always...

wah lis... baking nmpk... hehehe... i pun last mth kemaruk baking jugak.. i baked oreo muffins la, cheese biskut la, melting moments la (maklum la dh kemaruk)... dat time i tgh fed up at werk, i baked moist rich choc cake. ok la.. i hbs baking kul 1 pagi n nxt day hav to face those peeps again (*SUX*)
Ni i dh tone down sket.. dh tk kemaruk sgt.. my hubby ingt i dh sotz :nah:so to end dis kemaruk, i baked a shepherds pie... hahaha... ni since i dh tone down, bleh la u anta i sket apa yg u bake eh lis (*,^)

I skrg dh rasa malas pulak. my son ish ish... liat nk tdo mlm.. sibuk nk minum bubble tea lagi.. haiz.. pening2..

Now i need help coz i m at my desk n mata cm nk tutup je ni:err:.. need a toothpick or sepit to hold it up... Zzzzzzzz


Well-Known Member for problem..bole ajar..u senang drop by at my hse la..u antar ur son at ur mom's place..den u drop by here..

arabjunior..i bukan kemarok..i memang suke baking..dari dlu lagi..cume slame nie tkde chance..but since da ade umah sendiri..i start la..

n i oso intend to do it to bring in some income for ma sape2 yg malas nk bake sendiri..n nk uat functions,den can order w me.. :) gimme ur support la.. :Dancing_wub:


Active Member
lis- i tk ckp u yg kemaruk... i ckp diri i yg kemaruk.. hahaha... well, dats a good source of income tapi skrg cm dh byk sey... u tgk pat multiply n blogspot je dh belambak.. but i will give u my support sista!! ada home delivery tk? hehehehe...


Well-Known Member
ouh..tkla..dun wori..i dun take it to heart..

aktuali i tau da bnyk org buat gni..tpi ma main source of customers will b ma relatives n closest frens.. n oso for wedding banquets or hi-tea..

coz i liase ngan ma makcik..die buat i join hand ngan die for cuci mulut nye section.. hehe...


Well-Known Member
ouh..tkla..dun wori..i dun take it to heart..

aktuali i tau da bnyk org buat gni..tpi ma main source of customers will b ma relatives n closest frens.. n oso for wedding banquets or hi-tea..

coz i liase ngan ma makcik..die buat i join hand ngan die for cuci mulut nye section.. hehe...
oh,thats gd...
i klau pat baking2 ne tak suka sgt bt pat2 masak ne wah favorit...
ok,one of this wks i came by ur place


Active Member
wah...da masuk bab masak2 ni...kalau ada resepi sedap2 bole la share with me n other mummies:Dancing_wub:
haiz...cakap pasal masak ape la nak masak nari...:embarrassed:
hi everyone..... thks for all yr replies.... terharu hehehe....
well... mmy lizz, u pun ada GIRLS ke?? age as mine?? i pun suka do girly things with them hehe... buy girly stuffs... my daughters suka barang2 DISNEY PRINCESS LA... DORA LA ,STARWBERRY SHORTCAKE LA etc..... i pun kalau nmpk barang2 ni semua yg cute2 geram sgt!!!!! kalau boleh nk beli je semua haha tapi of course impossible la..
LIS- hubby and i planned for 4 babies je la... mana ada 5??hhee... the more the merrier?? pening jgk la.. since motherhood ni, walaupun i am a sahm, i tkde time for myself... time is usually spent more on my princesses... then household chores pulak nvr ending.. mana nk masak nk do this do that.. mmg too much too handle la... mana nk layan suami..... hmmm.. but i am thankful cos my hubby is very helpful ard the hse.... with the children too...
well i nk sgt dpt baby boy for 3rd one... hehe since dah ada 2 girls.....!!! tapi ehk kalau 3rd girl pun alright jgk la pasal baju baby girls byk sgt sey dlm wardrobe mcm tk terkemas berserak sgt!!! so jimat byk...
anyway, i am planning to find a part time job jgk now, since economy so bad now.. just to earn extra income... ada lobangs anyone??
oh ya lis... my version of hotdog roll is quite similar to yrs but just that u call it hotdog bun.. my children suka mkn hotdogs especially the eldest... everyday mesti ada hotdog on the menu... dia tk jelak sey!! hehe i yg mskkan yg jelak tngok hotdog tu:) hotdog roll her fav....
i rasa dah penuh sgt ni i type... rasa nk cite byk agaknye tk sempat cos its almost time i nk fetch my eldest frm sch... till we meet again over here... to everyone here take care.. and have a great day ahead....


Well-Known Member
okey Ana..looking forward to meet u one of these days..juz text me wen u wanna come..

Diana,klau u tanye nari nk msk ape..i plan to cook lontong goreng hari nie..hehe..rase mcm da lame plak tk msk lontong goreng..

erm..maybe hari nie i nk try buat mango cake.. MAYBE la.. coz da brape hari straight i baking.. nk rest jap la..

princesses.. name sebenar u ape..? susah nk panggil name u la..
hmm..ckp psl keje umah.. memang btol..rase nye it's never ending.. tpi klau bab anak i,die nie plak tak suke sgt main mainan budak2.. die lebih suke main brg2 org tue.. like hp la.. klau kasi yg hp bedek.die tknk, die campak jaoh2 hp tu.. kasi yg btol bru senyap.. :tlaugh: other than tat..die suke tgk action-packed movie.. confirm die duduk diam2 depan tv.. hahaha.. ~~~


Active Member
princesses- wah best nye ada gals... hehehe... u n lis rajin buat roti. I takut nak uat roti coz takut tk menjadi.. :( makan roti i suka.. hehehe.. to get extra income mayb u can use some of your expertise la.. yg u tul2 enjoy doing. at least fun kan...

lis- phweet!! entrepreneur sey.. dats a good step.. mana tau i punye angin ni kekadang saja2 nak order. tasting2 ke.. hehee..

nur_irfan- boleh la i blaja masak from u. i suka baking coz simple. masak simple i ok but other than dat, kira kes kirim salam je... (ish pemalas betul aku nih...):shyxxx:


Active Member
Diana,klau u tanye nari nk msk ape..i plan to cook lontong goreng hari nie..hehe..rase mcm da lame plak tk msk lontong goreng..

erm..maybe hari nie i nk try buat mango cake.. MAYBE la.. coz da brape hari straight i baking.. nk rest jap la..
lis- u try bake marshmallow mango cake la... mesti sedap. if u uat hantar lerr pat SGH ke.. datang tgk i yg terduduk pat sini... hehehe...

i pun dh lama tk eat lontong goreng... ada resipi tak... ni msk kes campak2 je kan?


Well-Known Member
lis- u try bake marshmallow mango cake la... mesti sedap. if u uat hantar lerr pat SGH ke.. datang tgk i yg terduduk pat sini... hehehe...

i pun dh lama tk eat lontong goreng... ada resipi tak... ni msk kes campak2 je kan?
hmm..bukan tkle bake marshmallow mango cake..tpi hb tk suke marshmallow sgt tkot nanti da bake,die tknk mkn plak.. klau u nk order,boleh..buat saje2 jek..klau msk pon i ok jgk heavy la..

u keje kt SGH sebelah ane..? ma SIL pon keje sane..die under OT (Operating Theatre)..

klau lontong goreng.memang kes campak jek la..senang jgk la..
main ingredients,lontong/udang/daging cincang..den yang lain nk kasi colourful..i trok mix vege..hehe..da siap..! pedas2 bru POWER..klau tk,tkde 'kick' langsung.. :Dancing_wub:
okey Ana..looking forward to meet u one of these days..juz text me wen u wanna come..

Diana,klau u tanye nari nk msk ape..i plan to cook lontong goreng hari nie..hehe..rase mcm da lame plak tk msk lontong goreng..

erm..maybe hari nie i nk try buat mango cake.. MAYBE la.. coz da brape hari straight i baking.. nk rest jap la..

princesses.. name sebenar u ape..? susah nk panggil name u la..
hmm..ckp psl keje umah.. memang btol..rase nye it's never ending.. tpi klau bab anak i,die nie plak tak suke sgt main mainan budak2.. die lebih suke main brg2 org tue.. like hp la.. klau kasi yg hp bedek.die tknk, die campak jaoh2 hp tu.. kasi yg btol bru senyap.. :tlaugh: other than tat..die suke tgk action-packed movie.. confirm die duduk diam2 depan tv.. hahaha.. ~~~

hehe... lis, susah ke nk sebut p-r-i-n-c-e-s-s-e-s!!!
heehee jgn marah la gurau je... my name is huda...
my daughters ni suka play pretend la.. erm... mainan diorg tk main sgt... nanti dia dua beradik suka main teacher2 la, and sometimes eldest jadi mak while the ygest jadi anak!! :001_302: then they suka menyanyi, menari.... play computer, or more to drawings and writings.
the ygest suka drawing while kakak nyer suka belajar... :001_302:belajar in the sense that buku2 yg i beli for her revision at home.. nanti dia suruh i ajar dia .dia tk penat buat tapi i yg penat ajar!!! hehe... u staying where?? im north...
oh ya topic memasak ni kan mmg la everyday issues for us women... i suka collect recipe and try it out.. i interested to bake cuma kat umah tkde oven la.... but i cook most of the time cos hubby tk suka nah mkn luar... he prefers to eat home cooked food and he cannot miss eating rice for a and my princesses pulak kalau dpt mkn luar, we usually eat fast food to lepaskan geram!!! haha..


Well-Known Member
Still up and about and just popped in 2 panadol x-tra to besarkan biji mata. Got some stuff to settle. Will be bz till the next month or so. Guess, major cooking and hse cleaning will have to be secondary sampai project dah selesai.

Princesses, cute lah dengar u cerita abt your gals. My bundle of joy is actually my gal. My boys are rather aloof and imagination level dorang is lower as compared to my gal. Entah eh, maybe being boys....their inside system dah naturally practical and mechanical. My gal also likes pretend play with me. And she likes to imitate and mimic.... kekadang bila dia sebut things ada sound2 Mat-Minah Salleh slang :err:. Thanks to Barney, Hi-5 and Hanna Montana. And she is able to put one idea with another to come up with her conclusion. While my boys ni dorang very straight and direct with their ideas.

Eh, wanna ask u ladies, your spouse snoring rabakz tak ? Woah, mine eh macam bunyi horn kapal sih. Makin menjadi-jadi ah. Dulu tak cam ni sangat, tolerable. But now till my children pun complain sampai dorang campak bantal kat the father. :001_302: Tapi kan bila dia outstation berminggu-minggu, rindu jugak dengan bunyi horn kapal snoring tuh :shyxxx:

lis, can share cheese stick bulat2 recipe tu. Selera ah tengok. Kalau ringkas and senang, i wanna try.


Well-Known Member
hehe... lis, susah ke nk sebut p-r-i-n-c-e-s-s-e-s!!!
heehee jgn marah la gurau je... my name is huda...
my daughters ni suka play pretend la.. erm... mainan diorg tk main sgt... nanti dia dua beradik suka main teacher2 la, and sometimes eldest jadi mak while the ygest jadi anak!! :001_302: then they suka menyanyi, menari.... play computer, or more to drawings and writings.
the ygest suka drawing while kakak nyer suka belajar... :001_302:belajar in the sense that buku2 yg i beli for her revision at home.. nanti dia suruh i ajar dia .dia tk penat buat tapi i yg penat ajar!!! hehe... u staying where?? im north...
oh ya topic memasak ni kan mmg la everyday issues for us women... i suka collect recipe and try it out.. i interested to bake cuma kat umah tkde oven la.... but i cook most of the time cos hubby tk suka nah mkn luar... he prefers to eat home cooked food and he cannot miss eating rice for a and my princesses pulak kalau dpt mkn luar, we usually eat fast food to lepaskan geram!!! haha..
well.. skrg senang cket nk type name u.. H-U-D-A.. hehe.. den umor u brape..? hehe..~~ (bnyk soal jawab la aku nie)..

hmm..ur hb same like mine.. coz die pon tk suke mkn kt luar.. he prefers eating homecoked food.. he says more healthy n economize.. hehe~~ :shyxxx:

den klau kite ade rezeki lebih nk mkn luar.. i ketok la die cket.. mintak mkn mahal2 cket.. khakhakha... :tlaugh:

Still up and about and just popped in 2 panadol x-tra to besarkan biji mata. Got some stuff to settle. Will be bz till the next month or so. Guess, major cooking and hse cleaning will have to be secondary sampai project dah selesai.

Princesses, cute lah dengar u cerita abt your gals. My bundle of joy is actually my gal. My boys are rather aloof and imagination level dorang is lower as compared to my gal. Entah eh, maybe being boys....their inside system dah naturally practical and mechanical. My gal also likes pretend play with me. And she likes to imitate and mimic.... kekadang bila dia sebut things ada sound2 Mat-Minah Salleh slang :err:. Thanks to Barney, Hi-5 and Hanna Montana. And she is able to put one idea with another to come up with her conclusion. While my boys ni dorang very straight and direct with their ideas.

Eh, wanna ask u ladies, your spouse snoring rabakz tak ? Woah, mine eh macam bunyi horn kapal sih. Makin menjadi-jadi ah. Dulu tak cam ni sangat, tolerable. But now till my children pun complain sampai dorang campak bantal kat the father. :001_302: Tapi kan bila dia outstation berminggu-minggu, rindu jugak dengan bunyi horn kapal snoring tuh :shyxxx:

lis, can share cheese stick bulat2 recipe tu. Selera ah tengok. Kalau ringkas and senang, i wanna try.
hmm.. frequent snoring tkde la.. cume kadang2 jek..klau die terlalu penat agaknye.. but juz soft one.. lagi pon i klau tdo,leh tdo 'mati', tk sadar org klau die snore kuat2 pon,i rase i tkle dgr.. hahaha...

u nk resipi tu,boleh.. tpi u nk kene bnyk patient la.. coz die bukan tros satu kali jln buat abes.. nk kene buat..den stop.. kasi dough 'rest'.. den afta 1 hr, buat lagi, den rest lagi.. haha.. bnyk interval la..

niwae,here it is..

Ingredients :

480g Bread flour
120g Plain flour
110g sugar
10g salt
20g milk powder
4 tsps instant yeast

1 egg
300ml cold water

60g butter

Method :

- Mix (A) till well blended
- Add (B) and knead to form a dough
- Add (C), continue to knead to form a smooth n elastic dough
- Cover dough w clear film. Let it prove for 50 - 60 mins, or till it doubles its size.
- Use finger to press into the dough. It should show a clear finger tip mark but the dough should not sink. Now it's ready to use making bread or bun.

Ingredients for toping :

Grated cheddar cheese

Methods :

1. Divide the dough into 60g portions and mould into balls. Leave them to rest for 10 mins.
2. Flatten the dough balls and roll them out into 30cm long strips.
3. Place them into greased baking tray and put in a warm place to prove for 45 mins.
4. Brush with egg wash and sprinkle with some grated cheddar cheese and sugar.
5. Bake at 190 deg for 12 min or till golden brown in the middle of the oven. Serve.

Selamat mencuba.. klau menjadi, ambil gmbr..den post la kt cni k..


Well-Known Member
okey Ana..looking forward to meet u one of these days..juz text me wen u wanna come..

Diana,klau u tanye nari nk msk ape..i plan to cook lontong goreng hari nie..hehe..rase mcm da lame plak tk msk lontong goreng..

erm..maybe hari nie i nk try buat mango cake.. MAYBE la.. coz da brape hari straight i baking.. nk rest jap la..

princesses.. name sebenar u ape..? susah nk panggil name u la..
hmm..ckp psl keje umah.. memang btol..rase nye it's never ending.. tpi klau bab anak i,die nie plak tak suke sgt main mainan budak2.. die lebih suke main brg2 org tue.. like hp la.. klau kasi yg hp bedek.die tknk, die campak jaoh2 hp tu.. kasi yg btol bru senyap.. :tlaugh: other than tat..die suke tgk action-packed movie.. confirm die duduk diam2 depan tv.. hahaha.. ~~~

ok2 sure...
told my hub,dia kasi green light....


Well-Known Member
princesses- wah best nye ada gals... hehehe... u n lis rajin buat roti. I takut nak uat roti coz takut tk menjadi.. :( makan roti i suka.. hehehe.. to get extra income mayb u can use some of your expertise la.. yg u tul2 enjoy doing. at least fun kan...

lis- phweet!! entrepreneur sey.. dats a good step.. mana tau i punye angin ni kekadang saja2 nak order. tasting2 ke.. hehee..

nur_irfan- boleh la i blaja masak from u. i suka baking coz simple. masak simple i ok but other than dat, kira kes kirim salam je... (ish pemalas betul aku nih...):shyxxx:
can...i lebih suka masak...ntah ekh pada i senang...
klau baking ne ade slow sikit...
i lebih suka uat pudding/jelly


Active Member
Eh, wanna ask u ladies, your spouse snoring rabakz tak ? Woah, mine eh macam bunyi horn kapal sih. Makin menjadi-jadi ah. Dulu tak cam ni sangat, tolerable. But now till my children pun complain sampai dorang campak bantal kat the father. :001_302: Tapi kan bila dia outstation berminggu-minggu, rindu jugak dengan bunyi horn kapal snoring tuh :shyxxx:
my hubby snoring kalo dia penat. if i bilang dia, dia ckp tk la... ish.. geram punye pasal (coz tdo interrupted) i pakai hp i record dia punye snore.. terperanjat berok dia dengar...
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