young malay mums, lets meet over here!! - 28 Feb 2010 and earlier posts ~~

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niwae,here it is..

Ingredients :

480g Bread flour
120g Plain flour
110g sugar
10g salt
20g milk powder
4 tsps instant yeast

1 egg
300ml cold water

60g butter

Method :

- Mix (A) till well blended
- Add (B) and knead to form a dough
- Add (C), continue to knead to form a smooth n elastic dough
- Cover dough w clear film. Let it prove for 50 - 60 mins, or till it doubles its size.
- Use finger to press into the dough. It should show a clear finger tip mark but the dough should not sink. Now it's ready to use making bread or bun.

Ingredients for toping :

Grated cheddar cheese

Methods :

1. Divide the dough into 60g portions and mould into balls. Leave them to rest for 10 mins.
2. Flatten the dough balls and roll them out into 30cm long strips.
3. Place them into greased baking tray and put in a warm place to prove for 45 mins.
4. Brush with egg wash and sprinkle with some grated cheddar cheese and sugar.
5. Bake at 190 deg for 12 min or till golden brown in the middle of the oven. Serve.

Selamat mencuba.. klau menjadi, ambil gmbr..den post la kt cni k..
lis- ni resipi roti eh? i nak try jgk la.. mcm sedap je....


Well-Known Member
my hubby snoring kalo dia penat. if i bilang dia, dia ckp tk la... ish.. geram punye pasal (coz tdo interrupted) i pakai hp i record dia punye snore.. terperanjat berok dia dengar...

I pun pernah buat cam tu. Bih dia kata, hp u ada some bad reception masa recording.....DUH! Ada ke patut. Takpalah, sayang punya pasal khooorrrrrrrrrrrrrr kuat-kuat pun kena buat duno aje. Noise pollution lah seumur hidup.

lis...bab nak knead the dough lah i sengaja buat 'dough-no' :001_302: lengit ah nak buat tu. I rasa, i buat short cut style je lah. Try to source around for ready-made dough for bread pas tu add the cheese and bakar. Agak2 kat mana ada jual ready-made dough eh ? Cold storage, mustafa...emmm.


Well-Known Member

so far i tak pernah ready made dough..klau ade i rase yg 'ready made BUNS' la.. hahahaX.. ~~ :tlaugh: tgl nk byr & makan jek...


so u're going to ur mum's place today..?

I'm sick since yesterday..nk buat cake pon off la kjap.. but i tink nari i nk uat la.. klau tk uat ape2 rase mcm 'lemau' gitu la.. haiz..!!


Well-Known Member

so far i tak pernah ready made dough..klau ade i rase yg 'ready made BUNS' la.. hahahaX.. ~~ :tlaugh: tgl nk byr & makan jek...


so u're going to ur mum's place today..?

I'm sick since yesterday..nk buat cake pon off la kjap.. but i tink nari i nk uat la.. klau tk uat ape2 rase mcm 'lemau' gitu la.. haiz..!!
yup today bt nari i kena gi my aunty hse late aftnn...ade kenduri


Active Member
I pun pernah buat cam tu. Bih dia kata, hp u ada some bad reception masa recording.....DUH! Ada ke patut. Takpalah, sayang punya pasal khooorrrrrrrrrrrrrr kuat-kuat pun kena buat duno aje. Noise pollution lah seumur hidup.

lis...bab nak knead the dough lah i sengaja buat 'dough-no' :001_302: lengit ah nak buat tu. I rasa, i buat short cut style je lah. Try to source around for ready-made dough for bread pas tu add the cheese and bakar. Agak2 kat mana ada jual ready-made dough eh ? Cold storage, mustafa...emmm.
hehehe... i agree la jugak irritated memang la tapi dh sayang so haf to bear with it... hehehe... jgn si anak ikut snoring pulak.. itu bole jadi sotz... hehehhe

Lis- dough ada way to knead eh? takut tk menjadi la... :shyxxx:


Well-Known Member
ready made buns tapi tangan orang lain buat kan. At least ready-made dough tangan kita yg bukak oven, tabur cheese, etc. lis, u tumbuk2 and lenyek2 kan i dough tuh, i come and collect je....hehehhe.

arabjr : u tampal muka orang yg paling u menyampah dekat dough tuh, pas tuh kerjakan your dough....barulah sedap dimakan.

one of my children snore macam the dad. But of the three, yg tak sebulu dengar bapak dia snore is that little 'snorer' lah. Bagus, tak lama lagi, i can lock both the two 'snorers' into the room biar dorang challenge sapa lagi kuat.

Eh, apasal lah my gal ni buat main epok2 pakai my kitchen towels ? Mcam takda toys lain nak main, barang dapur jugak dia kebas.


Well-Known Member
Lis- dough ada way to knead eh? takut tk menjadi la... :shyxxx:
ermm..mcm mane i nk explain ehk..?? for wot i learnt,dough tu kene campak2..hmm..entah ehk..u try ajek la.. insya'allah jadi..

ready made buns tapi tangan orang lain buat kan. At least ready-made dough tangan kita yg bukak oven, tabur cheese, etc. lis, u tumbuk2 and lenyek2 kan i dough tuh, i come and collect je....hehehhe.
bole la..i charge u duit penat i lenyek2 dough tu.. khakhakhaka.. :tlaugh:
LIS - Well... umur berape ehk?? i'm still young 28 yrs but already feel like old.. age ni really catching up on us eh?? dulu ingat masa belasan tahun kan..., nk sgt umur 21... hehe nk sgt keje pegang duit sendiri... nk sgt kahwin dan ada anak.... NOW......... everything dah ter capai alhamdulilah .... tapi of course we cant be belasan tahun anymore........ hehehe lame eh??? but thats life!!!! now just hope that i'm able to be a gd mum and wife...... be good to everyone la hehe... nk jadi samaritan kot haha!! how bout u lis??
ENFLOR - Anyway bout frequent snoring my hubby tk de la... cuma biler time dia capek tu(hehe) ada jgk la once in a while... but tk teruk ah cos i still can tdo... tk la mcm horn kapal?? hehe... i believe i myself kalau penat pun mesti snore a bit je la hehehe ......(byk pnye a bit eh!!!)
eh anyway any of you here ada tagged ke frdster??
take care all..... may god bless...


Well-Known Member
LIS - Well... umur berape ehk?? i'm still young 28 yrs but already feel like old.. age ni really catching up on us eh?? dulu ingat masa belasan tahun kan..., nk sgt umur 21... hehe nk sgt keje pegang duit sendiri... nk sgt kahwin dan ada anak.... NOW......... everything dah ter capai alhamdulilah .... tapi of course we cant be belasan tahun anymore........ hehehe lame eh??? but thats life!!!! now just hope that i'm able to be a gd mum and wife...... be good to everyone la hehe... nk jadi samaritan kot haha!! how bout u lis??

eh anyway any of you here ada tagged ke frdster??
take care all..... may god bless...
i mth,i'm turning 20 onie..!! hehehe.. maseh muda lagi.. :Dancing_tongue:

i nk ade anak lagi satu..tpi ngah picking up on the economy.. for now,i've started a small biz on catering desserts.. can cater for kenduri ke.. keje kahwin ke.. & order tok raya.. etc.. tpi juz started onie la..maseh add on menu lagi.. nk help ma hb on income la.. n memang cita2 i nk ade biz sendiri.. :shyxxx: tlg la spread the words ehk..

i ade frenster ngan facebook..tpi da tk active kt frenster..more on facebook now.. u ade facebook...?
you 20 yrs old?? wow... muda nyer........ (jealous ku!!) hehe tkde la gurau je...
oh best nyer uat biz sendiri eh... at least u ada skills in catering.. btw, u berapa kids?? i pun planning kan for another one mid this year but i tk tahu la like u say economy is bad... i too nk contribute to hsehold income but i dont know where to start looking for one... dh lama tk gi keje since 2002.. :( hey i definitely will help spread the words ard..
my frdster pun dah tk active sgt.. more on tagged now but facebk pun i ada... i just started facebk so my profile lum lagi complete.. very the kosong... but add me up k whats yrs??
ok lis you take care.. dont forget add me up. and if i teringin nk order apa2 dgn u, will let u know k... insya allah...


Well-Known Member
you 20 yrs old?? wow... muda nyer........ (jealous ku!!) hehe tkde la gurau je...
oh best nyer uat biz sendiri eh... at least u ada skills in catering.. btw, u berapa kids?? i pun planning kan for another one mid this year but i tk tahu la like u say economy is bad... i too nk contribute to hsehold income but i dont know where to start looking for one... dh lama tk gi keje since 2002.. :( hey i definitely will help spread the words ard..
my frdster pun dah tk active sgt.. more on tagged now but facebk pun i ada... i just started facebk so my profile lum lagi complete.. very the kosong... but add me up k whats yrs??
ok lis you take care.. dont forget add me up. and if i teringin nk order apa2 dgn u, will let u know k... insya allah...

yea..i'm juz turning 20.. i ade one boi jek.. den plan for another one.. hoepfully gal la.. klau tk dpt pon tk kesah la.. den nk close shop.. onie plan for 2 coz economy is v bad.. n tings r getting expensive day by day.. so gotta play on the safe side.. :elvis:

thnx ehk nk tlg spread the word.. niwae,i da add u kt facebook.. do accept me k.. i nye nick is 'Nuralissa Antorque'..
ok.. klau u terase nk order ngan i,juz tell me.. insya'allah i akan buatkn.. nari i nk buat cheese sticks lagi.. for ma fren.. die ngah ngandong.. den ngidam plak.. :err:


Well-Known Member
yea..i'm juz turning 20.. i ade one boi jek.. den plan for another one.. hoepfully gal la.. klau tk dpt pon tk kesah la.. den nk close shop.. onie plan for 2 coz economy is v bad.. n tings r getting expensive day by day.. so gotta play on the safe side.. :elvis:

thnx ehk nk tlg spread the word.. niwae,i da add u kt facebook.. do accept me k.. i nye nick is 'Nuralissa Antorque'..
ok.. klau u terase nk order ngan i,juz tell me.. insya'allah i akan buatkn.. nari i nk buat cheese sticks lagi.. for ma fren.. die ngah ngandong.. den ngidam plak.. :err:
u,i wan 2 try ur cheese stick?chocolate fudge ck?


Well-Known Member

ehk..mane yg lain..?? lame tk nmpk..?? smuer bz ke...~~~
yuuhoo... enflor.. kak ros... arabjunior.. huda... erm..rami lagi la... mane smuer...?? ~~~
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