Anyone going for Caesarian section?


Im now 37-weeks and I just went for my antenatal checkup today evening.
Baby is still BREECH therefore Doctor advised that he most likely wont turn downwards anymore.

He asked me to pick a date for the C-section as elective would be cheaper than emergency C-section.

Anyone gone/going for C-section to deliver?
how long will the wound take to heal?
Can I still go for the Malay Jamu massage?
How would C-section affect breastfeeding?

Sorry for so many questions. Feeling very anxious!


Well-Known Member
Im now 37-weeks and I just went for my antenatal checkup today evening.
Baby is still BREECH therefore Doctor advised that he most likely wont turn downwards anymore.

He asked me to pick a date for the C-section as elective would be cheaper than emergency C-section.

Anyone gone/going for C-section to deliver?
how long will the wound take to heal?
Can I still go for the Malay Jamu massage?
How would C-section affect breastfeeding?

Sorry for so many questions. Feeling very anxious!
i most likely will be going for c-sect (even booked e date alrdy) cos my piles is giving me pro =(

my gynae keep tell me nd 1mth to heal but i ask ard, lotsa ppl tell me is about 1 week? an they say can walk the next day alrdy but will pain la..

the massage still can go but i think nd to wait longer when ur wound is heal den can do..

c-sect will affect BF?? u mean the wound will pain or?? this one i dunno alrdy, also curious abt it.. hehe..


c-sect will affect BF?? u mean the wound will pain or?? this one i dunno alrdy, also curious abt it.. hehe..
Regina, cos I heard some colleagues say C-section the wound will be painful so when BF the baby pressing on the wound very pain then they give up BF.
And expressing the milk not as good as the suckling effect of baby so after awhile the milk supply also dwindle..

Curious to know how true also :p


Well-Known Member
Regina, cos I heard some colleagues say C-section the wound will be painful so when BF the baby pressing on the wound very pain then they give up BF.
And expressing the milk not as good as the suckling effect of baby so after awhile the milk supply also dwindle..

Curious to know how true also :p
but 1st few days bobian if really pain den hav to pump out 1st... actu i heard tt normally 1st 3 days no milk..if u keep pumpin the milk regularly, i think the supply will continue?? i read from books, they advice c-sect mummy to breastfeed by lying sideway... or u noe there's those nursing pillow to put ard our tummy, den u place bb on top? i think i getting tt pillow though i dunno hw helpful it is... :tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Im now 37-weeks and I just went for my antenatal checkup today evening.
Baby is still BREECH therefore Doctor advised that he most likely wont turn downwards anymore.

He asked me to pick a date for the C-section as elective would be cheaper than emergency C-section.

Anyone gone/going for C-section to deliver?
how long will the wound take to heal?
Can I still go for the Malay Jamu massage?
How would C-section affect breastfeeding?

Sorry for so many questions. Feeling very anxious!
Both my pregnancies r c-section n i juz delivered during tis early may~

Normally the wound will b completely heal by 6mths time~ (**yes i knw tat is quite long period)

Yes u can still go for postnatal massage but u haf to go after 2wks of ur c-section.

C-section i find it sumhow will affect breastfeeding due to the pain at the wound but it all depends on individual~


Active Member
im also going for c-sect. had already found a good date, now must check with gyne. in fact my gyne told me 1week can recover liao but massage best to wait until after confinement, so i will book my massage after my confinement.


Well-Known Member
Anyone gone/going for C-section to deliver? I gone for C-sect for both kiddos.
how long will the wound take to heal? Physically, after 1 week dun feel pain. But inside, prob takes up to 6mths to heal. :)
Can I still go for the Malay Jamu massage? Yes, but after 2weeks of delivery.
How would C-section affect breastfeeding? Prob feel uncomfy when trying to find a comfy position to bf, but will get a hang of it soon. :)


Thanks for all the replies Mummies. I feel somewhat relieved a little bit.. hehe

Now I need to pick a date as well.
pkshl what date you choose? Mine most prob will be within last 2 weeks of May because 1st week of June my doctor going on holiday.


Im now 37-weeks and I just went for my antenatal checkup today evening.
Baby is still BREECH therefore Doctor advised that he most likely wont turn downwards anymore.

He asked me to pick a date for the C-section as elective would be cheaper than emergency C-section.

Anyone gone/going for C-section to deliver?
how long will the wound take to heal?
Can I still go for the Malay Jamu massage?
How would C-section affect breastfeeding?

Sorry for so many questions. Feeling very anxious!
Mine is aso C-section, induce twice but no pain no contraction, so I opt for half body epidural.

If u mean the pain, it take around 2wks, but if u are a pain tolerance like me, the 2nd day, u can walk to the nursery lor, back home I can iron my hubby's clothes, wash clothes immediately lor...

I nv go for the massage, I got rashes at the back, sorry this I can't help, but I regain my weight back after 2wks too. I put on 8kg thru my pregnancy and my boy oredi 3.8kg.

For me, I nv direct BF, I use pump, my hubby see my boy boy 'gek' until face red red, he 'xin tong', but I dun feel the pain when my boy press on my tummy leh...

By the way, u opt for half body epidural or GA?


ochklk I am those who are easily scared by pain or blood and the thought of being awake during operation scares me.
So I dont know what method to choose. Is it scary to be awake during the operation??


ochklk I am those who are easily scared by pain or blood and the thought of being awake during operation scares me.
So I dont know what method to choose. Is it scary to be awake during the operation??
U won't be going to see any blood or feel any pain during the operation...but I am a more 'thick skin' person lah... wahaha...and I dun find it scary leh... my gynae, GA doctor and all the nurses talked to me, what will be my baby name, making fun of me and my hubby etc, u will forget u are having ops, just think tat yr are going to see yr bb soon... my hubby aso tell me the process wat they are doing, he told me when I'm taking photo with my boy, my gynae is stitching me up, wahaha...

But after operation, once the medicine went off, u will feel the pain and some discomfort lah...My worse pain is my back leh... I dun noe whether is it the epidural, now still having bad backache...Haiz..

If u choose GA, the only part I think no good is tat u won't be hearing yr bb first cry and see bb immediately... U got facebook? Add me at, can see my boy boy cleaning up process in the ops room.


Well-Known Member
ochklk I am those who are easily scared by pain or blood and the thought of being awake during operation scares me.
So I dont know what method to choose. Is it scary to be awake during the operation??
Not scary for my case.. :p Just felt some tugging and pulling. No pain. :)


Well-Known Member
ochklk I am those who are easily scared by pain or blood and the thought of being awake during operation scares me.
So I dont know what method to choose. Is it scary to be awake during the operation??
epidural better leh.. cn see bb fresh from oven and ur hubby can go in with u too.. hehe...


Well-Known Member
Anyone gone/going for C-section to deliver? I gone for C-sect for both kiddos.
how long will the wound take to heal? Physically, after 1 week dun feel pain. But inside, prob takes up to 6mths to heal. :)
Can I still go for the Malay Jamu massage? Yes, but after 2weeks of delivery.
How would C-section affect breastfeeding? Prob feel uncomfy when trying to find a comfy position to bf, but will get a hang of it soon. :)
eh... what do u mean by inside takes up to 6mths to heal???


eh... what do u mean by inside takes up to 6mths to heal???
My hubby described to me after cutting horizon outside, inside the uterus will be cut open too, think the uterus need 6mths to heal, tat y we can't get pregnant again after 1yr at least... I saw someone got pregnant within 9mths, the uterus rupture and she need a emergency C-section, and she is only 7mths pregnant..but bb safe(Thank God)...
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Well-Known Member
My hubby described to me after cutting horizon outside, inside the uterus will be cut open too, think the uterus need 6mths to heal, tat y we can't get pregnant again after 1yr at least... I saw someone got pregnant within 9mths, the uterus rupture and she need a emergency C-section, and she is only 7mths pregnant..but bb safe(Thank God)...
oh.. icic... so aft c-sect must do all kinds of "precaution" la.. LOL... but hw long will tha wound pain last? 1 week? 2 week? 1 month? 3 month?? hehe paiseh i ask alot =P


oh.. icic... so aft c-sect must do all kinds of "precaution" la.. LOL... but hw long will tha wound pain last? 1 week? 2 week? 1 month? 3 month?? hehe paiseh i ask alot =P
The uterus stitch, I dun think I felt the pain leh...More pain is the outer horizon stitch leh...After the anthestic wore off aft the ops, u will start to feel pain, but u will be given pain killer, I took only when I feel the pain, one nite at home I aso took the pain killer cos my backache and legache really kill me as I take care of my baby myself at nite, my hubby only 'special appearance', wahaha, I find the wound not really tat pain (backache is the best pain I ever had, wahaha) leh, depends on yrself leh, from 1 to 10, I rate 3 for the wound pain, lasted 1wks plus..... but I think epidural is the course of my backache, now still have, Haiz...
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Well-Known Member
The uterus stitch, I dun think I felt the pain leh...More pain is the outer horizon stitch leh...After the anthestic wore off aft the ops, u will start to feel pain, but u will be given pain killer, I took only when I feel the pain, one nite at home I aso took the pain killer cos my backache and legache really kill me as I take care of my baby myself at nite, my hubby only 'special appearance', wahaha, I find the wound not really tat pain (backache is the best pain I ever had, wahaha) leh, depends on yrself leh, from 1 to 10, I rate 3 for the wound pain, lasted 1wks plus..... but I think epidural is the course of my backache, now still have, Haiz...
I took daily for 1 week, regardless pain or not. Kiasi. :tlaugh::tlaugh: