Good TCM Doctor ???


Well-Known Member
I also just chart my BBT this month only (have previously done it in Jun & Jul but feel that my temp fluculate too much.. then stop ). So i show her my this my BBT chart (which is only D18/19), she will base on that to see if the med works on you or not. She say my temp is ok.. so ask me to drink the dark brown med ...
She used to say i'll ovulate very late cos my circle is very long (40-60 days) but then my last AF report on D35 so she say med is regulate my circle ...
So i believed she based on the BBT chart + my last AF circle to guage my "O" period .
My OPK is still -ve till today, D21 .

Oooh....she ask if i got see any musus, i told her i dun haf...she say very likely i nv take note ...she ask me to see carefully.....told her abt my temp too, she say me ovulate late late yaaaa....last cycle, my AF is 54days.....usually it ranges from its day 25....i nv test OPK yaaaa.....tinking of testing next mth onwards......tis mth really too stress n suay....kana rubbish from boss.....zzzzzzz......

i'm seeing her on sat again......duno need to wait how long againnnn....zzzzzz


Oooh....she ask if i got see any musus, i told her i dont have...she say very likely i never take note ...she ask me to see carefully.....told her about my temp too, she say me ovulate late late yaaaa....last cycle, my AF is 54days.....usually it ranges from its day 25....i never test OPK yaaaa.....thinking of testing next month onwards......tis month really too stress n suay....kana rubbish from boss.....zzzzzzz......

i'm seeing her on sat again......dont know need to wait how long againnnn....zzzzzz
How macus discharge look like? I didn't take temperature for this cycle as fall sick on day 1. I'm confuse of macus discharge... coz during the mid, I have some discharge clear and I do proceed BD. On day 31, I got another kind of discharge which is thick whitish abit yellow. So, is it I ovaulate during mid or day 31? I'm waiting for day 34 arrive as this should be my AF... if not here, will try the 1st test.


Well-Known Member
How macus discharge look like? I didn't take temperature for this cycle as fall sick on day 1. I'm confuse of macus discharge... coz during the mid, I have some discharge clear and I do proceed BD. On day 31, I got another kind of discharge which is thick whitish abit yellow. So, is it I ovaulate during mid or day 31? I'm waiting for day 34 arrive as this should be my AF... if not here, will try the 1st test.

they say it look like white/yellowish (milky colour) sticky sticky discharge....

i duno worrrr.....i cant find it lehhh...been using OPK instead.....even when the OPK shows positive, i dun find any mucus on my panty...

but, i do haf yellowish discharge abt 1week b4 my AF comes.....


Well-Known Member
yooo tig...ur temp got increase maaaa???

mine nv increase butt itchy, use OPK n try....its negative...tsk tsk tsk.....its already day 28 liaooo....zzzzzzz...duno ovulate liaoo or not lehh....zzzzzzzz


yooo tig...your temp got increase maaaa???

mine never increase butt itchy, use OPK n try....its negative...tsk tsk tsk.....its already day 28 liaooo....zzzzzzz...dont know ovulate liaoo or not lehh....zzzzzzzz
Lawla, you take BBT? The general rule is that you have ovulated when your temperature rises .2 degrees higher than any temperature from the previous 6 days, and it stays elevated for at least 3 consecutive days.

Anyway, when you see a temp dip - just get down to business and BD :D

By the way, i saw from another forum about 百凤丸. A lady's gynae and chinese sinseh advise not to take cos if taken at the wrong timing it can lead to endrometris


they say it look like white/yellowish (milky colour) sticky sticky discharge....

i dont know worrrr.....i cant find it lehhh...been using OPK instead.....even when the OPK shows positive, i dont find any mucus on my panty...

but, i do have yellowish discharge about 1week before my AF comes.....
Yo! i thot it's suppose to be clear egg white type of discharge mah.....
But i seldom/nv see such discharge leh... I told Dr Zou, but she ask me to track carefully:wong29:

yooo tig...your temp got increase maaaa???

mine never increase butt itchy, use OPK n try....its negative...tsk tsk tsk.....its already day 28 liaooo....zzzzzzz...dont know ovulate liaoo or not lehh....zzzzzzzz
my temp suga suga up n down one...
Dr Zou say temp must stay high for 2-3 days...
My high temp is 37 but only 1 day leh... so she say no gd. I also don't know when i'll ovulate. Dr Zou also say i will ovulate late n ask me to track my BBT.
Me seeing her today... maybe i ask her again when i will O w my BBT chart loh!:elvis:


Well-Known Member
Yo! i thot it's suppose to be clear egg white type of discharge mah.....
But i seldom/never see such discharge ... I told Dr Zou, but she ask me to track carefully:wong29:

my temp suga suga up n down one...
Dr Zou say temp must stay high for 2-3 days...
My high temp is 37 but only 1 day ... so she say no good. I also dont't know when i'll ovulate. Dr Zou also say i will ovulate late n ask me to track my BBT.
Me seeing her today... maybe i ask her again when i will O w my BBT chart loh!:elvis:

i got some discharge...but more like yellowish, very watery liquid....those abit smelly deeee..-----is tis the mucus u all refering during ovulation???? suppose to print my chart out....but me busy wif tat killer meeting..then 4got.....yst my temp is its it means me ovulating soon arrrrr??? yst i test OPK, its neg worrrr....aiyoooo......nvm...JUZ DO IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:001_302::001_302::001_302:


Well-Known Member
went to see Dr Zou......told her abt my BBT....she said, very likely, i've ovulated......but i told her, i did test on fri nite, it was negative, but got abit of "fade fade" line......she said its ok, juz continue to try these 2 days.....

she said if my temp for the next 2weeks is at 37.xx, maybe got chance.....but told her, we din do it on thurs n very unlikely will strike.....she say juz keep trying yaaaa....

she gave me the dark brown med....1 packet twice a day.........

me going to see her after Xmas yaaa...told her next week, we'r not free....then Xmas week, oso not free....she gave me extra med to last me for 2weeks yaaaaa........


lawla, are you using the fertilityfriend? I am here to share my chart, anyone care to share theirs? (this BBT thingy can be a little addictive hehehe)

tigp, you created one too right? Maybe can share here too?

I bought some cordyceps, i heard some mummies' gynae said cannot take 百凤丸 and 百珍 during TTC but cordyceps is good. Indeed, yesterday i went to 药材店, the people there told me the same. Anyone's sinseh or gynae can confirm this?


Well-Known Member
lawla, are you using the fertilityfriend? I am here to share my chart, anyone care to share theirs? (this BBT thingy can be a little addictive hehehe) shiseru Ovulation Charts

tigp, you created one too right? Maybe can share here too?

I bought some cordyceps, i heard some mummies' gynae said cannot take 百凤丸 and 百珍 during trying to concieve but cordyceps is good. Indeed, yesterday i went to 药材店, the people there told me the same. Anyone's sinseh or gynae can confirm this?

how much did u spend on cordyceps???? my colleague bought from Eu Yan Seng, 1 box abt $800++ .....1 box can only last less slightly than 1mth per couple...she say she use 2-3sticks each time, boil wif red dates (w/o seeds) n put some "bao sheng"....

how u cook it????


how much did you spend on cordyceps???? my colleague bought from Eu Yan Seng, 1 box about $800++ .....1 box can only last less slightly than 1mth per couple...she say she use 2-3sticks each time, boil with red dates (w/o seeds) n put some "bao sheng"....

how you cook it????
They sell 冬虫夏草一两 @$350. Yes awfully expensive! :eek:

I bought less than 一两 + a little 泡参, cost me $200. They grind everything into powder form, I was told to take 1 small teaspoon (w/wo mixing with water) twice per week. But I think I will just take once per week.

Powder form easy to eat mah, otherwise must brew very 麻烦

I think can tahan one month for both me and my hubby, even if taken twice per week.
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Well-Known Member
They sell 冬虫夏草一两 @$350. Yes awfully expensive! :eek:

I bought less than 一两 + a little 泡参, cost me $200. They grind everything into powder form, I was told to take 1 small teaspoon (w/wo mixing with water) twice per week. But I think I will just take once per week.

Powder form easy to eat mah, otherwise must brew very 麻烦

I think can tahan one month for both me and my hubby, even if taken twice per week.

powder juz take like tat??? erm, abit hard to swallow or not harrrr???

me nv buy cordyceps lehhh...very exp lehh...kekekeee...wait till me get bonus 1st baaa...moreover, me duno wanna resign or still tinking...super sianzz!!!!!!! market not very good too...more jobs available, but its not wad i wan lohhh...hard to find the jobscope which i wan lehh..maybe too picky liaooo:001_302::001_302:


powder just take like that??? erm, abit hard to swallow or not harrrr???

me never buy cordyceps lehhh...very exp lehh...kekekeee...wait till me get bonus 1st baaa...moreover, me dont know wanna resign or still thinking...super sianzz!!!!!!! market not very good too...more jobs available, but its not what i want lohhh...hard to find the jobscope which i want lehh..maybe too picky liaooo:001_302::001_302:
Powder is easy to eat mahz, you can put a teaspoon mix with a little water then eat also, without water also can.

I heard a number of mummies taking cordyceps, one took when she TTC and during pregnancy, she said her son's immune system very strong worz... and also good for her.

If hubby can support, and you wanna focus on TTC, then can go ahead. But if one person support very difficult, then I suggest you dun. If you wanna change job, now is the time to update resume, and start blasting out to companies next month when everyone gets their AWS and start to hand in their resignation.

Now can look around first lahz. But your current work very stress? Why quit?


Well-Known Member
Powder is easy to eat mahz, you can put a teaspoon mix with a little water then eat also, without water also can.

I heard a number of mummies taking cordyceps, one took when she trying to concieve and during pregnancy, she said her son's immune system very strong worz... and also good for her.

If hubby can support, and you wanna focus on trying to concieve, then can go ahead. But if one person support very difficult, then I suggest you dont. If you wanna change job, now is the time to update resume, and start blasting out to companies next month when everyone gets their AWS and start to hand in their resignation.

Now can look around first lahz. But your current work very stress? Why quit?
unreasonable/brainless/idiot boss......i went home at 6.30pm, the last to leave office.....she called my colleagues at 7.30pm, asking them to call me to call back office.....

i called back lohhh...she scolded me cos she cant find me in office....she said i'm irresponsible n no intiative cos we had an impt meeting 2weeks later....explained to her tat i rec NO INSTRUCTIONS from her asking me to stay, moreover, i was the last to leave office n i've no outstanding work b4 i end the day......

again, she scolded me n ask me to GO BACK TO OFFICE IMMEDIATELY.....heloo, me home liaooo, u expect me to go back office??? i said no, told her tat if there's anyting she needs, i can work from home....there was a long silence....i can feel the "volcano eruption" in her.....she scolded me again n ask where m i going, wad time me going out, wad time me return home......its after office hours, its thurs nite, y shd i report to u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

she scolded me really fedup but keep quiet....the report she wan, i can juz send 1 email to her..tats all...i already haf the report on hand liaooo.....she oso expect me to go back office to work on Public Holiday (hari raya)....ok fine...i went back office, 1 whole afternoon, waited for her...she din turn up....i sms her, telling her me in office n if there's report she wan me to do...she din reply.....i waited from 1pm to 5.30pm, there's no1 in the office.....i'm really juz waiting for her to come, i've finished all my work b4 the long weekend....super pissed off cos she fly me plane, i sms her telling her tat me going off at 6pm.......only then, she replied me "ok" ---------tats all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

after tat day, she has been giving me oso suay, saw her in toilet, i greeted her "gd morn"...but she din even smile or wadver, juz face black black for me to see n walk off.....oso, from tat day on, i've to ask her permission to go home evyday.......(but the impt meeting ended, i stop asking her)....

wad u tink??? can i still stay ???? who can take it ???

i'm a human, not a dog...i'm only an accountant....not CEO~


QUIT the F**King job lawla!!! That's a boss fom hell!! You dun owe her and there is no need to take any shit from her!! She can go fly kite!! Puk Puk!


Well-Known Member
QUIT the F**King job lawla!!! That's a boss fom hell!! You dont owe her and there is no need to take any shit from her!! She can go fly kite!! Puk Puk!

yes...hubby oso told me to quit.....been tinking abt it....been telling hubby tat me intend to quit in Jan.....then he say, its better to find a job 1st...but i've to gif 3mths company will wait or buy me over...i'm only an accountant....

moreover, if me find a job now n the offer is attractive, most likely i've to pay off myself for the short notice......i dun wanna pay the company $$$$$.....tats y intend to tender, then must faster find a job.....but Feb is CNY period, abit low peak for job hunting..........

u know, i really cried at home when tat idiot boss scolded me....her words really upset me soooo much..........its oso the 1st time such tings happened to me.......tats y i cried n cried n cried.....but after i've cooled down, i dun find it worthwhile to stay here.
Hihi mtbs,

Sorry to jump in last min..

Is it ok to take cordyceps? Some say only last tri when bbs are more stable. Also, because I used to take before pregnancy, the pple at Eu Yan Sang said to use at least 6-7 sticks woh to see results. I verified that info with other TCM shops and other relatives..So 2-3 sticks are enough?

yes...hubby also told me to quit.....been thinking about it....been telling hubby that me intend to quit in Jan.....then he say, its better to find a job 1st...but i've to give 3mths company will wait or buy me over...i'm only an accountant....

moreover, if me find a job now n the offer is attractive, most likely i've to pay off myself for the short notice......i dont wanna pay the company $$$$$.....tats why intend to tender, then must faster find a job.....but Feb is CNY period, abit low peak for job hunting..........

you know, i really cried at home when that idiot boss scolded me....her words really upset me soooo much..........its also the 1st time such tings happened to me.......tats why i cried n cried n cried.....but after i've cooled down, i dont find it worthwhile to stay here.

Hi hi,

Just read in details your message. Sorry to hear about that mean nasty boss of yours. Bully preggy women..she not woman meh? :eek:

Understand your predicament totally. Why not talk to hubby again? It is true it will be hard to find companies who will wait for 3 months! Have to be lucky to find such non urgent placements.

Since you are contemplating leaving company, possibly drop a hint or two to bitxx woman boss there is always an avenue to complain about preggy women discrimination or such unreasonable office bahaviour?? Let her know you know your rights! How about speaking with HR?..Of course don't let them know about intention of leaving.

Highly suspect your boss wants to piss you off ----literally, just so that you will resign. Don't be upset by this type of personality and don't fall into their trap. THINK through your options, then FEEL if any option is right, then ACT.

Best of luck and wish the stupid bxxxxx "best" things to come her way since she is so 'kind'.


lawla, no need to get upset with such a55hole. You are a human, not an animal or slave, you no take shit from her okay? *sayang

Accountant shouldnt be hard to find, every company needs one. Most importantly, it's your rights. Just use this time to update resume, take the AWS and go find a new job. I am sure with your hubby working, you guys can cope a few months without income from your side.

kolarbear, the medical hall people told me can take while trying to concieve and during pregnancy regardless 1,2,3rd trimester.

Usually if buy is more than 2-3 sticks.


went to see Dr Zou......told her about my BBT....she said, very likely, i've ovulated......but i told her, i did test on fri nite, it was negative, but got abit of "fade fade" line......she said its ok, just continue to try these 2 days.....

she said if my temp for the next 2weeks is at 37.xx, maybe got chance.....but told her, we did not do it on thurs n very unlikely will strike.....she say just keep trying yaaaa....

she gave me the dark brown med....1 packet twice a day.........

me going to see her after Xmas yaaa...told her next week, we'are not free....then Xmas week, also not free....she gave me extra med to last me for 2weeks yaaaaa........
oh, at least she say u ovulated. She see my chart say i nv ovulate at all... cos my chart like stock mkt up n down..
Then recently, got to know from my DH's SA report no gd... Now extra xtra disappointed.. Feel like giving up le....

yes...hubby also told me to quit.....been thinking about it....been telling hubby that me intend to quit in Jan.....then he say, its better to find a job 1st...but i've to give 3mths company will wait or buy me over...i'm only an accountant....

moreover, if me find a job now n the offer is attractive, most likely i've to pay off myself for the short notice......i dont wanna pay the company $$$$$.....tats why intend to tender, then must faster find a job.....but Feb is CNY period, abit low peak for job hunting..........

you know, i really cried at home when that idiot boss scolded me....her words really upset me soooo much..........its also the 1st time such tings happened to me.......tats why i cried n cried n cried.....but after i've cooled down, i dont find it worthwhile to stay here.
Sh*t her lah... i believe u will be able to find a job soon one... At least u r an accountant.. easy to find...
Me also suffer under the unjustic from my female boss... but i've to swallow it cos me n DH not earning much (small small fly), so both of us hv to work. :nah: I think it's better to get a job first then quit.... but i don't understand y u need to give 3 mth notice... is it stated in ur LOE?