Need recommendation


Active Member
Hi mummies,

My EDD is 22 April 2010 and this is my 2nd child. The first one i didnt engage any CL but this time round, i'm looking to get a daytime CL to come in from 9am-6pm. As this is my first time dealing with a CL, can anyone advise me typically what i must ask the CL before confirming her?

Eg, do i have to ask if she can she cook well, do housework and laundry for me, prepare tonic soup, soup to increase lactation, cook for family etc. or are these the basic expectations of all CLs???

I know typically a daytime CL will charge about $1600 - $1800 (almost not much diff from a fulltime CL) but are there any incidental charges that she will expect, eg transport fees for her daily commutation from her place to mine? And must I pay her additional for groceries?

Thanks for sharing in advance.
Her main job scope is to take care everything of you and your baby that include both the laundry

You can check and test her:-
1. what kind of food they cook for you? cook well depends on individual taste bud.
2. what is pig kidney and vinegar trotters is good for? to test her knowledge of confinement food.
housework is depend on individual CL. Mine, she does help out.

The $1600-$1800 is their wages does not include groceries (provide her at least 1 meal). Daily transport fee, you may want to check with nanny agency for more detail info.

i paid $2000 for my fulltime CL (from malaysian), provide her 3 meals and snacks/teabreak (bread, biscuits etc that available in the house). PAid her the transport fee coz hubby could not fetch her to our home. Ang pao before she starts work and ang pao after she complete her contract.

When i confirmed my CL, she gave me a shopping list, get all things (chinese herbs, dried longnan, red dates... etc) ready.


New Member
Hi Caden,

thought you might want to add on to the blacklist thread so that all mummies & daddies can keep a lookout too:)

Hi mommies and daddies,

I just joined this forum to share our experience on the whole thing about CL. I'm a father of 2 kids, and having our 3rd one in early jan... after that, will close down our production line.

Our 1st 2 kids, 2nd one is way back in 2002, we didn't go for CL... instead, my mom's help out. Given our 3rd one is our last one, my wife was advised to go for CL, eat good confinement food to recover her body and health. Well, she got some recommendation of CL from this forum and we met a few. From the attitudes, or at least, the few that we met, I'm got the following observations which kind of turn me off for CL.

1) All CL expect us to pay for the cab fee... I'm not sure what's the big deal on this... but for goodness sake... they already got SGD $2K, which base on current exchange rate, easily convert to MYR $4.9K. On top of that, they already got the ang bao for 1st day, and last day of their work... why insist on cab fee? I drive, so it is not an issue for me to pick them up or pay for cab fee... but this trigger an alarm bell in me... feel like they are out to squeeze us DRY.

2) One CL my wife spoke to, have a baby crying in the background. This highly recommended CL can still continue to talk to my wife, given she already book till july 2010. But she kept on selling her 'sister' to my wife... my wife must end the call as she can't stand the baby CRYING in the background... *Hey hey... wake up* We can understand CL telling us, hey we need to stop here as baby crying... but this highly recommended CL just go ON AND ON... selling service.

3) Later, did we find out... with referral, the CL will get $300, and her sister, will get $1700 instead, out of $2K. No wonder they are so keen in recommending their sister, and one even recommend her IN-LAWS to us... OMG. To me, this becomes an un-healthy industry, whereby the good one, being recommended, will spend her time now to also do referral, as once done, can easily get $300... while the one taking over, poor dear, now given only $1.7K... will it effect her commitment to service??? knowing well she can get $2K if she gets the call directly?

4) In the few meet up, I told my wife, you are the one paying, so make sure you know what service you are getting... we always start out as "err... this is our 1st time.. not sure what to expect... can you tell us what you cover?"... we always get this type of response back... "standard one ... cover everything... but you got kids??? how old are they? you got maid??? you need me to cook for your kids and hubby TOO??? No right??? I can help to clean your house a bit... but not everything... "

"How about confinement food? what you cook?" - response - "oh EVERYTHING... TELL ME WHAT you LIKE?" We like huh??? we dont't even know what confinement food to order!

Bottomline... a YES and NO response... depends on situation... i got this sinking feeling that if resources are available, she will not work on extra like cooking for hubby and other kids, nor do house work. Rceiving phone call and giving recommendation ($300) during the 28 days, are more important, then to take care of the mom and kid in the next room.

Sorry for being so negative here... but seriously, I felt we are fueling an industry that is so un-regulated, with no standard, paying the aunties that are out to squeeze us dry... Yes yes... i admit there are those out there doing a great job... just that we didn't come in contact with anyone of them yet.

In the end, we just decided last night we will go for confinement food catering, and my wife and 3rd kid, will stay with my mom, whom no doubt is too old for hard work, but still got some love for taking care of baby while my wife sleep.


New Member
Re: Confinement lady

Hi Lily,

I currently do not have the # on hand but you can contact KK @ 6293 4044 & ask them for the number for a 3 day service whereby the ex-nurse will visit your house to show you how to handle your baby, etc. It costs $150 for 3 days if i remember the price correctly & indeed is very helpful as the ex-nurses works on a volunteer basis & are very experienced. I've used this service when i need help the very next day and she spear-headed a unit before.

This is a suggested option if you're desperate since i do not think a good CL will be available immediately. Need to tell the person picking up your call you need helf urgently. Hope this helps!

Anyone has confinement nanny contact number to recommend who can work immediately?
My CL came in but was given only 3days social visit pass to stay in Singapore. Urgent help needed. Desperate Now!
I do not know how to care for my newborn.
I am crying now! What should I do?????


New Member
Re: Confinement lady


I'm due on 30 July and still looking for a day time confinement lady to help out. Any good recommendation?


My Full Time Confinement lady is pretty good, Auntie Siang from Malaysia. A Chinese lady in her early 50s. 10+ years of experience. Her schedules are pretty packed a lot of mommies book her way in advance. She can be contacted @ +60127156078 or +6583524870. She charges Sgd $2000.


New Member
My CL is Auntie Liqing. She’s in her 50s. A very friendly, cheerful, experienced, modern & flexible person.

She’ll let me know what I can eat & what I cant eat. If I need to eat a certain food but I dont’t like, she wont force me but will offer alternatives. When she’s done with her duties(ie. Wash clothes, prepare food for meals, etc……), she’ll help me with simple housework.

She charges me $1.8K, exclusive of the red packet given to her upon arrival & departure. Amount is entirely up to individual. Also not inclusive of her trip to custom on the 14th day. I do my own marketing. I paid her a deposit of $300 when I was 3 months pregnant.

As I’m giving TBF before I returned to work, I instruct her to make me a cup of hot drink every time after I nurse/pump(round the clock). She did a good job. She’s not very pro-breastfeeding but she’ll respect your decision to breastfeed & make the necessary dishes to help with your supply. She even reminded me the food that I can touch which may affect my supply.

She’s good with tonics. She took very good care of baby & me.
Hi Elaine, do you have the cl's contact number so that I can call up and check her availability as well?



Hi Elaine, do you have the cl's contact number so that I can call up and check her availability as well?

You may probably try to reach her @ 81306297.
PS: Am trying to figure out my iPhone have problems "retrieving her Msia contacts.


New Member
Being a first time daddy, I really benefited a lot from this forum, therefore would like to provide some feedback here as well.

I happened to engage Auntie Liqing, and after reading through this forum, here are my own observations:

(1) I was most amazed that she doesn't need to nap during the day at all, that is despite her resting at 10 or 11pm and waking up at 6:30am, not forgetting having to feed/are my BB during the night.

(2) She is popular, hence a lot of people calling her for enquiries, but I have no doubt her priority was with the baby

(3) She ate very little, took bread for breakfast and lunch, and doesn't take the confinement food at all (I think that is why she is so skinny)

(4) She would pay for items for her own consumption, during the trip to the market

(5) Personally I find her cooking not bad, even though I got a bit sick with the confinement food after a while, lots of meat, fish, ginger etc.

(6) She did ask for the taxi fare on day 1, I think that is a custom, wasn't bother too much with it.

(7) I was able to sleep throughout the night, knowing that baby will be attended to whenever he cried

(8) She charged $2.2K, but personally I think it's money well paid, my wife and BB were both well taken care of

(9) She is quite "automatic", would remind us to do the laundry if we forgot

(10) She is not really pro-BF, but she is supportive of my wife's decision

(11) Be prepared that she has to get some other CL to stand in if you EDD is brought forward or backward for whatever reason

All in all, I am satisfied with her service, partly because my BB was born on the EDD date, so no problem with the schedule. Being a first time daddy, I had to rely solely on the feedback from forum before hiring Auntie Liqing, am glad it turned out well.


Being a first time daddy, I really benefited a lot from this forum, therefore would like to provide some feedback here as well.

I happened to engage Auntie Liqing, and after reading through this forum, here are my own observations:

(1) I was most amazed that she doesn't need to nap during the day at all, that is despite her resting at 10 or 11pm and waking up at 6:30am, not forgetting having to feed/are my baby during the night.

(2) She is popular, hence a lot of people calling her for enquiries, but I have no doubt her priority was with the baby

(3) She ate very little, took bread for breakfast and lunch, and doesn't take the confinement food at all (I think that is why she is so skinny)

(4) She would pay for items for her own consumption, during the trip to the market

(5) Personally I find her cooking not bad, even though I got a bit sick with the confinement food after a while, lots of meat, fish, ginger etc.

(6) She did ask for the taxi fare on day 1, I think that is a custom, wasn't bother too much with it.

(7) I was able to sleep throughout the night, knowing that baby will be attended to whenever he cried

(8) She charged $2.2K, but personally I think it's money well paid, my wife and baby were both well taken care of

(9) She is quite "automatic", would remind us to do the laundry if we forgot

(10) She is not really pro-BF, but she is supportive of my wife's decision

(11) Be prepared that she has to get some other CL to stand in if you EDD is brought forward or backward for whatever reason

All in all, I am satisfied with her service, partly because my baby was born on the EDD date, so no problem with the schedule. Being a first time daddy, I had to rely solely on the feedback from forum before hiring Auntie Liqing, am glad it turned out well.
Hi daddy,

Thanks for providing such wonderful feedback about Auntie Liqing. Yes, she's my 2nd mum after my own mum. Hope to engage her services soon. :)


I tends to agree with you, although engaing a CL need some luck.
My girlfriend also engage a highly recommned CL here and kenna aeroplane and she ask her so-call good "sister" to stand-in, in the end my gf has 1 mth of terror.
Sometime I think is it the CL themself poisting over here? :err:

Hi mommies and daddies,

I just joined this forum to share our experience on the whole thing about CL. I'm a father of 2 kids, and having our 3rd one in early jan... after that, will close down our production line.

Our 1st 2 kids, 2nd one is way back in 2002, we didn't go for CL... instead, my mom's help out. Given our 3rd one is our last one, my wife was advised to go for CL, eat good confinement food to recover her body and health. Well, she got some recommendation of CL from this forum and we met a few. From the attitudes, or at least, the few that we met, I'm got the following observations which kind of turn me off for CL.

1) All CL expect us to pay for the cab fee... I'm not sure what's the big deal on this... but for goodness sake... they already got SGD $2K, which base on current exchange rate, easily convert to MYR $4.9K. On top of that, they already got the ang bao for 1st day, and last day of their work... why insist on cab fee? I drive, so it is not an issue for me to pick them up or pay for cab fee... but this trigger an alarm bell in me... feel like they are out to squeeze us DRY.

2) One CL my wife spoke to, have a baby crying in the background. This highly recommended CL can still continue to talk to my wife, given she already book till july 2010. But she kept on selling her 'sister' to my wife... my wife must end the call as she can't stand the baby CRYING in the background... *Hey hey... wake up* We can understand CL telling us, hey we need to stop here as baby crying... but this highly recommended CL just go ON AND ON... selling service.

3) Later, did we find out... with referral, the CL will get $300, and her sister, will get $1700 instead, out of $2K. No wonder they are so keen in recommending their sister, and one even recommend her IN-LAWS to us... OMG. To me, this becomes an un-healthy industry, whereby the good one, being recommended, will spend her time now to also do referral, as once done, can easily get $300... while the one taking over, poor dear, now given only $1.7K... will it effect her commitment to service??? knowing well she can get $2K if she gets the call directly?

4) In the few meet up, I told my wife, you are the one paying, so make sure you know what service you are getting... we always start out as "err... this is our 1st time.. not sure what to expect... can you tell us what you cover?"... we always get this type of response back... "standard one ... cover everything... but you got kids??? how old are they? you got maid??? you need me to cook for your kids and hubby TOO??? No right??? I can help to clean your house a bit... but not everything... "

"How about confinement food? what you cook?" - response - "oh EVERYTHING... TELL ME WHAT you LIKE?" We like huh??? we dont't even know what confinement food to order!

Bottomline... a YES and NO response... depends on situation... i got this sinking feeling that if resources are available, she will not work on extra like cooking for hubby and other kids, nor do house work. Rceiving phone call and giving recommendation ($300) during the 28 days, are more important, then to take care of the mom and kid in the next room.

Sorry for being so negative here... but seriously, I felt we are fueling an industry that is so un-regulated, with no standard, paying the aunties that are out to squeeze us dry... Yes yes... i admit there are those out there doing a great job... just that we didn't come in contact with anyone of them yet.

In the end, we just decided last night we will go for confinement food catering, and my wife and 3rd kid, will stay with my mom, whom no doubt is too old for hard work, but still got some love for taking care of baby while my wife sleep.


Dear Elaine and Globetrekker,

I'm new here. I tried calling Aunty Liqing local number but cannot get through. Possible to help me with her other contact no. ...

Thanks !!!


New Member
Hi Micky 88,

Below please find the list of CL that I found from various forums when we did our research. We hired Aunty Liqing partly because she happened to be available when contacted, some of the aunties were already booked. My suggestion is for you to contact the CL, talk to them personally to make sure you're comfortable before hiring.

eurostar, if the CL knows how to post in forum, I guess she won't be in this industry. My believe is the highly recommended CLs know they are being recommeded in the forum, that give them extra incentives to uphold their service standard.

Aunty Liqing
81306297 (SG Mobile)
06-7646504 /016 3630054

玉姐 , YU JIE
01860137342178/mobile number in S'pore 81049772

Aunty Gui Hua
(15yr, very clean, swift, patient and honest)

Aunty Er Mei
and telephone number is +60126076520(malaysia hp) or 82615608(singapore hp)
hardworking, very detailed, attentive towards baby, cooked, easy going and friendly

Name: Siew Ling Jie (M'sia)
Singapore HP: 81195431
M'sia HP: 013-7067061
Home: 077714258 (day)
Home: 077734036 (night)

Aunty Liqing
06-7646504 / 016 3630054

Aunty Lian
06-7621609 / 016 6385219

Aunty Gui Hua
Aunty Xiang

* Mdm Wong, 90235966 or 65635932
* Auntie Ivy, 0169659788 (malaysia line) or 82731889 (singapore line)
* Auntie ah Jiao, 016-2923050
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New Member
Dear Elaine and Globetrekker,

I'm new here. I tried calling Aunty Liqing local number but cannot get through. Possible to help me with her other contact no. ...

Thanks !!!
Mickey88, PM you Aunty Liqing MY number, and the list of CL contacts found in various forums. Good luck!


New Member

I m currently a mummy of 2 ~ Just had my second baby via cesarean 2 weeks back. I was so worried about finding a bad CL as my first one was a disaster. (I engaged my 1st one through PEM). However, I would strongly recommend my current CL. I found her in this thread, and it was a bet for me. However, I did have a pleasant surprise.
For the past 2 weeks, I m extremely pleased with her services. She takes good care of my baby, cooks well and does the household chores. With her years of experience, she is not only knowledgeable in baby care but in cooking confinement food as well. I am someone who needs variety, n she has no issues with that even though i had cesarean. Supposedly I cant eat much food (chicken n eggs)for first 2 weeks, she still managed to cook a variety of food n soup for me. My 1st CL fr PEM cooked almost the same food everyday, even though I had normal delivery for my first child. And my grandma n mummy always criticised her when they came n visit me on Sats. Amazingly, my grandma n mum have no issue with this current CL as well!
My CL is hardworking n has lotsa initatives. I seldom see her take naps in the noon, although alot of CLs will tell you in adv they need naps in the noons, cause they need to take care of baby at night.. My first son is a fussy n spoilt brat who wants nobody but me n hubby, but she managed to coax him & feed him his meals using toys n patience.
Generally, I am very happy with her, and am extending her service till end of Apr'10. I am recommending her cause I believe every new mummy needs an extra pair of hands n good help esp during confinement! If you need more details n her contact, just drop me an email at :)



Thanks for the numbers. I managed to contact Aunty Liqing and she is available for my EDD. will be meeting her this weekend. Hope that my EDD is not changed and everything goes well during my confinement.


New Member

Posted a recommendation of my confinement nanny earlier, and received quite a few enquiries. So I got aunty's permission to put down her contact no here so u could call her if interested. :) Feel free to still drop me an email if you hv anything to ask me. She's still doing confinement for me now.

Name: Ah Qing Aunty
Contact No: 012-7356664
Recommended by: Xiuling

Cheers & Enjoy ur pregnancy! :)


New Member
A confinement nanny, main chores to take care of your needs, and assist you to recuperate as soon as possible to regain the nutrients you have lost.
She will advise what to eat/not to eat, what to do/not to do,and you might be amazed by the knowledge that she hav, and of cos, some are superstitious, some are myth or so, it depends on oneself whether you want to accept it, but second thoughts, no harm listening! lol

There's a few question you can ask yourself.
You might not be comfortable having a stranger acting like your mum,but end day, there's only pros to you, so far as i know, they are great help, some will even assist some small chores! End day, really need to establish the trust.
Best to just engage a day confinement services.

Confinement services is not cheap, it can goes up to 2k a month. Since expenses after having baby increase, you might need to reconsider on the financial situation

As for my opnion, having someone to take care of everything, will be an absolute yes for me, it save the hassle, less tiring for my folks, and less conflicts with my in-laws. ;p

Having to know one who very experience, copy and paste from friends, so rest assure no agency to rip you off.

"Have been doing freelance housekeeping as well as providing confinement services/babysitting for the past 20years.
My experience includes working as a housekeeper for the Caucasian family in year 2002-2004, since then, i'm babysitting kids between 2months -3yrs old.
Do not hesitate to contact me, so that to explain more in depth what kind of assistance i can provide you."


Irene Ho 9067 1356

dont't worry too much and be a HAPPY MUM!!


New Member
Hi All,
My CL is Auntie Jenny.
She cooks n look after the baby. If you have any special requests she is willing to help. I enjoyed her cooking & she's very experienced.
She is in her mid 50s la. Singaporean. She stay ard Hougang area.
I took a long time to find a CL so hope this helps all future mummy out there.
Her hp is 9781 9809


New Member
hi everyone, you got be careful when getting a CL. I had one a few months ago and she is auntie siang (recommended by some in all different forum). Her cooking is so so only and she will drink your tonic soup and top up with water for you. i witness with my own eyes. and you will be amazed at her eating capacity

True that she has lots of advise but some of it are really ridiculars. example those on BF, she will tell you that the baby cannot drink water cos it will dilute the baby blood and need to change blood after that...

The worst is that she doze off while feeding and burbing the baby at night on a chair.. just imagine what will happen if my baby were to fall down...sometime, when she is tire at night, she just let the baby cry until the baby sleep so that she does not need to do anything...

If you got her, you will need to set aside lots of money to pay for your endless usage of water, electricity and TV... ... and replace of things that are broken...

remember to check her bag before she leave your house, this is one thing i regret not doing, i have a total loss amounting to about $400 plus worth of items.

The above are just some sad experience that i have gone thru and would like to share with all mothers that are looking for CL and does not represent anything or against anyone... ...

enjoy your motherhood... ...
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