Here comes baby girl, Miya..


congrats to you :)

gonna be my turn soon too.. a bit scare.. but hopefully everything will turns out smooth n fine.. rest well, gal..


Thanks mommies! Now still struggling with baby.. Tomorrow will struggle more cuz mum going back to work already..


Well-Known Member
got ? i got feel the pain and even when he take out my placenta! pain pain pain ! epidural never numb me enuff..
yup hv.
take out placenta pain meh? haha maybe when i hv my contractions n all alr so pain, so other things not pain alr.
the worst pain is when she cut!! (oops, not to scare any mummies here!) but tt is really blardy pain i screamed!


Well-Known Member
laughing gas really that smelly? xixixiixii... :tlaugh:

last time i use the etonox (?) i dont know if its the same as laughing gas..but i do feel like vomit after inhaling this gas untill baby come out... i inhale untill my nostril feel like expanding!
yeah laughing gas is very smelly! or maybe the inhaler is smelly.
i took one breathe in n i told the nurse i rather pain to death than use this. then she laughed at me... -.-"


ConGRATS!!! good experience ya ..

to me laughing gas not that smelly leh, i can only smell the rubber mask... but i quite enjoy the high feeling .. haa.. or different hospital the gas is different?? hee..

i still think the pain of contraction is the most painful.. other than that is ok.


Active Member
congratulations!!!! you did it. :) our babies share the same name too heehee. except my girl's spelling is Mea.


yup have.
take out placenta pain meh? haha maybe when i have my contractions and all already so pain, so other things not pain already.
the worst pain is when she cut!! (oops, not to scare any mummies here!) but that is really blardy pain i screamed!
gt cut me anot sia! omg... i dun even noe! i noe take out placenta cuz i saw it.. omg damn er xin HAHA! den he stitch me, for that moment I saw the needle, it looks like a fishing hook!


hi jOanna mummy, reading your journey of baby miya is cute & funny.. i am like giggling here & there..
now that i know water leak not ''ímmediate' give birth.... you slept 2 nights in the hospital.. 1 prepare for birth.. 1 resting...
but all turn out well...
and she's 3.5kg~!!!!!!!
congrats Joanna mummy~!!!!!!! muackz!!!

wonder if i am able to recall so much details.... ahahhahaha
Yalor, i am amazed many mummies can vividly recall their birth encounter especially the time! I've difficulty remembering mine even though it is just yesterday. Shrug~ i dun hv the habit of looking at the clock. alas~ shd hv do so but twds delivering, i am in coma state leh...

CONGRA Joanna on your new addition member, Miya to your family.. :)


ConGRATS!!! good experience ya ..

to me laughing gas not that smelly , i can only smell the rubber mask... but i quite enjoy the high feeling .. haa.. or different hospital the gas is different?? hee..

i still think the pain of contraction is the most painful.. other than that is ok.
Me also dun find the laughing gas smelly nor rubber mask at all. And yes, i do enjoy the high feeling indeed. Quite shiok when u mixed pain with high feelin. hehee... :p


i guess it's the laughing gas + rubber smelly ! so = very smelly lor ! and i dun find the gas high at all =.= it makes my pain more painful ! and makes me like asthmatic when Im already in pain and I need to breathe in so hard on the gas .. I actually tried to forget abt the pain and make myself high by breathing in more but it turns out the opposite lol..