Mummysg Early Birds And Night Owls Clubb - August 2009 !!!!

How many of us have a WOODY BLOCK hubby?

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almond bro~~ never c my post bout dear daughter arhz? was telling lawla bout CHANCES of carrying letitia.. lol!!!

boring weekend.. might be watching final destination 4 later~~ with hubby (fingers cross..)
letitia cannot force carry one.... must slowly... i think it's lawla don't know how to carry baby yet... some baby like to be cuddled, some baby like to be carry straight up, some like the sitting position.... got to trial and error....

i managed to carry letitia in the straight up, facing the back position... maybe this way she can't see my face... so never cry and even saliva on me... Lol.... :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:


letitia cannot force carry one.... must slowly... i think it's lawla dont't know how to carry baby yet... some baby like to be cuddled, some baby like to be carry straight up, some like the sitting position.... got to trial and error....

i managed to carry letitia in the straight up, facing the back position... maybe this way she can't see my face... so never cry and even saliva on me... Lol.... :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:

hahahah.....letitia wnt cry de la....she gt ppl carry can liaoz...she wan ppl carry de....omg lor...wen i carry her...her saliva can jus free flow on my face....zzzzz


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letitia cannot force carry one.... must slowly... i think it's lawla don't know how to carry baby yet... some baby like to be cuddled, some baby like to be carry straight up, some like the sitting position.... got to trial and error....

i managed to carry letitia in the straight up, facing the back position... maybe this way she can't see my face... so never cry and even saliva on me... Lol.... :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:
lol.. as long as letitia can play, she almost all position oso can.. except the nb, baby type position


Well-Known Member
ya ya ya...i changed my carry babies liaooo...

me aim at sher, regine and baber!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

**CARRY SHER, REGINE + BABER HOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!**


ya ya ya...

sun sun dearie + sher : sun sun dearie, you soo sweet lehhh....I love you!!!! hahahaaa...sher is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo smart!!!! come come...ask her teach me how to use my HP!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL!!!!!

almond + peini : ALMOND BULLY ME!!!!! ask them to pass HP to me ask me treat.....peini has very pretty and BIG eyes.....she's very gentle type too lehhh..i can imagine almond always BULLY her!!!!!!!!!! almond bro, PLS dont BULLY SUCH A NICE WIFE!!!!!!!!!!

elaine dearie + regine + xavier : elaine dearie sooooooo pretty!!!!!!! next time you sit on my lap laaa...dont sit beside me leeeee......regine also very smart and good ger lehhh...i always see her asking you if she can do tis, do that......xavier arrr, aunty lawlaw love love you lehhh, why you cry when i carry you??? sob sob sob......

princess dearie + dante : princess dearie, you'are soooooooooo cute when you tok/make faces at dante dante....hahahahaaa.....dante's hair is really COOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! very very very cute !!!!!!!!!

sprial dearie : you'are SOOO FUNI + SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!! next time must keep you beside me, make me LUFF all the time...hahahahahaaa!!!!!!!!!!!

jac dearie + dear husband + josh : sob sob sob, baby josh no like me when i carry him...sob sob......jac dearie eyes also very very BIG !!!!! tink my eyes is the SMALLEST there lehhh.....***poutz*** ....jac dearie, your dear husband very cute lehh...hahhahaaaa.....he cant find the milk bottle then dig here and there...LOL....really under probation siazz.....LOL!!!!!!

nelly dearie : did not tok much to you seldom online, dont know what to chat with you....but you'are very sweet yaaaa....hahahaa..come come, next time come and sit beside me too....LOL~

you sure not cry?? i scare got probia of carrying babies liaooo....
:shyxxx::shyxxx:lawla dearie , you say im pretty ... omg ... Bu Ke Neng .... If i tell regine that you say she good ger she will fly hahaha ... yes i told her whatever she do she must ask me hehe ... xavier very naughty ... nextime dont carry him throw him wahahahahaha .... U very soft spoken .... even u beside me i also cant really hear what u say clearly :)

hello all pretty mummies :)
Alamak you more pretty hehe ... so slim ... :001_302:

yes.much better now.once awhile,it will still pain abit.

doc said is 骨刺.so i doubt it will recover fully.
Oh dear .... 骨刺 sounds serious ... must really tk good care ok ...


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my hubby dun let mi buy tt pillow i wan for dante from baby fair.

i saw something i lik alot alot alot for dante...
but so ex...
is lik a playgym plus lik a bed...=(


Well-Known Member
my hubby dont let mi buy that pillow i want for dante from baby fair.

i saw something i lik alot alot alot for dante...
but so ex...
is lik a playgym plus lik a bed...=(
Which one .... i was at baby fair just now too but never buy anything ... in the end go kiddy palace hubby buy playpen for xavier ... now my room really no space to walk :(


Well-Known Member
sayang lawla dearie, i dont't fancy watching horror shows but then jacki is a big big big fan... :nah:

are you asleep already lawla dearie?

kekeke...usually those horror shows, me watch half...half cover eyes...hahahhaaa...

i zzz at 5pm...woke up at 7pm...LOL~

letitia cannot force carry one.... must slowly... i think it's lawla dont't know how to carry baby yet... some baby like to be cuddled, some baby like to be carry straight up, some like the sitting position.... got to trial and error....

i managed to carry letitia in the straight up, facing the back position... maybe this way she can't see my face... so never cry and even saliva on me... Lol.... :tlaugh::tlaugh::tlaugh:
ya bro oso said the same ting....zzzz...he say 1 hand under their butt, 1 hand to support their head...i do tat lehhh, but still, the baby dun feel comfortable....then cry cry cry...i oso scare...carry less tha 5mins, return back baby liaooo....

:shyxxx::shyxxx:lawla dearie , you say im pretty ... omg ... Bu Ke Neng .... If i tell regine that you say she good ger she will fly hahaha ... yes i told her whatever she do she must ask me hehe ... xavier very naughty ... nextime dont carry him throw him wahahahahaha .... you very soft spoken .... even you beside me i also cant really hear what you say clearly :)

hahahaaa.....speak softly so tat i can get closer to u maaa...tactic lai deeee....u duno meh...LOL!!!!!!!!!!!

Bo lang again????zzzz
me here here...but gonna zzz soon...

tomolo early noon haf to wash clothes...then 2pm go ktv~


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watching japan hour.... those nature spa very shiok!!!!! :tlaugh::tlaugh:
the food also like very nice!!! next outing japanese food? :tlaugh::tlaugh:
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