Good TCM Doctor ???


Well-Known Member
my AF report on 10 Nov so i call up to check if i still need to go see Dr Zou on 13 nov (fri)... Dr zou told me can still do acuputure since it's D4 ... n if the flow is little ...

Did you go do acuputure when you have your AF?

ya AF oso report on 7th Nov (last sat), i oso called to cancel my flow is super heavy flow at all.....and, its totally CLEAN after 3days.....ZZZzzZZZzz.....1st time like this lehhh...i wonder if its cos my body is adjusting to the new med(chinese med) i took......

Dr Zou oso told me tat i can do accuputure from day 4 onwards....i'm seeing her tis sat yaaaaaa........

is ur AF flow normal tis round??????


My AF not normal too... . This round alot leh & w lots of solid blood clot. Not sure is it bcos last mth my AF not alot then this round all cleared out.. OR is it bcos of the medicine that help me to flush out the solid blood clots..
Will ask her today when i meet her.. Today is my D4.


Do you all eat folic acid while under TCM treatment? I don't know should take them together (folic acide than the chinese medicine) at same timing or not... hmmm...


Well-Known Member
Do you all eat folic acid while under traditional chinese medicine treatment? I dont't know should take them together (folic acide than the chinese medicine) at same timing or not... hmmm...

ya ya...i tot of this too...i stop eating folic acid after my 2nd IUI failed.....

so far, i nv eat folic acid while i'm on TCM........i'm seeing Dr Zou tomolo, i will ask her...kekekee...thanks for reminding me...hahahhaaa~

i oso wanna ask her if tis round, i shd try :we2Randy-git: or not...see wad she say...


ya ya...i thought of this too...i stop eating folic acid after my 2nd IUI failed.....

so far, i never eat folic acid while i'm on traditional chinese medicine........i'm seeing Dr Zou tomolo, i will ask her...kekekee...thanks for reminding me...hahahhaaa~

i also wanna ask her if tis round, i should try :we2Randy-git: or not...see what she say...
oh gosh! i still eat folic acid which on TCM too...
Yaya.. pls ask Dr Xou leh... n tell me if we can continue w folic acid and w TCM med too..


Well-Known Member
oh gosh! i still eat folic acid which on traditional chinese medicine too...
Yaya.. pls ask Dr Xou ... n tell me if we can continue w folic acid and w traditional chinese medicine med too..

yap yap...i ask her liaooo...she say continue to eat......folic acid is more for the blood.......

did she change the med for u ???? she say after AF, is eat another type of med....

i told her abt my AF only 3days, light flow, then completely clean after 3days....her response "this is bad" ......:embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed:

so sadz....she say she gif me med to change my AF become "normal flow"......she ask me to slim down, she say i TOO fat liaooo...sob sobz...

i oso ask her if this round, shd i try :we2Randy-git: wif hubby.....she say "YES YES, OF COS, NV STOP TRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!" .....she told me tat PCEO chances r lower cos our folicles dun grow properly...but it does not mean all the folicles r like tat...she say in some cycle, maybe a few folicles r bad, but some may be she ask me to keep trying....

i oso ask her abt ovulation timing...she said usually for those irregular AF like me, the 14days timing does not apply to us...its wrong.....she explained tat the "hear-say ovulation usually happens on day 14 onwards" only apply to those wif 28-30days cycle........for my case, for tis cycle, it was i shd work backwards my ovulation timing is day 35-42........she say the ovulation kit may not b tat accurate, best is take temperature....but i told her my temp remains constant......she say it will improve but of cos not immediately...she ask me to juz keep trying.....

last time when i was seeing Dr Chan @ parkway TCM, he oso mentioned abt the same ting tat my ovulation happens very very late, day 30 onwards.....

hmmm.....maybe i shd try :we2Randy-git: much later of the cycle yaaaa...i usually do it day 14 -22 ......

did u ask abt urs???


yap yap...i ask her liaooo...she say continue to eat......folic acid is more for the blood.......

did she change the med for you ???? she say after AF, is eat another type of med....

i told her about my AF only 3days, light flow, then completely clean after 3days....her response "this is bad" ......:embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed::embarrassed:

so sadz....she say she give me med to change my AF become "normal flow"......she ask me to slim down, she say i TOO fat liaooo...sob sobz...

i also ask her if this round, should i try :we2Randy-git: with hubby.....she say "YES YES, OF COS, never STOP TRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!" .....she told me that PCEO chances are lower cos our folicles dont grow properly...but it does not mean all the folicles are like that...she say in some cycle, maybe a few folicles are bad, but some may be she ask me to keep trying....

i also ask her about ovulation timing...she said usually for those irregular AF like me, the 14days timing does not apply to us...its wrong.....she explained that the "hear-say ovulation usually happens on day 14 onwards" only apply to those with 28-30days cycle........for my case, for tis cycle, it was i should work backwards my ovulation timing is day 35-42........she say the ovulation kit may not b that accurate, best is take temperature....but i told her my temp remains constant......she say it will improve but of cos not immediately...she ask me to just keep trying.....

last time when i was seeing Dr Chan @ parkway traditional chinese medicine, he also mentioned about the same ting that my ovulation happens very very late, day 30 onwards.....

hmmm.....maybe i should try :we2Randy-git: much later of the cycle yaaaa...i usually do it day 14 -22 ......

did you ask about urs???
Me same as u that my AF is abt 35-60day once. This mth still abt 35 day but flow damn lot.. n lots of blood clot..
I can her on fri & sun to change my appt cos fri, my flow still a lot... n sun i need to go dinner. So i'm going tomorro...
Let's see wat she say abt me this time....


Well-Known Member
Me same as you that my AF is about 35-60day once. This month still about 35 day but flow damn lot.. n lots of blood clot..
I can her on fri & sun to change my appt cos fri, my flow still a lot... n sun i need to go dinner. So i'm going tomorro...
Let's see what she say about me this time....

go go go n ask yaaa...see wad she says....

btw, i drank the "new" med....smells nicer, but taste horrible too.....she ask me drink twice a day wor....stress :wong31::wong31::wong31::wong31::wong31:


Well-Known Member
yo tig...ask u arrr....can i pour 2 pkts of the med n drink once instead of 1 pkt each time, twice a day ?


mine medication taste like dang-gui, still acceptable la. Was given 1 big pkt and inside the pkt got alot of small different pkts. Than she ask me to took out small pkt, divide to half than drink morn and night time a day. But i think is too strong for me cos I got sore thoart or cough after consumed. So end up, I drink half daily... but troublesome need to seperate each small pkt to half...


Well-Known Member
mine medication taste like dang-gui, still acceptable . Was given 1 big pkt and inside the pkt got alot of small different pkts. Than she ask me to took out small pkt, divide to half than drink morn and night time a day. But i think is too strong for me cos I got sore thoart or cough after consumed. So end up, I drink half daily... but troublesome need to seperate each small pkt to half...

ya ya.....those med usually make us "heaty" ....

the sinseh say haf to drink lots of water n poo poo evyday ........


yo tig...ask you arrr....can i pour 2 pkts of the med n drink once instead of 1 pkt each time, twice a day ?
i seen her today, am. Y u still drink 1 pkt each time, 2 times a day ahr? She chng my med to 2 pkts each time, 2 times a day le...! I hvent try that cos i'll start tonite, so i don't know the taste yet. She was saying that time 1pks each time twice a day one is for building our lining. This one, 4 pkts per day one is for ovulation leh!

BTW, she also told me for folic acid, still can eat but it's must be after 2 hrs gap that u take TCM med.

Think u better follow her instruction to drink 1 pkt each time for ur case.....cos if u add 2 pkts together, may be too heaty for u...


Hi Lawla,
forgot to keep u posted abt the medicine that i'm taking now. It taste yucky, esp the smell... I hate this smell compare to the other one (1 pkt each time, 2 times per day).
This new one is for helping us to ovulate properly but i don't really can take it.

How abt urs? U may want to ask her y urs is still 1 pkt, 2 times per day? I thought different stages will have different medicine?


Well-Known Member
i seen her today, am. why you still drink 1 pkt each time, 2 times a day ahr? She chng my med to 2 pkts each time, 2 times a day ...! I hvent try that cos i'll start tonite, so i dont't know the taste yet. She was saying that time 1pks each time twice a day one is for building our lining. This one, 4 pkts per day one is for ovulation !

BTW, she also told me for folic acid, still can eat but it's must be after 2 hours gap that you take traditional chinese medicine med.

Think you better follow her instruction to drink 1 pkt each time for your case.....cos if you add 2 pkts together, may be too heaty for you...

she din tell me the med is for ovulation....she told me tat the med is for after AF......she only say she will put some med to make my mensus flow better (cos mine 3 days, completely clean...1st time like tat worrr, no spotting too)..........

u rem initally, tat dark brown med we took b4 our AF came....mine was 1 pkt per day cos me belongs to the heaty she say me drink 1 pkt n try 1st in case i sick then waste the AF cycle.........

so tis round, i tink she increase the dosage from 1 pkt to 2 pkts per day.....

the med u took this round, izzi light brownish in colour ????? it smells n taste diff from the 1st med we took ?????? tis round, the med like very hard to oso has lots of bubble when u stir it......urs got like tat ????

i cant stand the smell...HORRIBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've tp pinch my nose in order not to smell it when i drink......really wanna puke !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :18::18::18:

btw, after u drink, ur mouth got smelly smelly ???? i started drinking it on sun....hubby keep saying my mouth smelly smelly....izzi cos me nv drink euff water??? even when me brush teeth liaooo, he still got abit of the smelly smell....ZZZzzZZZZzZZZzzz....

she din tell me abt 2hours (consume folic acid)....AIYOOOO!!! y she like tat deeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like tat very "chiam" lehhhh...i haf to ask abit, u ask abit...then we gather infor here......not very professional rite.....

Hi Lawla,
forgot to keep you posted about the medicine that i'm taking now. It taste yucky, esp the smell... I hate this smell compare to the other one (1 pkt each time, 2 times per day).
This new one is for helping us to ovulate properly but i dont't really can take it.

How about urs? you may want to ask her why urs is still 1 pkt, 2 times per day? I thought different stages will have different medicine?

YES !!! I HATE IT TOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



she did not tell me the med is for ovulation....she told me that the med is for after AF......she only say she will put some med to make my mensus flow better (cos mine 3 days, completely clean...1st time like that worrr, no spotting too)..........

you rem initally, that dark brown med we took before our AF came....mine was 1 pkt per day cos me belongs to the heaty she say me drink 1 pkt n try 1st in case i sick then waste the AF cycle.........

so tis round, i tink she increase the dosage from 1 pkt to 2 pkts per day.....

the med you took this round, izzi light brownish in colour ????? it smells n taste diff from the 1st med we took ?????? tis round, the med like very hard to also has lots of bubble when you stir it......urs got like that ????

i cant stand the smell...HORRIBLE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i've tp pinch my nose in order not to smell it when i drink......really wanna puke !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :18::18::18:

btw, after you drink, your mouth got smelly smelly ???? i started drinking it on sun....hubby keep saying my mouth smelly smelly....izzi cos me never drink euff water??? even when me brush teeth liaooo, he still got abit of the smelly smell....ZZZzzZZZZzZZZzzz....

she did not tell me about 2hours (consume folic acid)....AIYOOOO!!! why she like that deeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

like that very "chiam" lehhhh...i have to ask abit, you ask abit...then we gather infor here......not very professional rite.....

YES !!! I HATE IT TOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ai... i'm a bit confuse le....

Now i took 4pks each day, 2 times a day, 1 time is 2 pkt. ya.. this one is lighter in colour, difficult to dissolve n stink.
My previous one is nicer, got orange skin's taste and is darker in colour. I took this 2pkt each day, 2 time a day, 1 time 1 pkt.

Your is is 2 pkts each day, 2 times a day, 1 time 1 pkt lah..
So urs medicine is the same?

ya.. tat's y we share share what we got to know from her.. cos sometime i miss out a bit, u also miss out a bit!:001_302:


Well-Known Member
ai... i'm a bit confuse ....

Now i took 4pks each day, 2 times a day, 1 time is 2 pkt. ya.. this one is lighter in colour, difficult to dissolve n stink.
My previous one is nicer, got orange skin's taste and is darker in colour. I took this 2pkt each day, 2 time a day, 1 time 1 pkt.

Your is is 2 pkts each day, 2 times a day, 1 time 1 pkt ..
So urs medicine is the same?

ya.. that's why we share share what we got to know from her.. cos sometime i miss out a bit, you also miss out a bit!:001_302:
maybe cos our body is diff n tat i always fall sick after eating "bai fong wan" n "ba zhen"...tats y our dosage is diff....

mine is diff from urs...

b4 AF came (tat dark brownish med) --- 1 pkt per day
after AF over (light brownish med) ---1 pkt TWICE a day.......(but horrr, i combine 2 pkts n drink once...I CANT STAND IT!!!!!! wanna puke!!!!!)

really wonder how long i can take it...aiyoooo...headache liaooo.....

i tink our med is almost the same component, maybe got "extra" powder added to suit individual body.....


maybe cos our body is diff n that i always fall sick after eating "bai fong want" n " zhen"...tats why our dosage is diff....

mine is diff from urs...

before AF came (that dark brownish med) --- 1 pkt per day
after AF over (light brownish med) ---1 pkt TWICE a day.......(but horrr, i combine 2 pkts n drink once...I CANT STAND IT!!!!!! wanna puke!!!!!)

really wonder how long i can take it...aiyoooo...headache liaooo.....

i tink our med is almost the same component, maybe got "extra" powder added to suit individual body.....
ya... now i'm clearer...
Only dosage diff. Both of us can't stand the light brownish med. I put a lots of sweet in my mouth 1st before i sip the med quickly.

But how much they charge u for lesser med ahr? I was charge $65 for acuputure + smelly med (5 days). :eek:So i think still reasonable for me.


Well-Known Member
ya... now i'm clearer...
Only dosage diff. Both of us can't stand the light brownish med. I put a lots of sweet in my mouth 1st before i sip the med quickly.

But how much they charge you for lesser med ahr? I was charge $65 for acuputure + smelly med (5 days). :eek:So i think still reasonable for me.

same...$65 from session 1 until now even though our dosage increase, get more med, but price still the same......

like tat horrr, means they "eat" our $$$ laaaaaaa for the 1st/2nd session.......

Ooohh...u pop sweet into ur mouth 1st is eat chocolates/sweets after tat lehhh...but for the light brownish med, i've to pinch my nose n stop breathing b4 i swallow the drink 1st......REALLY SUPER SMELLY LOHH!!! BTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pui pui pui pui pui pui pui....

me going back this sat worrr...urs is once or twice a week ??????

last sat i went, i waited 45mins lohhhh b4 my turn lohhhhh....sooo madzzz....hubby was nagging cos he waited abt 2hours for me......


were u late? they quite particular one leh! i was late 10 min for my 2nd visit, then i hv to wait for another 15 min for my turn.

I think sat a lot of pple bah, wkend mah!
I usually visit when i'm on leave (reach there at 10am, no pple one) or Fri evening (wait 5-10 mins).

Me go once a wk or slightly more than a wk. ie. this mon went le, my next appt is next thur, 7pm.


Active Member
hey gals....

My AF jus came... :(

Anyway was thinking of visiting Dr Zou...

So how shld I make an appointment now or shld I wait until my period is over b4 seeing him???

And also anyone got the address and tel of Dr Zou?