single mums!

i heard of this case abt 2yrs ago. this lady was pregnant by the bf and the bf told her to abort but she didnt and keep the child. and then the bf broke off wif her.

after the bb is born, she got to know another bf who is a lawyer or wad. and was told that she can claim everiting that she have spent on the bb from the bf. bcos he is the father of the child. he haf to pae 50% of everiting.

so if tat lady wanna fight the case in the court, she can fight. but provided that all the stuff tat she bought previously for bb, she still haf the receipt and all. and when they go to court, the guy told the judge, it's an accident and i asked her to abort it. she didnt wan to, so why should i b responsible? the judge replied 'u should b responsible to make no accident and not asking her to abort after a lfie haf been created.'

tadah~ sometimes the law is still useful to us. so if ani ladies here wanna fight, u can still do so :)
i heard of this case abt 2yrs ago. this lady was pregnant by the bf and the bf told her to abort but she didnt and keep the child. and then the bf broke off wif her.

after the bb is born, she got to know another bf who is a lawyer or wad. and was told that she can claim everiting that she have spent on the bb from the bf. bcos he is the father of the child. he haf to pae 50% of everiting.

so if tat lady wanna fight the case in the court, she can fight. but provided that all the stuff tat she bought previously for bb, she still haf the receipt and all. and when they go to court, the guy told the judge, it's an accident and i asked her to abort it. she didnt wan to, so why should i b responsible? the judge replied 'u should b responsible to make no accident and not asking her to abort after a lfie haf been created.'

tadah~ sometimes the law is still useful to us. so if ani ladies here wanna fight, u can still do so :)
ahahahas. go check what if the guy say no money pay? no point he go jail cause some people jail to them machiam home they more happy eh. and if he go jail we also no advantage....


Active Member
i heard of this case abt 2yrs ago. this lady was pregnant by the bf and the bf told her to abort but she didnt and keep the child. and then the bf broke off wif her.

after the bb is born, she got to know another bf who is a lawyer or wad. and was told that she can claim everiting that she have spent on the bb from the bf. bcos he is the father of the child. he haf to pae 50% of everiting.

so if tat lady wanna fight the case in the court, she can fight. but provided that all the stuff tat she bought previously for bb, she still haf the receipt and all. and when they go to court, the guy told the judge, it's an accident and i asked her to abort it. she didnt wan to, so why should i b responsible? the judge replied 'u should b responsible to make no accident and not asking her to abort after a lfie haf been created.'

tadah~ sometimes the law is still useful to us. so if ani ladies here wanna fight, u can still do so :)
haha.. i know about that as well.. so i try to keep most of the receipts of stuffs i use for DD..

but i won fight unless he come n kajiao us coz i prefer my girl to not meet him at all.. coz if he pays, mean i gotta let him n his family see my girl as well.. i rather not..


Well-Known Member
but if the guy pays for the maintenance then he will hv the lawful rights to see the baby, unless he is abusive or whatever.
i didnt let my ex see pin since we broke up almost 2 yrs ago when she is abt 4-5 mths old.
n i nvr take a single cent from him, so he nvr ask me oso.
n now he like wanna see pin la, i tell him see how.
but my parents n my current bf think i shldnt take any money from him, n not let him see pin.
so i guess im holding back still.


firstly, thanks edy for adding this section~ hehe...well, im considered a single mum ba...not married to dh yet...well hv a dd of 5 mths old...her name is kaipin~ :shyxxx:

currently, me n dh's r/s oso abit shaky...haiz~

any other mummies?:tlaugh:
hihi...a MTB here...and also single mum...hmm..u looks young..don't you??well...its hard on you le...i'm young i'm sure all e single mums here can go thru everything lik how the other mum go shi wang!!!!u can contact me:)...and if u dn mind we can even cum out gather and chat...and support each and jia you oo...90870069....rmb...jiayou...yeye here...


Well-Known Member
yeah im 22 this yr. haha, my this post was like almost 2 yrs ago alr.
im doing well so no worries, yeah we can meet up some day for a gathering yeah.
but dun put ya number here ba, in case kena spam ah.


yeah im 22 this yr. haha, my this post was like almost 2 yrs ago alr.
im doing well so no worries, yeah we can meet up some day for a gathering yeah.
but dun put ya number here ba, in case kena spam ah.

oo..haha...dats young too..hehe...ya sure...well...den add me in msn


Active Member
yeah im 22 this yr. haha, my this post was like almost 2 yrs ago alr.
im doing well so no worries, yeah we can meet up some day for a gathering yeah.
but dun put ya number here ba, in case kena spam ah.
ting.. now thn i realise we same age.. haha..
Even if the judge says that he can see the child once a month and i agree, i think he wouldn't even bother to do so ... he would rather see his game than to see baby , cos game more impt!
if no maintenance nvm, cos i know he cant afford to! plus the money minded mother will kbkp if really they need to give me maintenence..
same issue going on wif my cousin n his wife..
he always play his PSP n NDS...
his wife bring the son back also he dun bother to play... stay in his room all day playing...
i tried talking to him but to no avail...
all he cares for is his soccer matches on screen, n on field every sunday; n his PSP n NDS...
i pity his wife...
but luckily she is strong n ready to fight back..
otherwise i tink she'll cry n cry n regret marrying him...


Active Member
haha, really?
are u a single mum too? :)
yeah.. single mom too.. my dd is 14months .. broke up with the man be4 8weeks pregnant coz he make it very clear he dont want the baby, and was forcing me to go abortion.. how time flies..
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Well-Known Member
yeah.. single mom too.. my dear daughter is 14months .. broke up with the man be4 8weeks pregnant coz he make it very clear he dont want the baby, and was forcing me to go abortion.. how time flies..
paiseh, interupt abit... sry to say tt but ur ex is a JERK! he'll regret in future! u made the right choice by giving birth to ur gal... :001_302:


Active Member
paiseh, interupt abit... sry to say that but your ex is a JERK! he'll regret in future! you made the right choice by giving birth to your gal... :001_302:
totally agree.. actually, on the time of breakup, i still love him alot.. but subsequently, through those daily horrible sms-es that he send to me to force me to see abortion as the right choice, the argument and everything, drains away all the love and only left me with disgust for him *bleah*

and guess after almost 23months now, im still holding onto the grudge..


Well-Known Member
totally agree.. actually, on the time of breakup, i still love him alot.. but subsequently, through those daily horrible sms-es that he send to me to force me to see abortion as the right choice, the argument and everything, drains away all the love and only left me with disgust for him *bleah*

and guess after almost 23months now, im still holding onto the grudge..
it must be hard on u... but i'm sure seeing ur BB growing up, the hardship and everything are all worth it rite? =D

though i'm not a single mother but what i wanna say is: being a single mummy doesn't mean is not a good mother... as long as one can give the best to her kids, is a good mother... all mothers love their precious! and "the best" i mentioned is not measureable by money, is by the love given :001_302:


Active Member
it must be hard on you... but i'm sure seeing your baby growing up, the hardship and everything are all worth it rite? =D

though i'm not a single mother but what i wanna say is: being a single mummy doesn't mean is not a good mother... as long as one can give the best to her kids, is a good mother... all mothers love their precious! and "the best" i mentioned is not measureable by money, is by the love given :001_302:
of coz it's all worth it.. :D

agree with wat u said.. as long as one puts in heart and effort to gives her best to her child, she is the best mommy to her child.. ;)


Well-Known Member
well amulet, kudos to u.
im sure u r a brave n great mum.
not an easy step to make.
i broke up with my ex when my girl abt 5-6 mths old.
cant stand the fact tt he doesnt show enuf concern to her.
always just play games n watch tv n slp when he's at my plc.
worst is frm i preg til we break up, not a single cent frm him.
my last straw came when he didnt wanna feed baby drink milk cos the previous milk time he alr fed! (i was lookin after her the whole day! he only came at 11pm!!!!)
was so angry we argued n then i told him GET OUT.
tried to get us back but too late.
got damn disgusted n sick of him so tell him NO WAY alr. haha.
now he wanna sees baby, but dun even wanna offer maintenance ( alr 1 yr plus, not even another single cent from him), so i nvr let him see pin at all.


Active Member
well amulet, kudos to you.
im sure you are a brave and great mum.
not an easy step to make.
i broke up with my ex when my girl about 5-6 mths old.
cant stand the fact that he doesnt show enuf concern to her.
always just play games and watch tv and sleep when he's at my plc.
worst is frm i preg til we break up, not a single cent frm him.
my last straw came when he didnt wanna feed baby drink milk cos the previous milk time he already fed! (i was lookin after her the whole day! he only came at 11pm!!!!)
was so angry we argued and then i told him GET OUT.
tried to get us back but too late.
got damn disgusted and sick of him so tell him NO WAY already. haha.
now he wanna sees baby, but dont even wanna offer maintenance ( already 1 your plus, not even another single cent from him), so i never let him see pin at all.
yeah.. if he wanna see your daughter, make sure he pays maintenance.. they tot wat ar.. there is no free lunch in the world.. we take care of baby, nurture them, support them emotionally and psychologically.. they never put in any effort thn suka suka wan to see baby ar.. crazy ppl..