Mummysg Early Birds And Night Owls Clubb - August 2009 !!!!

How many of us have a WOODY BLOCK hubby?

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Well-Known Member
could be.... maybe what she thinking is, "haha... my daughter in law is a little lamb... kill and make lamb chop...."

i hope "tis" fatty lamb will CHOKE CHOKE CHOKE HER!!! so next time, she will leave me alone!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
very very boring saturday afternoon, everywhere I went earlier on are playing Michael Jackson's songs... -_-"
same..boring sat noon....nowhere to go....DH actually wanna go service car...tats y i din book tickets for final destination....but he changed his mind...juz now told me go back C&C n service, so must go on wanna book tic, but the seatings left those front rows deeeee.....zzzzzz duno do wad.....zzzz...he jzu went to zzzzz....

hello all pretty mummies :)

yooo nelly dearieeeeee...nv go out too ?


Active Member
same..boring sat noon....nowhere to go....dear husband actually wanna go service car...tats why i did not book tickets for final destination....but he changed his mind...just now told me go back C&C and service, so must go on wanna book tic, but the seatings left those front rows deeeee.....zzzzzz dont know do what.....zzzz...he jzu went to zzzzz....

yooo nelly dearieeeeee...never go out too ?

yes, today woke up at 11 plus... just had our lunch....
going to have my bath then take a nap....
going out in the evening for dinner :)


Active Member
waiting for jac dearie to confirm the date, time and place... hehehe. :p

yeye: i was out with a galfriend of mine earlier at vivo but came back home to have lunch with hubby and do housechores for the rest of the day. :)

ok... if timing is ok, i will meet you guys...
currently got a few appointments...
1. monday 5pm
2. tuesday 11.30am and 6pm
3. wednesday 10.30am
4. thursday 2pm


Well-Known Member
ok... if timing is ok, i will meet you guys...
currently got a few appointments...
1. monday 5pm
2. tuesday 11.30am and 6pm
3. wednesday 10.30am
4. thursday 2pm
ah this is good schedule! spiral can't really make it on tues unless she brings all of her 3 out together, elaine said to let her know earlier so she can postpone regine's tuition... hmmm... now...


Well-Known Member
yes, today woke up at 11 plus... just had our lunch....
going to have my bath then take a nap....
going out in the evening for dinner :) oso wanna take a nap lehhh.....woke up at 2pm...but now, super sleepy liaooo....



Well-Known Member
me also sian...stay at home.

FIL helped me to send sher go for her nice of him.

juz took mac an hr waiting for my dinner


Well-Known Member
same..boring sat noon....nowhere to go....dear husband actually wanna go service car...tats why i did not book tickets for final destination....but he changed his mind...just now told me go back C&C and service, so must go on wanna book tic, but the seatings left those front rows deeeee.....zzzzzz dont know do what.....zzzz...he jzu went to zzzzz....

yooo nelly dearieeeeee...never go out too ?

sayang lawla dearie, i don't fancy watching horror shows but then jacki is a big big big fan... :nah:
ha... ha... she must be enjoying her family day :)
i think so too dear... :) also wanna take a nap lehhh.....woke up at 2pm...but now, super sleepy liaooo....

are you asleep already lawla dearie?
wa.. weekend.... still so busy....

the weekend so sianzzz....
totally agreed... tomorrow is sunday and i am going to rebond / trim my hair again... very very sian... :embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed:

me also sian...stay at home.

father in law helped me to send sher go for her nice of him.

just took mac an hr waiting for my dinner
dearie, how are you feeling now? better already?


Active Member
almond bro~~ nv c my post bout dd arhz? was telling lawla bout CHANCES of carrying letitia.. lol!!!

boring weekend.. might be watching final destination 4 later~~ with hubby (fingers cross..)
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