Need recommendation


Re: Confinement lady to recommend!!!

hi daphne, do u still need help to look for a CL? the aunty that i engaged last year is good, will be doing for my 2 sister in law in oct and feb. if u need can get contact number for me, think she will fulfil all your requirements.

Hi all

My due date is about end of April 2010. This will be 2nd child. I did not get a nanny last time but I think I need 1 now. Have been looking around and emailing ppl on their nanny but cannot decide. Do daytime only and 24/7 charges the same? The charge does not include the food the nanny buy? Cannot decide if I want the nanny to stay over.But if she stay over I will have all meals prepare for me. Please someone help me and recommend me a very very good nanny...that is clean/hygiene, cook very well (for husband & son too), do not all the marketing...thank you so me also can...need to find 1 soon...
MUST BE GOOD!!! And I be breastfeed my child 100% if my 1st son.

Daphne Lim

Daphne Lim

New Member
Re: Confinement lady to recommend!!!

hi daphne, do you still need help to look for a CL? the aunty that i engaged last year is good, will be doing for my 2 sister in law in oct and feb. if you need can get contact number for me, think she will fulfil all your requirements.
Hi Wendy
Thanks for your help.
Now Im checking on massage lady.
Maybe getting the Origins Juma.
Thanks again
Daphne Lim
Re: Confinement lady to recommend!!!

she's recommended by a friend and i don't have her full details. do you think your xiuzhen is able to help me? pm me her details ok? thks


Hi Janice,

Currently I'm doing my confirment and has engaged Mdm Zhuo Ying Hua from PEM Agency. She is nice and cheerful. She cook well and is flexible with my request like what I like and dont't like to eat. She also very concern for my husband and my 2 yrs old son too. Oh.....she also cook desert for my family once a while. As for taking care of baby, I think she is good. In fact, it's already 3 weeks since I gave birth and throughout this 3 weeks, I didn't have to wake up at night.....and I really rest well and worry free for my baby. My husband find her good and approachable too. But the only thing is that she do talk a lot....but we found that ok as what she talk are just general. Do ask for her from the PEM Agency.

Good Luck!!!!! :wong19:
You are lucky u got a good nanny from PEM ..I am going to call up PEM later to complain..
I was given a really good confinement lady for 1 week but CL has some home emregency and had to leave.... omg the replacement is only here for a few days and she is CL from hell....
1. saw her tasting my soup with the ladle
2. morning nap, afternoon nap.... at night sleep earlier than me!!
3. never check baby's diaper... she was wearing soiled diaper for dont know how long!!!!
4. when baby cries and if me or hubby is with her... CL went back ot SLEEP!!!!!!!! and it as only 9pls plus!!!
5. put her clothes in the same luandry bag as ours
6. says never use ru yi you before!!!! OMG
and MORE!!!!:nah:

Going nuts!
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hi to all, my elder sister is a confinement lady, speaks chinese, from malaysia. she's 30+ but she got 3 kids already, so no worries. if any of you need her service, can contact me.
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I managed to find myself another CL based on fren's recommendations in a day (see my horibble experience above)... I didnt manage to contact her the first time and went through agency instead...

She is doing for me till end Oct and my fren for Dec later...
This CL is Aunty Siang from JB (i think there is another aunty siang somewhere in the thread). She is efficient, clean and good with babies...

Her local SIN: 8166 7912
Her home number in msia: 016 7858933

PM me if you need more info....


New Member
I managed to find myself another CL based on friend's recommendations in a day (see my horibble experience above)... I didnt manage to contact her the first time and went through agency instead...

She is doing for me till end Oct and my friend for Dec later...
This CL is Aunty Siang from JB (i think there is another aunty siang somewhere in the thread). She is efficient, clean and good with babies...

Her local SIN: 8166 7912
Her home number in msia: 016 7858933

PM me if you need more info....

Hi Stan,

I also engaged PEM Confinement agency for my coming confinement at end Oct. Hence, I'm worried after knowing the horrible experience you have had with your second CL from PEM.
Does it mean that PEM could not get you another CL to replace the second one, or is it you are too upset with PEM that you prefer to look for another one yourself?
How about the deposit and fees that you have paid? Are they refundable now that you have stopped using their services?

Will appreciate your sharing. Thank you.


Alpha Male
Hello Stan, since aunty Siang is doing confinement for you. How do you find her working attitude, experience and knowledge taking care of baby and cooking. Is she patient communcate to you and friendly ? hope to receive your reply soon. Thanks.


Hi Stan,

I also engaged PEM Confinement agency for my coming confinement at end Oct. Hence, I'm worried after knowing the horrible experience you have had with your second CL from PEM.
Does it mean that PEM could not get you another CL to replace the second one, or is it you are too upset with PEM that you prefer to look for another one yourself?
How about the deposit and fees that you have paid? Are they refundable now that you have stopped using their services?

Will appreciate your sharing. Thank you.
They were going to replace me with another CL but i will need to wait for 2 days... anyway i was too afraid to get another horrible one.... unless i cannot get one on my own, then i was willing to take the 3rd one...
I didnt get back any deposits/fees at all.... no mood to talk abt it then... cos i was too stressed up since i didnt really sleep the 3 days the 2nd nanny was here.........
One tip: observe how your CL bathe the baby, it should be a good indicator of whether she is competent or not... my 2nd CL did not get anything ready during the 3 days... me and my mum who were watching her became her bathing assistants..... helping her to get towels... mopping dry the floor cos she splashes water everywhere... she even ordered my mum to button baby;s clothes!!! goodness... my blood still boils when i think of it!!!


Hello Stan, since aunty Siang is doing confinement for you. How do you find her working attitude, experience and knowledge taking care of baby and cooking. Is she patient communcate to you and friendly ? hope to receive your reply soon. Thanks.
hi.. this is based on my observation over the last week.

Working attitude - Good cos she is not calculative about the things she has to do... we dont have a maid... so she did all our housework... some CL wont do it... in fact she mops my floor every morning around 7am...

Experience - Good cos she has been doing for a while.. She did confinement for 2 friends and will be doing confinement for another friend in dec...

Knowledge in taking care of baby - Good as well but she has many suggestions and lotsa of advice, you can just reject/decline if you dont like it......

Cooking wise - hmm... i am not fussy about food but i think it is not bad...

When are you due? i know she is booked for March and May already....
She is nice lady..erm.. only draw back is she is very chatty!!... haha.... some pple like, some pple dont like.... :001_302:... i switch off when she gets a bit long winded......

Let me know if you need more info!!
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Alpha Male
Hi Stan, thanks very much for the info. My edd is early of Feb. I know that the price will be expensive...still consider.


Re: Confinement lady to recommend!!!

hi mummies, I understand the frustrations of searching a reliable confinment lady. Hence I decided to act as freelance cl middeman. My sister and cousin are good and popular confinement ladies from malaysia and they have the network for cl in johor. So the service that I can provide is to recommend the cl, arrange the cl to meet mummy so you can sit down to discuss the price, terms and conditions. No more blind recommendation. no more problems on can't find the cl when near the due date. no more stupid cl from agency too. Please email at or my contact no. 90303128 for friendly and reliable service. All the best!


New Member
Re: Confinement lady to recommend!!!

I tried to call some CL. She claim to give deposit just need to transfer the money to their bank a/c and she promised she will not run away and be unreachable. How do you guys prevent unwanted and unreliable promise?


New Member
I tried to call some CL. She claim to give deposit just need to transfer the money to their bank a/c and she promised she will not run away and be unreachable. How do you guys prevent unwanted and unreliable promise?


New Member
They were going to replace me with another CL but i will need to wait for 2 days... anyway i was too afraid to get another horrible one.... unless i cannot get one on my own, then i was willing to take the 3rd one...
I didnt get back any deposits/fees at all.... no mood to talk about it then... cos i was too stressed up since i didnt really sleep the 3 days the 2nd nanny was here.........
One tip: observe how your CL bathe the baby, it should be a good indicator of whether she is competent or not... my 2nd CL did not get anything ready during the 3 days... me and my mum who were watching her became her bathing assistants..... helping her to get towels... mopping dry the floor cos she splashes water everywhere... she even ordered my mum to button baby;s clothes!!! goodness... my blood still boils when i think of it!!!

Hi Stan,

Thanks for your sharing. It must have been a very bad experience with the second CL.

Glad that you have managed to find a much better one on your own. Hope you are enjoying your confinement period now.

I'll bear your tip about watching how CL bathes baby in mind. Hope mine will be alright.

Thanks again.


Hi Stan,

Thanks for your sharing. It must have been a very bad experience with the second CL.

Glad that you have managed to find a much better one on your own. Hope you are enjoying your confinement period now.

I'll bear your tip about watching how CL bathes baby in mind. Hope mine will be alright.

Thanks again.
No problem at all... hope you find a good CL!!


New Member
Re: Confinement lady to recommend!!!

Hi all, I just finished my confinement during dec. The lady was very good in her duties that i extend her 2 more weeks to help me out. She does housework,cook 3 meals, take care of baby n me. She would teach me hw to take care of baby.She stays at our house and would chat with me. Help out whenever my family members need anything. Cooks tonics for me.. She clean, and very hygiene..This very impt for bbs!!!Pm me for more details.
Hi py85, my EDD is on 4 March 2010. Can you email me the contact number of your CL? Email address: Thanks.


Hi, my due date is 1 Aug 09. I heard from my colleague saying that the search for confinement lady must be early. I need recommendation on good confinement lady. Main thing is she can cook confinement dishes well (yum yum), look after my new born including night feedings. And errrr............. need to be good temper, cos .......... my mother in law is not an easy person to get along with, though is a short 1 month stay.

Any recommendation from the mothers???

Hi there!
I'd really like to recommend my confinement lady. I just finished my first month. And I'm very satisfied with this lady. She's very professional with taking care of the baby and me. And she is a good cook. She also cleans the apartment and does everything we asked her to do.

Her name is Meiling.
Singapore cell: 83004910
Malaysia cell: 016 9857034
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