Mummysg Early Birds And Night Owls Clubb - August 2009 !!!!

How many of us have a WOODY BLOCK hubby?

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Well-Known Member
cancan bossie...i wanna complain..

i carry xavier...he cry....i carry josh, he oso the end, dun dare to carry dante...i scare he oso cry~

why why why ??

they dun lub lub me.....

maybe i duno how to bro always say the way i carry make the baby uncomfortable...tsk tsk tsk...BUT HE NV TEACH ME HOW TO CARRY....zzzzzzzzz



Well-Known Member
WONDERFUL....but did not manage to tok to evy1...must wait till dinner over, then we move around to chat chat...hahahahaa~
nice nice... i have a very very long day, went out to shop around then go to taka baby fair, came home, rest a while and go for dinner at mortons. In the end, I am too lazy to go for movies...LOL...

cancan bossie...i wanna complain..

i carry xavier...he cry....i carry josh, he also the end, dont dare to carry dante...i scare he also cry~

why why why ??

they dont love love me.....

maybe i dont know how to bro always say the way i carry make the baby uncomfortable...tsk tsk tsk...BUT HE never TEACH ME HOW TO CARRY....zzzzzzzzz

Erm.... darling lawla, take it easy. slowly okay? *Sayang Sayang.... :)


Well-Known Member

Thanks almond for sending me and dante home.:)so paiseh my notti keep cry.zzz.
my xavier more notti lor :(

facebook cannot access rite ??????????????
facebook crazy nowadays ...

WONDERFUL....but did not manage to tok to evy1...must wait till dinner over, then we move around to chat chat...hahahahaa~
Yeah yeah .... i also paiseh dont know what to tok

cancan bossie...i wanna complain..

i carry xavier...he cry....i carry josh, he also the end, dont dare to carry dante...i scare he also cry~

why why why ??

they dont love love me.....

maybe i dont know how to bro always say the way i carry make the baby uncomfortable...tsk tsk tsk...BUT HE never TEACH ME HOW TO CARRY....zzzzzzzzz

Aiyo .... not u dont know how to carry ... is our babies all Sa Jiao like ger :001_302:


Well-Known Member
please promise not to do anything MUSHY behind my back today horr horr?

especially LAWLAW HSHDDB you are MINE~~~~~~~:we2Randy-git:
:tlaugh::tlaugh:i sit next to her just now ... she feed me with her pork chop .... so loving ... u Ka jiao us how to find Mr Murphy when we are sayang each other so i ask almond bro help to go Toy R Us in the end he buy but not Mr Murphy Heng can refund lor ... :001_302:


Active Member
Me also home... the 2 males of my life is dead to the world now... ZZZzzz...

Princess - dun worry about my call! :p I just tot to ask if u need a lift home because we are taking cab. :)

Almond bro - Please let me know if you are short from the bill just now! My hubby did the calculation so I wasn't sure if its correct...


Active Member
Me also home... the 2 males of my life is dead to the world now... ZZZzzz...

Princess - dont worry about my call! :p I just thought to ask if you need a lift home because we are taking cab. :)

Almond bro - Please let me know if you are short from the bill just now! My hubby did the calculation so I wasn't sure if its correct...
don't worry... if too much, next time treat you back... if short for, i will top up... don't worry.... :tlaugh::tlaugh:


Staff member
ho ho ho

another 80 members and we will hit 10K !!!

How is everyone tonight? :wong29:


Well-Known Member
sher really look like mix blood baby... Lol...
next time will look like michelle sarem... *is the spelling correct?*

regine next time will grow up to look like erica....:tlaugh:
Who is erica huh ... hahahahaha ....

Me also home... the 2 males of my life is dead to the world now... ZZZzzz...

Princess - dont worry about my call! :p I just thought to ask if you need a lift home because we are taking cab. :)

Almond bro - Please let me know if you are short from the bill just now! My hubby did the calculation so I wasn't sure if its correct...
Finally get to meet u dearie ... sorry i abit paiseh & wif two rascal around how to chat :001_302:

sigh... dont't say leee... i still thought got my hun.... booo liaooo.... so, now hide inside room... :tlaugh::tlaugh:
LoL ... Obit good .......

dont't worry... if too much, next time treat you back... if short for, i will top up... dont't worry.... :tlaugh::tlaugh:
Nevermind before u go back UK pls ask almond bro out & the rest ... his treat Wahahahahahaha .....


Active Member
Who is erica huh ... hahahahaha ....

Finally get to meet you dearie ... sorry i abit paiseh & with two rascal around how to chat :001_302:

LoL ... Obit good .......

Nevermind before you go back UK pls ask almond bro out & the rest ... his treat Wahahahahahaha .....
No worries hun, difficult with the rascals! :)

LOL OK!! Almond bro been nominated to treat us! YAY! :Dancing_tongue:


Well-Known Member
sher really look like mix blood baby... Lol...
next time will look like michelle sarem... *is the spelling correct?*

usually she is mistaken as a malay MIL brought her out,her fren asked her who is dis malay ger she brought along...:eek::eek::eek:

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