Interested to slim down via acupuncture. Any recommendation?


New Member
Hi all n laypeng
Recently cant use my computer as the graphic cards spolit..:(
That day 21th mon went for sec review, still lose muscle leh so cannot execise yet..cos my baby need to wake up for milk..but lose another 2kg. Now weight 56kg n jst finish my 10 sessions acupcunture..3weeks later going for third review..So update u gals again, cya all. Take care! :D Merry christmas n a Happy new year! hehe..


Hi all n laypeng
Recently cant use my computer as the graphic cards spolit..:(
That day 21th mon went for sec review, still lose muscle so cannot execise yet..cos my baby need to wake up for milk..but lose another 2kg. Now weight 56kg n jst finish my 10 sessions acupcunture..3weeks later going for third review..So update you gals again, cya all. Take care! :D Merry christmas n a Happy new year! hehe..
great lubani2003,
ic. then if they ask u dun exercise better not else will get negative result one.
ya, same when i was on program my nicole also woke up at middle of the night. but first that time i didnt work yet so can sleep a little late.
good, do keep it up, im sure u can go back to pre preggy figure and become a pretty and slim mummy again. :)

Merry x'mas and happy new year to lubani2003 all slimming buddy here too


New Member
Hi sasa_penguin,
are you a mummy too? just give birth? how much you gained? i gained about 20kg but only managed to lose 3kg on my own.

ok i try my best to explain:
this acupuncture mainly poke on tummy so it just a insect bite. feeling.
how many session and how much is the pkg is base on body so i will advise you to go for consultation with my consultant first then see how.
initially need to have more strict on diet. but now i already back to normal diet after i complete the programme.

so far i maintain well(had lost 18kg which to back to my pre-preggy figure), no sign of bounce back. my sis in law done 1 year ago at same place now still in shape.
is your tummy big after give birth? when i gave birth, my tummy still very big until ppl give up mrt seat to me, confident level dropped intil 0%

if you need more information like contact or my program cost may msn or email me at

Hi laypeng,
i am new here. interested to know more about your program and want to slim down as well. just sent you a email, can you kindly reply on the details and your consultant's contact?


Hi laypeng,
i am new here. interested to know more about your program and want to slim down as well. just sent you a email, can you kindly reply on the details and your consultant's contact?
Hi yulian,
welcome to here. are you also a mummy? how big is your baby now? mine near to 1 year, finally!
ic, the programme i was under is acupuncture weight loss programme, include of detoxofication, dietary planning and acupuncture treatment. duration is about 4 months. i lost 17kg which is back to pre preggy figure and lost another kg after that.

i had replied your email on more details and contact. you may want to go for consultation, do a body test and proper checking with my consultant first.
can add me in msn as well :)


New Member
Hi yulian,
welcome to here. are you also a mummy? how big is your baby now? mine near to 1 year, finally!
ic, the programme i was under is acupuncture weight loss programme, include of detoxofication, dietary planning and acupuncture treatment. duration is about 4 months. i lost 17kg which is back to pre preggy figure and lost another kg after that.

i had replied your email on more details and contact. you may want to go for consultation, do a body test and proper checking with my consultant first.
can add me in msn as well :)
Thank you very much for the details and contact. i will call up soon for appointment. nope i am not mummy yet.just want to slim down


New Member
HI Lay Ping,
I am new here...i m impressed by your slimming result...could you pm me your consultant contact details... TIA


HI Lay Ping,
I am new here...i m impressed by your slimming result...could you pm me your consultant contact details... TIA

hi kittycat,
you mummy too? how many kg are you targeting? sure had PM you contact details
if you still have any question can ask me in msn or email



New Member
Hi everyone

Like Lubani, I also lost quite a few bit of muscles but not fats! They attribute to lack of sleep which I am trying to make sure that I have the full 8 hrs now but difficult as I am sleeping with 2 children.
I am quite worried because drop in muscle mass causes fat burning to be slower! I may end up with more fats than before.
Anyone experienced this but successfully slimmed down towards the end?


New Member
Hi everyone

Like Lubani, I also lost quite a few bit of muscles but not fats! They attribute to lack of sleep which I am trying to make sure that I have the full 8 hours now but difficult as I am sleeping with 2 children.
I am quite worried because drop in muscle mass causes fat burning to be slower! I may end up with more fats than before.
Anyone experienced this but successfully slimmed down towards the end?
Hi Lloyd2009,
i just ended program, initially was lost more muscle than fat but after first review my muscle gained and lost more fat. they said this is normal. i slept 6 hrs per day as i also not have enough time to sleep. But i had achieve 10+ kg of fat loss.

don worry, just continue follow.


yes same as Ooi and Lloyd2009 i encountered initial muscle loss but i tried my best to have best meal , meal interval and sleeping time( true quite difficult because my girl was still small and she is 1 year old today!!!)
managed to gained back muscle and lost 17-18kg .

so Lloyd2009, you got to be patience and do not anyhow modify their plan and the schedule. keep it up!


New Member
Hi Lay Peng,

i m interested, pls PM me the contact.
2nd baby is 2mths old, 1st child is 3yo. din manage to lose all after 1st child.
thanks !!


Hi Lay Peng,

i m interested, pls PM me the contact.
2nd baby is 2mths old, 1st child is 3yo. did not manage to lose all after 1st child.
thanks !!
hi chezzee,

no problem, had PM you the contact.
congrats on your second baby, actually i heard after give birth on first one should get rid of fat first then have another baby better, otherwise fat will be accumulated and longer it will become stubborn.

did u manage to lose all the weight on second child birth?


Hi Lloyd2009,

my first review also drop in muscles by 2KG leh, there is because our body has not yet get used to the changes.. hence will lose in muscles. then slowly i started to gain muscles already. So dun worry, just follow what the consultant plan for you and will see the results one. I also manage to lose 10KG, so you can make it too.

Hi chezzee,

Congrats to you on the 2nd child, mind to share what is your weight now? I agree with lay peng, after the first child if our financial allow we should go for slimming program. Because after you are able to lose few KG and you pregnant, then you will gain weight again. hence is hard to go back to pre-pregnant figure.


New Member
Hi Lloyd2009,

my first review also drop in muscles by 2KG , there is because our body has not yet get used to the changes.. hence will lose in muscles. then slowly i started to gain muscles already. So dont worry, just follow what the consultant plan for you and will see the results one. I also manage to lose 10KG, so you can make it too.

Hi chezzee,

Congrats to you on the 2nd child, mind to share what is your weight now? I agree with lay peng, after the first child if our financial allow we should go for slimming program. Because after you are able to lose few KG and you pregnant, then you will gain weight again. hence is hard to go back to pre-pregnant figure.
Hi Ange,
tks. so paiseh to say my weight in "public". now i m still XL lor. : )
but since i m stopping at 2, now can focus on slimming down once and for all.


Hi Ange,
thanks. so paiseh to say my weight in "public". now i m still XL . : )
but since i m stopping at 2, now can focus on slimming down once and for all.
Hi chezzee,

no need to be paiseh, i also told everybody that i was in XL after give birth, now in S size, feel really great after lost 17-18kg. yesterday during my girl's 1 year old birthday party my cousins are comment i look even slimmer and better than before. not sure is true or not but it is made me real happy.

anyway, since you focus on slimming now, go ahead and try to shed off the extra kg ok? hope the details i provided to you is enough. if not can continue ask me in email or msn no problem i will try to help ya.


Hi Ange,
thanks. so paiseh to say my weight in "public". now i m still XL . : )
but since i m stopping at 2, now can focus on slimming down once and for all.
Hi chezzee,

No need to shy off, i also quite big size in the past. But are you still on BF? If yes, you are not allow to do acupuncture treatment.


New Member
Hi chezzee,

No need to shy off, i also quite big size in the past. But are you still on BF? If yes, you are not allow to do acupuncture treatment.
Hmm, not really. I lost muscles in 1st review, lost more muscles in 2nd review and to my horror, gained 0.2kg fats!

Did you all experience rapid weight lost (using yr home weighing machine) within a week eg 0.5kg a week, is it too fast or normal?

Did you all experience slower fat loss when you are near your idea weight?