Here comes baby girl, Miya..


Okay finally got the time to post my birth story.. very busy and tired..

Date of Birth: 25th Sept 2oo9
Weight: 3.505kg
Height: 50cm
Head circumference: 32cm
Place of Birth: Thomson Medical Center

My labour is 25hrs long! so.... have patient reading :S

24th Sept

o8oo hr
Have urge to pee, but trying to endure til I feel water coming out, and end up is waterbag burst.. Told hubby faster then we bathe, eat and pack last min item into Hospital bag, on call cab (cuz rain) and headed to Thomson Medical Center..

o95o hr
Reached Thomson Medical Center
Changed into the blue robe..
They asked me to pee & give the pee example but no urine.. lol
Lie there, strap me on CTG & check dilation, NOT DILATED AT ALL.. Then the lady gave me a super funny look "why not dilated and leaking?"

They called up my gynae and insert a pill to make me dilate..
*Put pill more painful than checking cervix..

12oo hr
They said to give me lunch at the Observation ward due to my ward upstairs not ready yet. So I took porridge as the contraction hits and I dont feel like eating much also.

Lunch came, hubby feed me cuz I can’t sit up right (feel pain)

13oo hr
Eat finish , they gonna bring me up to ward, the person asked me, “you wanna walk up or by wheelchair?” I gave her the “huh” look. I was thinking, “I’m leaking water and blood here you want me walk up to the ward?”

1445 hr
Rest in ward, felt contraction coming 1-2min interval and pain cannot tahan. So press bell ask nurse bring me down.

They inject the soapy water into my pigu and let me clear bowels. Shiok but pain.. Contraction + stomache..

18oo hr
Initially told hubby I dont want take epidural cuz I scared Lol. So tahan til they put me on drip. The Clinical Assistant was the 1 who helped me put on drip and gave me laughing gas.. *Damn smelly*

193o hr
Cannot tahan already, asked hubby go tell them I want Epidural. Wait for the epidural doctor come is like waiting forever..

2ooo hr
Doctor finally came.. I was in pain so didn’t care about the big needle epidural lol.. My pain was relieved in 10min.. finally can rest properly..

22oo hr
My gynae came and visit me, check.. ONLY 4CM DILATED omg.. He said I can deliver normally, another 6hrs probably..

Gynae asked my hubby buy bread for me let me eat if not I no strength by then.. lol

23oo hr
The Nurse pushed me to the Delivery ward to rest and prepare for birth.

25th Sept

o1oo hr
woke up and felt nervous.. then watched the tv in the labour room..
Felt abit want to shit below, got pressure pushing me.. Tried to ignore and sleep again :X cuz my gynae say 6 hours from 10pm then maybe will be giving birth ..

o3oo hr+
Woke up again.. Felt bigger urge to shit like that.. Nurse check me, 7-8cm dilated only.. *omg damn long* But I told her I can feel the pain despite the epidural, so she increased the dosage.. Felt something cold flowing thru my back..

o5oo hr+
Nurses came in, told me 9cm dilate .. give me oxygen mask to breathe in say give baby oxygen..
After breathing in the oxgen mask, vomitted.. All sour cuz didnt eat since 10pm..

o6oo hr+
Although increased the dosage for epidural, felt the pressure.. Finally got ppl bother to check whether I'm fully dilated.. Even they checked, just told me ready then went off and I'm left there with hubby..

o7oo hr+
1 Nurse came to teach me how to push, but I just dont know how! Ask me to shit but I can't feel anything can't shit also.. -_- Then she pek cek go find the Clinical Assistant to come teach me how to push.. The Clinical Assistant more patient, came out with many pattern of pushing.. Then asked hubby dont give up on holding me cuz I keep wanna push..

around o8oo hr+
I think it's like forever pushing and I can't get baby out more.. So I asked the Clinical Assistant to get my gynae to vacuum baby out.. I scared baby will get stuck inside then no air -.-

o845 hr
Gynae came and see me.. The Nurse told him I wanna vacuum no strength :\ Then he smile smile like that and say “no strength already ?” then he prepared all the things then vacuum baby out abit, behind is all the pushing. I can push better after he vacuum baby out abit..

After the help of Gynae and 2 Nurses, baby girl is out..

*I felt the pain tho on epidural.. even for stitching.. :(
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Well-Known Member
wah~ good job joanna.
but how come u can eat n i cant!!!
i admitted in at 5 am cos my water bag leaking water. n the nurse told me no eating til i give birth cos in case need to emergency c sect!! n 6 pm plus then give birth to pin..~ grrrrr~ cheat my feelings......


hi jOanna mummy, reading your journey of baby miya is cute & funny.. i am like giggling here & there..
now that i know water leak not ''ímmediate' give birth.... you slept 2 nights in the hospital.. 1 prepare for birth.. 1 resting...
but all turn out well...
and she's 3.5kg~!!!!!!!
congrats Joanna mummy~!!!!!!! muackz!!!

wonder if i am able to recall so much details.... ahahhahaha


wah~ good job joanna.
but how come you can eat and i cant!!!
i admitted in at 5 am cos my water bag leaking water. and the nurse told me no eating til i give birth cos in case need to emergency c sect!! and 6 pm plus then give birth to pin..~ grrrrr~ cheat my feelings......
Oh cuz gynae say confirm can natural birth! so he ask hubby go buy food..


hi jOanna mummy, reading your journey of baby miya is cute & funny.. i am like giggling here & there..
now that i know water leak not ''ímmediate' give birth.... you slept 2 nights in the hospital.. 1 prepare for birth.. 1 resting...
but all turn out well...
and she's 3.5kg~!!!!!!!
congrats Joanna mummy~!!!!!!! muackz!!!

wonder if i am able to recall so much details.... ahahhahaha
I slept 3 nights ! from 24th til 27th then discharge.. lol


Well-Known Member
Oh cuz gynae say confirm can natural birth! so he ask hubby go buy food..
hmm, maybe the nurse not skillful so she canot cfm.
end up i was so hungry lohh. n literally no energy but die die push pin out..
and i didnt take epi, really gg to kill me man.. to think of gg thru it again, im abit scared too. hehe.


hmm, maybe the nurse not skillful so she canot cfm.
end up i was so hungry lohh. and literally no energy but die die push pin out..
and i didnt take epi, really gg to kill me man.. to think of gg thru it again, im abit scared too. hehe.
i also tahan the pain from 8am til 7.30pm.. but lucky i got time take epidural.. and no epidural push super pain leh.. wif epidural i push also very pain ! or mayb medication dun work on me.. i realli felt a big pile shit come out tho ppl say not pain and no feeling -.- even the stitching also pain!


Wow! Exciting story! Welcome Miya. And well done Joanna Mummy. I'm sure Miya is proud of you and you're proud of her too. Enjoy the rest of the journey :)


Well-Known Member
i also tahan the pain from 8am til 7.30pm.. but lucky i got time take epidural.. and no epidural push super pain .. with epidural i push also very pain ! or mayb medication dont work on me.. i really felt a big pile shit come out tho ppl say not pain and no feeling -.- even the stitching also pain!
hmm for me i insisted not to hv epi... even tho the nurse keep asking me..
but for me stitching not pain.. cos got anesthetic(ooops...?).. but can feel he poking me. LOL!


hmm for me i insisted not to have epi... even tho the nurse keep asking me..
but for me stitching not pain.. cos got anesthetic(ooops...?).. but can feel he poking me. LOL!
got ah? i got feel the pain and even when he take out my placenta! pain pain pain ! epidural nv numb me enuff..


I enjoy reading yr story, v funny.. no wonder its not easy to comeout yr baby weighs 3.5kg...

Rest well!! :Dancing_tongue:


Active Member
laughing gas really tat smelly? xixixiixii... :tlaugh:

last time i use the etonox (?) i dunno if its the same as laughing gas..but i do feel like vomit after inhaling this gas untill baby come out... i inhale untill my nostril feel like expanding!