EDD in Oct'09


Active Member
hope so, porukadotzu mummy... lol... but gyane just checked last fri, not dilated yet... will be checking CTG this coming tue... i thought checkup once a week but now so frequent checkup... yeah, very uncomfy when walk or move plus baby is heavy now at 2.9kg... i dont know how down is my baby's head now but gyane said that his head oready down...
ic ic...dun worry just the matter of time...baby still like to rest inside..hehehhee


Active Member
Porukadotzu, dont't worry...

I ever check with the gynae assistant, she mention when baby born it will check for the GBS test...

Thats why, my gynae just ask me to want to perform swab test or not....

If we know early, at least can do some precaution.

If you are GBS positive, gynae will give you oral medication plus injection during delivery. :wink:

I am sure gynae know what is the best for you and your baby...
ya, u rite, good to know bout it earlier.

during my 1st pregnancy i also have it, but i don't remember wether they do the injection or not...or maybe too pain tat i can't feel anything...hehe


Active Member
euuu that a no no for me haha.. dont know why, just dont wanna...

When my 1st born we still can very active from 2nd and 3rd totally switch off
ya, coz pregnant 2nd child already too exhausted taking care the 1st child all day, dun even hv the mood or energy.:nah:

atleast tat how i feel haha..


Active Member
this mrng..again at 5am... got the same pain i felt...then at the same time.. my bladder full and really need to pee... i pain till i bend down on the floor... then the pain slowly go away .. again.. it never came back... then i slowly make my way to pee....but this time round i never make breakfast.. i go back to ZZZzZZZZzzzzz....
:Dancing_wub::Dancing_wub: soon!!


Active Member
haha... you very cute ... if i were you very pain contractions even thou not very close interval i will just go induce , dont wanna tk chance cos doc say is my 3rd gonna dilate pretty fast usually..

If i pain i go liaoz wont wait, later like my friend 2nd time cos got exp she keep wsit and wait till got spotting but go in dilate too fast epi did not manage take effect fully haha, her hubby say she cry in the suite keke

is 2nd child really faster dialition than 1st?

mine 1st one already consider fast...within 4 hour since admit to hospital and baby comeout..i wonder 2nd child can go how fast :001_302:, but i've been having contraction for atleast 8 hours b4 admitted... coz 1st time like i also dunno wether its braxton hicks or real contraction untill my water broke and the mucus plug drop then i'm sure haha.


ya, coz pregnant 2nd child already too exhausted taking care the 1st child all day, dont even have the mood or energy.:nah:

atleast that how i feel haha..

not really my gal is not with me in the weekdays usually we oso no mood.. the tummy too xtra.. we rather watch drama


just now when i was out for a walk.. my thigh (near hip bone area) got that kind of sharp pain..walk like got electric shock... very jia lat... haiz...


Congrats kams mummy.... you flashed across my mind this afternoon...
was thinking you might delivered cos that day you were 2 days away from delivery date...

take care...
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Active Member
i thinking go induce... waiting game so long and frustrating at times...
Hakisumi, notice that induce is more painful than the natural give birth...

Sometimes I also 'talk' to my baby, ask him when he want to come out....

LOL.... So silly~~~ :001_302:

Hope no need to induce and my baby willing to come out by this week or next week...


omG... i didnt know tat....
not at all bitz silly.... last few nights me n hubby also -talk- to him...
i sing..disturb him... tap him....
if can i also hope no need induce.. let it come like that.....

u left 13 days.. anytime hueychye79 mummy~!!!! hehehhee...
where are you delivering?


Active Member
omG... i didnt know that....
not at all bitz silly.... last few nights me and hubby also -talk- to him...
i sing..disturb him... tap him....
if can i also hope no need induce.. let it come like that.....

you left 13 days.. anytime hueychye79 mummy~!!!! hehehhee...
where are you delivering?
Hakisumi, I deliver at Thomson Medical Centre....

How about you?

You left 3 days only ~~

Anytime from now .... :Dancing_wub:


i still waiting also... if no sign 21 oct just go induce
My EDD is 20 oct... Went to the doc today for check-up. Baby head down but does not seem to aim at birth canal leh. Cervix not dilated...

I'm sick of waiting too... sigh... But I guess I will have to be patient.

I watched 3 movies at home today. All action-flick. Baby rolling inside in response to the commotion. I guess I will watch some more movies over the next few days. Should have taken maternity leave later.... Bored at home. :wong10:What to do?


My EDD is 20 oct... Went to the doc today for check-up. Baby head down but does not seem to aim at birth canal . Cervix not dilated...

I'm sick of waiting too... sigh... But I guess I will have to be patient.

I watched 3 movies at home today. All action-flick. Baby rolling inside in response to the commotion. I guess I will watch some more movies over the next few days. Should have taken maternity leave later.... Bored at home. :wong10:What to do?
lol bored ah... i so busy looking after my gal gal lor.. I took my ML early to rest and have more time with her..

I oso no signs of dilation yet based on last thurs.. Hmm Waiting is fine leh but i don wan surprise so i hope can tahan till 21oct... My right hand is giving me prob lehz. Numb for 24hrs for days liaoz, i wake up in sleep cos of my numbness get very bad in certain position. The numbnes done seems t go away bi only lessen in certain position