Mummysg Early Birds And Night Owls Clubb - August 2009 !!!!

How many of us have a WOODY BLOCK hubby?

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so sad... i now looking for drinks.... but can only find those chinese rice wine.... the type old parents use to pray pray one.... :tlaugh::tlaugh:
i hv one red and one champgne in the fridge. Volka, martel, coffee liquor, white wine ect on display pick one....


Active Member
just now i never scold you infront of wifey horrrr...

now come back, you straight away AIM at me liaooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELAINE DEARIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALMOND BULLY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lol!!! you lose your only chance to get back at me already.... Lol!!!:tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
just now i never scold you infront of wifey horrrr...

now come back, you straight away AIM at me liaooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELAINE DEARIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALMOND BULLY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ehhh...actually u r soooooo...soft spoken like the traditional very ladylike rich man daughter who everytime kena stuck in the room type. Can't imagine u scold people got effect meh...:tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Ehhh...actually you are soooooo...soft spoken like the traditional very ladylike rich man daughter who everytime kena stuck in the room type. Can't imagine you scold people got effect meh...:tlaugh:
is that the reason why that time those idiot starhub pple took 3mths just to repair my internet ???

i had problems surfing the net....i really evyday call abt 2-3times to scold them siaooooooooo zaaaaaaaaa booooooooooo .......

after tat, i was tinking, maybe me anyhow scold wonder 2 IUIs failed.....

sob sobz
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Active Member
Ehhh...actually you are soooooo...soft spoken like the traditional very ladylike rich man daughter who everytime kena stuck in the room type. Can't imagine you scold people got effect meh...:tlaugh:
ya lor.... very soft spoken... when she first call me... i straight tot 1982... lawla sound very soft.... totally different from this.... :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:



Well-Known Member
just now the wine really not bad... i really like the taste.... but still would like it to be less spicy....
tell u so many times go dempsey try the lychee wine u dun wan give excuse....u scare i drink whole carton and make u pay is it...hee...hee...dun worry tat side all tress i cant run wan....:Dancing_tongue:


Well-Known Member
yaaa...tats why send almond go buy...then me and elaine dearie can you 1 mouth, i 1 mouth...no1 disturb us...:tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:

on my rite is princess dearieeee....she also same....i 1 mouth...she 1 mouth~

yaaa...omnia the shops are selling omnia 2~
Oh i thought LG ... my hubby buy abt the same as your ph ... dont say liao he go ktv but he say he will behave himself :tlaugh: Shall i sneak out coz i know where he is ...

just now i never scold you infront of wifey horrrr...

now come back, you straight away AIM at me liaooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELAINE DEARIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALMOND BULLY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh almond bro how can u bully lawla dearie ... very bad of u ... 1 2 kena throw out of the window ... :tlaugh:


Active Member
tell you so many times go dempsey try the lychee wine you dont want give scare i drink whole carton and make you pay is it...hee...hee...dont worry that side all tress i cant run want....:Dancing_tongue:
really cannot go out.... Fang Bu Xia wo deee baby....


Well-Known Member
is that the reason why that time those idiot starhub pple took 3mths just to repair my internet ???

i had problems surfing the net....i really evyday call about 2-3times to scold them siaooooooooo zaaaaaaaaa booooooooooo .......

after that, i was thinking, maybe me anyhow scold wonder 2 IUIs failed.....

sob sobz
lawla dun say tat, i tink u too soft spoken liaoooo....can't imagine if ask u go chase payment...ha ha ha....if yours call scolding wait till i demostrate to u wat is call scolding....

ya .... very soft spoken... when she first call me... i straight thought 1982... lawla sound very soft.... totally different from this.... :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:

ha ha agreed she make me feel like i am shouting...


Well-Known Member
ya .... very soft spoken... when she first call me... i straight thought 1982... lawla sound very soft.... totally different from this.... :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:


throw no need to SHOUT wadddddd.........

you should had email them.... not call them... :tlaugh::tlaugh:

email got use mehhh ???

call oso no use...cos starhub outsource their cust service to indonesia....zzzzzz.........they can only email those pple in SG...but those pple in SG oso booo revert!!!!!!!!!



Active Member
throw no need to SHOUT wadddddd.........

email got use mehhh ???

call also no use...cos starhub outsource their cust service to indonesia....zzzzzz.........they can only email those pple in SG...but those pple in SG also booo revert!!!!!!!!!

you sound and look fiercer in words... much fiercer.... :tlaugh::tlaugh:


Active Member
ha ha ha see still have excuse...ok you go and ta bao...the wine can buy back...:Dancing_tongue::Dancing_tongue::Dancing_tongue:
ohhh.... this one is call excuse... Lol!!!

just now when my wife first went out... she already ask me.... dear... i miss my baby leiiii.... you miss him a not? wan to go back already??? :tlaugh::tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
throw no need to SHOUT wadddddd.........

email got use mehhh ???

call also no use...cos starhub outsource their cust service to indonesia....zzzzzz.........they can only email those pple in SG...but those pple in SG also booo revert!!!!!!!!!

to get things done, if speak to little legs can't get things done then hv to go to manager but before that, take down the name of the little legs who serve u...tis way they will pay attention. Then every day without fail call the same fellow until he faint. If he still can't get things done, call him to transfer the call to his boss...


Well-Known Member
ohhh.... this one is call excuse... Lol!!!

just now when my wife first went out... she already ask me.... dear... i miss my baby leiiii.... you miss him a not? want to go back already??? :tlaugh::tlaugh:
huh?? i thought it's you who is backside itchy cannot sit still so rushing to go home.


Well-Known Member
you sound and look fiercer in words... much fiercer.... :tlaugh::tlaugh:
is tat the reason y MIL wanna "eat" me up ???????????????????

to get things done, if speak to little legs can't get things done then have to go to manager but before that, take down the name of the little legs who serve you...tis way they will pay attention. Then every day without fail call the same fellow until he faint. If he still can't get things done, call him to transfer the call to his boss...

did tat leee...i called the SG branch....oso threaten to go down the HQ to complain.......the problem took 3mths to solve it...they oso wave 3mths off........
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