single mums!


New Member
Hellow everyone! Just wanna say hello and perhaps get in the loop.

I have been divorced for over 3 years now, and I must say, things are not THAT good, but it's not THAT bad, either. However, I must say that the changes in my life has been pretty, well... how can I put it.... WHIRLWIND! (Yes, that's it!). But in all things bad - there's always something good. Like yin and yang, you know? I am thankful that I been blessed, before and after divorce.

Right now, due to my travel commitments (I travel half the month to London, Nice and sometimes to Miami, LA or New York) - and the other half catching up with kids and home stuff.

Like now, at home, twiddling my thumbs :001_302:. No, actually, I do keep myself busy with some freelance work locally and internationally - and when I'm travelling, I also do some shopping for others (and myself, ofcourse!).

So, if there's mummys out there (perhaps living in the West area) - please feel free to contact me, perhaps we all can get together for breakfast, brunch, lunch or tea (wow - we might end up with extra kgs - but nevermind!) - all in the name of making new friends.... someone's gotta do it, right?!

See ya!
Hi Sri...

So sorry.. I really dun know abt it but just my thinking.. I felt that maybe that time i still underage which mean a teenager that y mum that follow in.. But i not sure whether those unmarried counted ma...

Anyway i am once a single mum... I give birth my gal when i was 16 and i was not married.. after that i leave the father but b/cert have his name... Then after that i get to know my current ex.. which i give birth my son at the age of 19yrs.. then this year have file for divorce... So regert to ROM.. now that guy wanna to fight my son from me...

Anyway i have his sms that he ask me to find money to pay his debt.. He is not working and last year just release from jail... He keep threaten me with divorce till this year.. he is too much le... and now he keep harassing me... My marriage will be 3yrs this 13 July 2008 so lawyer will file on that days... As lawyer have now process the interim custody for me...

interim custody court will be 8 July 2008.. Hope wont postpone again.. And my PPO court on 9July 2008... Hope wont postpone too.. That stupid guy still file PPO againist me and my father... after i have file PPO against him....

He being senting me insulting sms such as slut,basterd,loose woman and many more...
such a b*****d............

Keep all these sms........ show to court!

For me, my boy's father don't even pay a cent and visit him... not to say a call even.....

right now, he owe me 8k! I went to court once and they only have a mediation session.

He said that his bankrupt now (yayaya no $ still sign credit card).... then say he no money

and eveyr mth he have to give his mom $350....... I told the mediator that his mom no need him to take care.... what is his father for?

then he say mom only got 1......... i told him son also only got 1..... and he say son next time still can have.....

really....... BAST$$D!!!!

looking at him now, i doubt he can even have another kid and can support the kid......

After the session, he still didn't pay me....... how? how ? mediation don't work

ocean bear

New Member
firstly, thanks edy for adding this section~ hehe...well, im considered a single mum ba...not married to dh yet...well hv a dd of 5 mths old...her name is kaipin~ :shyxxx:

currently, me n dh's r/s oso abit shaky...haiz~

any other mummies?:tlaugh:
im new, im also consider as a single mum.
my marriage is on the rock. we r getting a seperation soon.
I hav a girl age 3+
at first i feel guilty towards my girl, but nw i think this is the best for her.:tlaugh:

ocean bear

New Member
hihi to all,

im new here.
im consider a single mum . my marriage is on the rock, & we r going for a seperation.
I have a girl age 3+ , at first i still hav some guilt towards my girl but nw i find that this is the best for her.
Im a freelane interior designer . u can email to me @ if any one need to do up their plc. quotation will be given with no obligations . just provide floorplan & requirements.




Still in the midst of seperation, no way to get immediate divorce as youngest DD only 1 years plus...

Now is dunno how to get my husband to sign the deed of seperation as the terms and conditions not confirmed. Trying hard to get him to settle on this, but seems like he is avoiding me. Call him no picked up one. He is still paying every mth, but he dun really come and visit his kids. Any idea how to settle this? I dun want to drag as I want to get the deed of seperation so I can get HDB to refund me the money I paid for my BTO flat.

Also, anyway I can change my username? LOL... This name is a mix of my husband name and mine. But now it's seems so meaningless...

side track, hi ocean_bear, me also doing freelancing (side job), but am graphics side, trying to go into web 2, kekeke... if happen to have lobangs, will let you know, do keep me in the loop if any projects available. :) (this msg is also for anyone who is reading, lobangs? Please? :p )

Thx Thx!


such a b*****d............

Keep all these sms........ show to court!

For me, my boy's father don't even pay a cent and visit him... not to say a call even.....

right now, he owe me 8k! I went to court once and they only have a mediation session.

He said that his bankrupt now (yayaya no $ still sign credit card).... then say he no money

and eveyr mth he have to give his mom $350....... I told the mediator that his mom no need him to take care.... what is his father for?

then he say mom only got 1......... i told him son also only got 1..... and he say son next time still can have.....

really....... BAST$$D!!!!

looking at him now, i doubt he can even have another kid and can support the kid......

After the session, he still didn't pay me....... how? how ? mediation don't work

my 1st mediation for maintenance, my ex-bf nvr come..but i still pursue it! and he nvr ever sms me when i preg & nw after i wanna claim maintenance, he wanna fight for custody.. he told me to wait for his lawyer's letter...
Currently in the midst of a separation.. Cos 2009 aug16 den 3yrs marriage...

He was quite indecisive at 1st.. awhile say let me hv my gal's custody, awhile say he 1 2 fight...

But nw everything is settled le.. I will hv her... *of cos la!! I hv been taking care of her and paying since i started working... He was in jail ma*

Salute to all single mums here!! Lets work to a beta tmr!!
Currently in the midst of a separation.. Cos 2009 aug16 den 3yrs marriage...

He was quite indecisive at 1st.. awhile say let me hv my gal's custody, awhile say he 1 2 fight...

But nw everything is settled le.. I will hv her... *of cos la!! I hv been taking care of her and paying since i started working... He was in jail ma*

Salute to all single mums here!! Lets work to a beta tmr!!
mine never even think of having my boy.......

now is I WAN MONEY!!!


Well-Known Member
prob the judge will look at which side can give the best to the child?
be it money, n accomodation, n the attention n stuffs like tt.


Active Member
prob the judge will look at which side can give the best to the child?
be it money, n accomodation, n the attention n stuffs like tt.

but if the baby is young, or its a girl, most probably care and control will be with mother, as long as she shows that she has the capabilities of caring for her child.. even if mother no $$$, they will ask the dad to pay more maintenance ba..



but if the baby is young, or its a girl, most probably care and control will be with mother, as long as she shows that she has the capabilities of caring for her child.. even if mother no $$$, they will ask the dad to pay more maintenance ba..
thanks. it's boosting up my confidence of winning! :)
thanks. it's boosting up my confidence of winning! :)
dont worry la girl. your chances are super high. unless the judge is blind lo. if not just ask them send people go the house sudden spot check la. but the thing is, the father will still have the right to see the child at least once a mth, as long as he's paying the child maintenance wor.


dont worry la girl. your chances are super high. unless the judge is blind lo. if not just ask them send people go the house sudden spot check la. but the thing is, the father will still have the right to see the child at least once a mth, as long as he's paying the child maintenance wor.
Even if the judge says that he can see the child once a month and i agree, i think he wouldn't even bother to do so la... he would rather see his game than to see baby la, cos game more impt!
if no maintenance nvm, cos i know he cant afford to! plus the money minded mother will kbkp if really they need to give me maintenence..


Even if the judge says that he can see the child once a month and i agree, i think he wouldn't even bother to do so la... he would rather see his game than to see baby la, cos game more impt!
if no maintenance nvm, cos i know he cant afford to! plus the money minded mother will kbkp if really they need to give me maintenence..
Wah..the Mother kpkb?? LOL!! But in the eyes of law it is his responsibility too... even if he cant afford, I tink still muz give.. atleast give abit... unless la he mentally/physically disable to do so... And during the court hearing/mediation, if u don want him to give maintenance u can tell the mediator/judge...this hv to be mutual agreement..


Wah..the Mother kpkb?? LOL!! But in the eyes of law it is his responsibility too... even if he cant afford, I tink still muz give.. atleast give abit... unless la he mentally/physically disable to do so... And during the court hearing/mediation, if u don want him to give maintenance u can tell the mediator/judge...this hv to be mutual agreement..
who would say no to money? haha...