single mums!


yeah.. if he wanna see your daughter, make sure he pays maintenance.. they thought what ar.. there is no free lunch in the world.. we take care of baby, nurture them, support them emotionally and psychologically.. they never put in any effort thn suka suka want to see baby ar.. crazy ppl..

yar!!!true for me...i wnt even let even he pay...coz ma bb is not for show too...dots....wan c ma bb not first u chose to go dn ever find us bac!!!!psps...emotion bad...


Active Member
yar!!!true for me...i wnt even let even he pay...coz baby is not for show too...dots....want c baby not first you chose to go do not ever find us bac!!!!psps...emotion bad...
true.. i was thinking like this too.. but eventually, i have to come to terms with reality that if one day he is to fight for his rights to see my baby through legal means, there is nothing much i can do to prevent him from seeing baby as well ba..


true.. i was thinking like this too.. but eventually, i have to come to terms with reality that if one day he is to fight for his rights to see my baby through legal means, there is nothing much i can do to prevent him from seeing baby as well ..

for me most impt thing is not ptting and id of father in bb birthcert....and its quite safe liao....and i realli wnt let dat bastard c bb de....coz its useless...u leave us behind at first...and now u want to see....for wad??lol...rite???? ah...abit crazy liao...hahas....coz i think there is not a need for dat bastard to c ma bb de....


Well-Known Member
true.. i was thinking like this too.. but eventually, i have to come to terms with reality that if one day he is to fight for his rights to see my baby through legal means, there is nothing much i can do to prevent him from seeing baby as well ..
no worries... even he get to see ur baby, ur baby also won't be close to him as to you... though they r still young but i feel that they know who r the ones who care and love them while who r those that is not...:001_302:


Well-Known Member
if u do not put his name on the baby's BC, then it would be more difficult for him to see or acknowledge your child.
unless he goes to court to petition n then the court would require a DNA test to be taken.
n it goes on from there.
but he may not know of this so dun be bothered abt it.
my girl's BC has her dad's name cos at that time we r still tgt.
i didnt wanna include but he insisted. now kinda regret.
but im still nt takin any money frm him.
n im wondering if i shld to ease my finance.


Well-Known Member
true.. i was thinking like this too.. but eventually, i have to come to terms with reality that if one day he is to fight for his rights to see my baby through legal means, there is nothing much i can do to prevent him from seeing baby as well ..

as long baby's custody is under you, the court prob just grant him access once a week or once in 2 weeks.
n for a few hrs each time.
n he will be required to give u maintenance fee for your child.


it must be hard on you... but i'm sure seeing your baby growing up, the hardship and everything are all worth it rite? =D

though i'm not a single mother but what i wanna say is: being a single mummy doesn't mean is not a good mother... as long as one can give the best to her kids, is a good mother... all mothers love their precious! and "the best" i mentioned is not measureable by money, is by the love given :001_302:
:red:I agreed....knowing that it is tough, but because of dd/ds, it will pull us tru! Jia you all single mum, including me now :001_302:


Well-Known Member
pin hadnt asked yet, but i know she wud in time to come.
n im still figuring out how to tell her.


if ma bb still young..i may just tell bb dat before u born papa died liao????kena accident???lol....i also dn noe...haha...maybe will ask ma mum suggestion


New Member
Dun be sad things will be better, jiajia you ben nan nian jin! Marriage is a certificate young mommies always face alot of troubles...MIL etc..dun sad.


Active Member
no worries... even he get to see your baby, your baby also won't be close to him as to you... though they are still young but i feel that they know who are the ones who care and love them while who are those that is not...:001_302:
yeah.. but i was very 'stubborn' on not lettin him having the rights to see her coz i don wan him to use her as an object to make his father happy.. his father is almost 80 years old liao.. if got a grandchild sure very happy.. but its also one key reason on why i insist on cutting all ties with him.. its becoz during the discussion stage in my early pregnancy, he was forcing me to abort but one fine day come and say he wan to keep the baby now juz to make his dad happy.. but in fact, he is putting up a show that we are in peace to make his dad happy and in fact he would hates us for ruining his life.. i still have the exact sms:
So I told him if they wan the kid, they would have to financially support the kid, i would let them see the baby on weekends..

He: Financially support sure can one dont worry. I squeeze my mum to take some money out but the kid stays with my dad. How to see weekend the kids and expect us to support the kid? Where is the justification?

I say we will discuss on Saturday, but my mum will be with me.. I think i also mentioned that the baby surname will be Lim..

He: Sure no problem your mum is welcomed to come over and discuss. I decided to keep the kid to make my dad happy and the surname will be Goh since I agree to keep the kid now.

(P.s KNN keep the baby to make his dad happy? CB la.. u think my baby is an object ar?)

He: No, it is you that commit the mistake now by insisting to keep the baby. So all of us have to suffer all because fo your woo-im-dying-to-have-a-kid concept. Trust me, I will hate you for ruining my life completely but for my dad happiness i will pretend to be singing the same song and bear these nightmare so please dont make things even more difficult now. Just come over and stay and i will get cash to pay for your kids.
whn ever i read back this sms, it makes me blood boil until headache.. fuming mad until i'm itching to go and burn his hayabusa away.. so i try not to read them as much as possible..


Active Member
pin hadnt asked yet, but i know she wud in time to come.
and im still figuring out how to tell her.
same here.. but i don intent to lie to her ba.. maybe try to put the truth to her simply and tactfully lo.. i read some single parenting books, they say its best not to lie.. but kids may still feel hurt being unwanted by the father.. i dunno..


hmmm. as for me, i will tell my ds the truth also. Maybe for my case is simpler. I will just tell him that :

it was because me and papa really cannot get along. but papa still loves you, he is a good papa, but not a good husband to mummy. We dun want you to see us quarrel and cry in front of you. Papa and mummy are still good friends but we can't stay together....

Sigh, it is the best i could tot of ....hope my ds will understand this...


Well-Known Member
well, not her father dont want her.
more of we (or rather me) dont want her father.
i believe i can find her a better father than him
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Well-Known Member
ask him to GO TO HELL.
how can he treat your girl like she was just someone else.
dont even bother abt him.
keep tt sms/msg, go to the family court n apply for maintenance from him.dun hv to inform him just go n fill in application form.
if i am not wrong,
BC dun hv his name nvm.
the court wil still ask him for maintenance, if he denies baby is his, will need to take DNA test to prove.
proven is his, he pay for it, but proven not his then u need to pay.
if proven, he need to provide the maintenance fee.
but he can see baby either once a week, or once every 2 weeks. it depends.
keep tt sms so that u hv evidence tt he doesnt want the baby just in case he wanna fight with u for custody.

this is i heard b4 frm another mummy de.
her ex oso dun wanna pay then she go court n ask for it.