MummySG Night Owls Club - MAY 2009

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Alpha Male
Re: MummySG Night Owls Club

autumn82 said:
Pud hun:

Dettol used oredi , need to add detergent too rite? Washing rags... :x 1st time using dettol. LOL.
Detergent is for dissolving grease & dirt (which is usually trapped there by the grease) ... while Dettol is for killing germs - the reservation here is that if used excessively, your child might end up swiping whatever you washed with dettol into the mouth direct ... or from hand to mouth.
So, they are 2 very different things ... you decide what you really want.
:biggrin: :biggrin:


Well-Known Member
Re: MummySG Night Owls Club

Detergent is for dissolving grease & dirt (which is usually trapped there by the grease) ... while Dettol is for killing germs - the reservation here is that if used excessively, your child might end up swiping whatever you washed with dettol into the mouth direct ... or from hand to mouth.
So, they are 2 very different things ... you decide what you really want.
:biggrin: :biggrin:
Hmm.... I can't stand the smell, so prob wouldn't use excessively... :p Besides, dun think Iggy would chew on rags... :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Re: MummySG Night Owls Club

Hmmm ... you can bear to do that arh?
Personally, I've never smacked Siggi yet ... & for Seamus, I've always make it a point to smack his open palms only.
If I allow myself to smack anywhere else, I probably wun know where to stop.
:rofl: :rofl:

That's what she did last night ... well, almost.

When he was refusing his pre-sleep feed, she just dumped him on the bed ... Siggi sleeps between us on our bed. She then told him ... you dun wanna drink your milk, you dun come to mummy.
Then, my Siggi just smile smile ... as if replying "it's ok, as long as I dun hafta drink the milk"
:biggrin: :biggrin:

On the other hand, I also understand why my wifey is so upset ... she's been performing the role of "milking cow", even winning "Most Productive Cow Of The Month" awards for the last 4 months!!
Yet now, the production line seems to have over-produced becoz the market popularity has nosedived ...
:rofl: :rofl:

On another note, I'm SAF-trained ... so I can sleep through the night like nobody's business, even if my boys are crying - logic is simple, when in the SAF, you better sleep & rest well when you get the chance to do so, else you may not get that chance again until 48 or 72 hours later.
:wink: :wink:
Wow. I think my kiddos will envy yours. :tlaugh: Iggy oredi been whacked on the thighs, butt, arms & palm like no one's biz. Oh, had also been "slammed" on the bed by his mama for misbehaving. :001_302::001_302: Soon cane I guess. As for Belle, she was introduced to CANE since last yr, worst was 2 bruised stripes on her arm so far.

U can try changing to a bigger teat, to "force" feed him faster.. :p I did that to Iggy anyway. :tlaugh::tlaugh:At 1st he couldn't get used to it and almost got choke. Jus hold him upright to drink will be fine. He got used to it within a day.
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Alpha Male
Re: MummySG Night Owls Club

autumn82 said:
Hmm.... I can't stand the smell, so prob wouldn't use excessively... :p Besides, dun think Iggy would chew on rags... :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:
As long as you dun use it excessively (as in the proportion, compared to the water mixed), it should be ok.

As for babies dun chew on rags ... maybe not directly.
But after you wipe the rags on WHATEVER with too strong a Dettol mixture, this solution can be left on WHATEVER ... whoever then touches WHATEVER will pass onto to SOMETHING ELSE.
If Iggy touches WHATEVER or SOMETHING ELSE, he can still end up with Dettol in his mouth.

Hmmm ... sounds like I explaining how swine flu viruses got passed on.
:rofl: :rofl:


Alpha Male
Re: MummySG Night Owls Club

autumn82 said:
Wow. I think my kiddos will envy yours. :tlaugh: Iggy oredi been whacked on the thighs, butt, arms & palm like no one's biz. Oh, had also been "slammed" on the bed by his mama for misbehaving. :001_302::001_302: Soon cane I guess. As for Belle, she was introduced to CANE since last yr, worst was 2 bruised stripes on her arm so far.
Hmmm ... are you alone here?
Or all other mummies all so violent too?
:rofl: :rofl:

But seriously, I'm a violent person myself ... just ask those people who have played football against my teams over the years.
That's also WHY I know I hafta deliberately control myself not to whack or cane him ... but the good thing is I still happen to be the ONLY person within the extended family who can get Seamus to stop doing what he is doing, by using my eyes & my mouth only.
:biggrin: :biggrin:

autumn82 said:
U can try changing to a bigger teat, to "force" feed him faster... :tlaugh::tlaugh:
Problem is he wriggles so vehemently as long as the milk bottle gets near him ... so, I dun think a change of teats would make any difference.
:embarrassed: :embarrassed:


Re: MummySG Night Owls Club

i am not violent but my DH is....will cane till red colour or slap my boy de~~~

i see liao oso pek chek

but its rather effective la.....

i dun hit him but if really will be so soft tat he tot i am 'playing' wif him nia~~


Well-Known Member
Re: MummySG Night Owls Club

Hmmm ... are you alone here?
Or all other mummies all so violent too?
:rofl: :rofl:

But seriously, I'm a violent person myself ... just ask those people who have played football against my teams over the years.
That's also WHY I know I hafta deliberately control myself not to whack or cane him ... but the good thing is I still happen to be the ONLY person within the extended family who can get Seamus to stop doing what he is doing, by using my eyes & my mouth only.
:biggrin: :biggrin:

Problem is he wriggles so vehemently as long as the milk bottle gets near him ... so, I dun think a change of teats would make any difference.
:embarrassed: :embarrassed:
Prob am the only one.. Coz at home, am the person of authority (black face). :001_302: I tried not to whack oredi.. But when u get frustrated, nothing helps. :p

Hold him tight, Iggy also does that. I just force him close to me, hold him super tight and force feed. LOL. Nowadays, I just "Ooi" (super low loud type) to him and stare, he stuns and start drinking quietly. :p:tlaugh::tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Re: MummySG Night Owls Club

i am not violent but my DH is....will cane till red colour or slap my boy de~~~

i see liao oso pek chek

but its rather effective la.....

i dun hit him but if really will be so soft tat he tot i am 'playing' wif him nia~~
I saw b4!!! Uncle nic super "fierce" :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:Gan bai xia feng! :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Re: MummySG Night Owls Club

i am back.... from decor and rest...
cancan darling: something to tell you... my hubby has decided to take after your dh's good example. these few days he has been learning cooking. :D hopefully will become zi char stall's standards. :p


Active Member
Re: MummySG Night Owls Club

Why DH can cook is xing fu?

Hello everyone!!! :tlaugh:

*Very sianz... life is so mono-toneless, just eat, sleep and work*
*but pay no or little attention to the comment.. just me grumbling....*


Well-Known Member
Re: MummySG Night Owls Club

i am back.... from decor and rest...
cancan darling: something to tell you... my hubby has decided to take after your dh's good example. these few days he has been learning cooking. :D hopefully will become zi char stall's standards. :p

Dun let uncle nic hear that.. Wait he offended again. :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Re: MummySG Night Owls Club

cancan and autumn darling... ooops - he finished cooking his 3 dishes and come inside studyroom to tell me... erm... forgotten to cook rice... have to wait a while. Hahahaha..

almond: cause it's pampering? :D


Active Member
Re: MummySG Night Owls Club

cancan and autumn darling... ooops - he finished cooking his 3 dishes and come inside studyroom to tell me... erm... forgotten to cook rice... have to wait a while. Hahahaha..

almond: cause it's pampering? :D
Okay... maybe i'll cook more for my DW... :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Re: MummySG Night Owls Club

cancan and autumn darling... ooops - he finished cooking his 3 dishes and come inside studyroom to tell me... erm... forgotten to cook rice... have to wait a while. Hahahaha..

almond: cause it's pampering? :D


Active Member
Re: MummySG Night Owls Club

jac, play safe, see a doc asap leh. body will dehydrate leh. not good for u if you are breastfeeding.

period come le, the milk supply will dip de. need to pump and latch to keep it up. after period end, the supply will resume back to normal if u continue to latch josh.
good morning ~
another day of unpacking continues
i am doing the unpacking very slowly - still have about 3 more boxes left?

jac: oh no, are you okay?
Thank you both! Feeling much better today, didn't run in and out of the bathroom.

Now my milk supply dip till quite sad... barely get 10ml everytime I pump... *sigh* feel like giving up already... :eek:10::eek:10::eek:10:
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