Anyone going for Caesarian section?


Well-Known Member
The uterus stitch, I dun think I felt the pain leh...More pain is the outer horizon stitch leh...After the anthestic wore off aft the ops, u will start to feel pain, but u will be given pain killer, I took only when I feel the pain, one nite at home I aso took the pain killer cos my backache and legache really kill me as I take care of my baby myself at nite, my hubby only 'special appearance', wahaha, I find the wound not really tat pain (backache is the best pain I ever had, wahaha) leh, depends on yrself leh, from 1 to 10, I rate 3 for the wound pain, lasted 1wks plus..... but I think epidural is the course of my backache, now still have, Haiz...
wow u so li hai! aft c-sect still can take care BB at night. i alrdy told my hubby during e 1st few weeks he must wake up and help out. i think ur backach is partly becos u didnt rest enough during confinement? cos u've been taking care of ur BB alone... btw if i wanna breastfeed, still can take pain killer ah?? wont affect the breastmilk??


wow u so li hai! aft c-sect still can take care BB at night. i alrdy told my hubby during e 1st few weeks he must wake up and help out. i think ur backach is partly becos u didnt rest enough during confinement? cos u've been taking care of ur BB alone... btw if i wanna breastfeed, still can take pain killer ah?? wont affect the breastmilk??
Haha...I nv asked my hubby to take leave only the first few day got paternity leave, I aso iron, wash clothes for my hubby once I back home...I want to take care of myself until I go back to work... I scare wait my BB not so close to me, he will be taken care by my mil when I back to work...

The nurses assured me won't affect BM, but I try not take so much, only pain until boh bian then take. My hubby scold me why I so stubborn...wahaha...


Active Member
For my case, I could walk on the 2nd day liao..but there is this "pulling" pain sensation that lasted for months.

Each time you get up, bend down, I felt the pain near the wound.

Anyone had that ?

BTW, for those opted for c-sect, will hb have the chance to cut the umbilical cord?

My hb didnt have the chance for the #1 and we didnt know if its allowed or not..


Well-Known Member
For my case, I could walk on the 2nd day liao..but there is this "pulling" pain sensation that lasted for months.

Each time you get up, bend down, I felt the pain near the wound.

Anyone had that ?

BTW, for those opted for c-sect, will hb have the chance to cut the umbilical cord?

My hb didnt have the chance for the #1 and we didnt know if its allowed or not..
wow for mths?? u nw still feel the pain??

i tot if u choose epidural den hubby can cut the umbilical corD??


Im now 37-weeks and I just went for my antenatal checkup today evening.
Baby is still BREECH therefore Doctor advised that he most likely wont turn downwards anymore.

He asked me to pick a date for the C-section as elective would be cheaper than emergency C-section.

Anyone gone/going for C-section to deliver?
how long will the wound take to heal?
Can I still go for the Malay Jamu massage?
How would C-section affect breastfeeding?

Sorry for so many questions. Feeling very anxious!

Hi FrenchKitty

I delivered my baby girl via csect last March. I'm probably one of the more fortunate ones coz altho I had a csect, I did not have much pain and my wound healed extremely fast !

I was already up and about 2 days after the surgery. even when I got home, I felt no pain at all and could do anything at all. It felt like I did not even go for a surgery.l

I suppose for breastfeeding, it would vary for every individual. As for me, I had no issues with BF and so far the quantity is still plentiful.

I had my traditional massage too, just a week after I delivered.

All the best !


Active Member
wow for mths?? u nw still feel the pain??

i tot if u choose epidural den hubby can cut the umbilical corD??
ya the pulling pain sensation lasted for months..

My hb didnt have a chance to cut the umbilical cord leh even when i was going c-sect via epidural..he gu gu stood there...dare not ask too.

So i m not sure if he is allowed or not.


Well-Known Member
ya the pulling pain sensation lasted for months..

My hb didnt have a chance to cut the umbilical cord leh even when i was going c-sect via epidural..he gu gu stood there...dare not ask too.

So i m not sure if he is allowed or not.
ur gynae didnt ask him ah?? think the next checkup i gonna ask my gynae.. LOL...


For my case, I could walk on the 2nd day liao..but there is this "pulling" pain sensation that lasted for months.

Each time you get up, bend down, I felt the pain near the wound.

Anyone had that ?

BTW, for those opted for c-sect, will hb have the chance to cut the umbilical cord?

My hb didnt have the chance for the #1 and we didnt know if its allowed or not..
Yaya...sometimes I feel the pain but no bery pain lah, only for the 1st 2 wks lah...

My hubby also nv have the chance to cut leh, dun noe allow or not leh.. mayb can ask yr gynae..


Well-Known Member
Yaya...sometimes I feel the pain but no bery pain lah, only for the 1st 2 wks lah...

My hubby also nv have the chance to cut leh, dun noe allow or not leh.. mayb can ask yr gynae..
ur hubby also didnt cut ah? den i think mayb cannot cut wor.. but nvm la.. most impt is hubby can go in and see see... hehe..


ur hubby also didnt cut ah? den i think mayb cannot cut wor.. but nvm la.. most impt is hubby can go in and see see... hehe..

yaya...and he can take photo and video of yr bb too(I asked my hubby quickly take, but he so kan cheong, few of the pictures blur.. wahaha, by the way, yr hubby scare of blood or not... :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:...), when the nurse cleaning up yr bb aso can take video leh...but using only digital camera cannot use videocam and aso ask the nurse to take a 'Quan Jia Fu' when yr gynae stitching u up...


Well-Known Member
yaya...and he can take photo and video of yr bb too(I asked my hubby quickly take, but he so kan cheong, few of the pictures blur.. wahaha, by the way, yr hubby scare of blood or not... :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:...), when the nurse cleaning up yr bb aso can take video leh...but using only digital camera cannot use videocam and aso ask the nurse to take a 'Quan Jia Fu' when yr gynae stitching u up...
my mum keep ask me choose GA cos she say later my hubby faint b4 BB comes out.. but my hubby has been viewing those videos in youtube to "train" his heart.. LOL.. wow 1st family photo!!! i so qi dai!!!


my mum keep ask me choose GA cos she say later my hubby faint b4 BB comes out.. but my hubby has been viewing those videos in youtube to "train" his heart.. LOL.. wow 1st family photo!!! i so qi dai!!!
Haha.... my gynae aso make fun of my hubby whether will he faint or not... wahaha...btw Y u choose C-section?


Well-Known Member
Haha.... my gynae aso make fun of my hubby whether will he faint or not... wahaha...btw Y u choose C-section?
cos nw i got piles.. den very painful though got apply cream.. if normal delivery will worsen. my gynae say normally aft giving birth the piles won't permanently go away most likely hav to remove somemore i alrdy hav it b4 giving birth.. so my hubby suggested me go straight to c-sect... but i somehow feel quite guilty for choosing c-sect lo... =(


cos nw i got piles.. den very painful though got apply cream.. if normal delivery will worsen. my gynae say normally aft giving birth the piles won't permanently go away most likely hav to remove somemore i alrdy hav it b4 giving birth.. so my hubby suggested me go straight to c-sect... but i somehow feel quite guilty for choosing c-sect lo... =(
Y guilty... Do u noe C-section is lesser risk for the baby? My gynae want to try induce again, but I want to C-section so tat I want my boy to be safe...Normal birth sometimes will fracture the bb arms, cord will get caught their neck, no oxygen lah... alot of things lah...


Well-Known Member
Y guilty... Do u noe C-section is lesser risk for the baby? My gynae want to try induce again, but I want to C-section so tat I want my boy to be safe...Normal birth sometimes will fracture the bb arms, cord will get caught their neck, no oxygen lah... alot of things lah...
realli?? i didnt noe tt wor... i nw keep tell myself must bear with the pain aft c-sect... i more scare will hav difficulties in feeding him breastmilk...

i guilty cos i feel tt my bb's head finally turn down (his head was up until recently) yet i still choose c-sect lo...


realli?? i didnt noe tt wor... i nw keep tell myself must bear with the pain aft c-sect... i more scare will hav difficulties in feeding him breastmilk...

i guilty cos i feel tt my bb's head finally turn down (his head was up until recently) yet i still choose c-sect lo...
My boy boy head aso turn down but nv engage, he good meal good sleep in my tummy leh... wahaha...I aso no contraction or pain lah when induced... I walked alot aso no use...Dun worry so much first...walk the bridge, the bridge will be straight... wahaha...So when is yr C-section date?? and if u want someone to talk to can PM me, I can give u my numbers...hee...


Well-Known Member
My boy boy head aso turn down but nv engage, he good meal good sleep in my tummy leh... wahaha...I aso no contraction or pain lah when induced... I walked alot aso no use...Dun worry so much first...walk the bridge, the bridge will be straight... wahaha...So when is yr C-section date?? and if u want someone to talk to can PM me, I can give u my numbers...hee...
mine is schedule at at 2nd june.. wanna choose 1st but gynae on leave.. wanna choose 3rd or 4th, she also on leave!


Regina I also feel guilty for having to go C-section because I think it makes me feel less whole as a woman if I dont go through the natural birthing process.

And I know hubby been very enthusiastic reading my baby books and preparing himself to be my birthing partner. This makes me feel even more guilty. :embarrassed:

But last night I asked him what he thinks of C-section, he said it has its good points also, no need to pain and wait so long. :001_302: