Mummysg Early Birds And Night Owls Clubb - August 2009 !!!!

How many of us have a WOODY BLOCK hubby?

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Active Member
Who is erica huh ... hahahahaha ....

Finally get to meet you dearie ... sorry i abit paiseh & with two rascal around how to chat :001_302:

LoL ... Obit good .......

Nevermind before you go back UK pls ask almond bro out & the rest ... his treat Wahahahahahaha .....
Erica Lee? i think??


Active Member
the mains..... if can smaller by a bit will be nice...

i had the pork knuckle... even i had problem finishing it....:tlaugh::tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
Hahaha sweet dream ... Sob Sob sms bo reply me ...
dearie...i replied you immediately after recving...let me chk my outbox..:err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err:

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Well-Known Member
Ermmmm shermaine or regine pretty ????????????????????? hahahaha


sher very smart lehhh...she know how to use my HP....she oso play monopoly......tat time when i 1st store it inside my HP, i duno where click click but cannot find...then ask DH help me click.....

but juz now, she juz took my HP n found the game liaoo...

2 THUMBS UP~:red::red::red::red::red::red::red::red::red:


Active Member

sher very smart lehhh...she know how to use my HP....she also play monopoly......that time when i 1st store it inside my HP, i dont know where click click but cannot find...then ask dear husband help me click.....

but just now, she just took my HP and found the game liaoo...

2 THUMBS UP~:red::red::red::red::red::red::red::red::red:
er.... actually.... ya the two girl is smart.... but you also... er.... nevermind.... :Dancing_tongue::Dancing_tongue::Dancing_tongue:


Well-Known Member
dearie...i replied you immediately after recving...let's me chk my outbox..:err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err::err:

Got huh ... i send u two msg leh ... but u reply one only :(
nvm u go sleep lor ... hugsssssssssss


sher very smart lehhh...she know how to use my HP....she also play monopoly......that time when i 1st store it inside my HP, i dont know where click click but cannot find...then ask dear husband help me click.....

but just now, she just took my HP and found the game liaoo...

2 THUMBS UP~:red::red::red::red::red::red::red::red::red:
U dont bluff me ... regine pretty meh .... Bu Ke Neng ... :001_302:
Dear your hp is it LG ...


Well-Known Member
:tlaugh::tlaugh:i sit next to her just now ... she feed me with her pork chop .... so loving ... you Ka jiao us how to find Mr Murphy when we are sayang each other so i ask almond bro help to go Toy are Us in the end he buy but not Mr Murphy lucky can refund ... :001_302:

yaaa...tats y send almond go buy...then me n elaine dearie can u 1 mouth, i 1 mouth...no1 disturb us...:tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:

on my rite is princess dearieeee....she oso same....i 1 mouth...she 1 mouth~


Active Member
Helo everyone, i am back. No part 2 for me cos friends all party at east side today.
so sad... i now looking for drinks.... but can only find those chinese rice wine.... the type old parents use to pray pray one.... :tlaugh::tlaugh:


Well-Known Member
er.... actually.... ya the two girl is smart.... but you also... er.... nevermind.... :Dancing_tongue::Dancing_tongue::Dancing_tongue:

juz now i NV scold u infront of wifey horrrr...

now come back, u straight away AIM at me liaooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELAINE DEARIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! ALMOND BULLY ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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