EDD Sep 2010


My gynae is lawrence ang @ sunplaza.. =D
He did show me the price list, but he told me still got alot of time to consider.. so i may take either one.. but detailed scan will be done in TMC.. hee~~ this coming MOnday.. lol:shyxxx:

I'm delivering at Mt. A.. Both my hub and I like the environment there better than Thomson Medical Center. Keke~

I thought Mt. A cost slightly cheaper than Thomson Medical Center?? Had the price list from a gynae but can't quite remember the price.

Who is your gynae? :001_302:


ohh.. my appt at 12:15pm.. dunno hw long it will take.. LOL

ermmm... wat is anenatal?? compulsory? =)

woah! my appointment's at 4.15pm. ^^ after which i'll wait for my report and then down to tiong bahru for my normal scan. heehee.
just a week more to our detailed scan! i cant wait to see my little baby! >.<
well for the anenatal, my mum suggested i sign up for the class when i go for my detail scan at 21 weeks old.
is it to go at 28wks? cuz i read the online package and they said after 20wks old can sign up .


Active Member
paiseh all.. i jus realise the correct spelling is anTenatal.... hehehehe

yupyup.. will update... hehehe 1n1/2 more days to go...

u toking abt the TMC antenatal class rite?? do u know if FBI members got discount for tat???

Relax....... think happy stuffs... :)


the antenatal class we are toking abt is the Childbirth Education Course... very beneficial especially for first time parents...
check this webby out...
Thomson Medical Centre


paiseh all.. i just realise the correct spelling is anTenatal.... hehehehe

yupyup.. will update... hehehe 1n1/2 more days to go...

you talking about the Thomson Medical Center antenatal class rite?? do you know if FBI members got discount for that???

Relax....... think happy stuffs... :)


the antenatal class we are talking about is the Childbirth Education Course... very beneficial especially for first time parents...
check this webby out...
Thomson Medical Centre

the antenatal class sounds interesting. :)
does anybody know the course fee? :001_302:


Not sure about Thomson's charges, but I know Mt Alvernia's course (6 sessions) is $160.50 for weekdays and $181.90 for weekends for mothers delivering there. If not delivering there but wish to sign up as well, it's $192.60 (weekdays) / $214 (weekends).
Hope this is useful reference for you, lovemk87. :D

Not sure if it's just me, but my face has been getting very oily, and I'm experiencing a breakout on my forehead! Lots of tiny pimples, can feel the bumps (and see them too - urg). Anyone else seeing changes to your skin?


New Member
I'm going for my detail scan on the 29th (tiz Thursday). So excited!!! Hope all growing well ^^

I personally prefer Mt A... The staff there r really friendly, helpful, knowledgable, etc... I'm seeing Dr Esther Ng and she has a clinic there too. I think I'll be making my natal class at Mt A when I do my detail scan.
I encountered outbreaks on my face, back and chest since my 1st trimester but it gets better now. The pimples are not as big and as many as it used to be. Not sure what's the reason it gets better.

You also go Dr Ang.. Lolz~ I didn't go to him cause his place is always crowded and crampy. I go to Dr Chen at Chong Pang. Nearer~ :001_302:


my face's getting very oily and having small pimples too! >.<

hmmm i dont't know to choose Mt A or thomson . some say Mt A cheaper then thomson. do you have any idea how will the bills be like if you give birth at Mt A? >.<

Anyone experiencing runny nose? >.<
For Mt Alvernia's hospital charges, you can refer to this: Mount Alvernia Hospital

I think cost-wise they should be similar - remembering that there will also be other additional charges depending on individual circumstances so your final bill could look different from what is stated there! I heard that even KK is not much cheaper if you're requesting for your own gynae - so I guess it boils down to whether the hospital's location is good for you, and the kinds of services they provide before, during and after birth, and what reviews you have heard from friends / relatives who have been there themselves. :)

Yeah my face is an oil field these days - will try drinking more water and see if it helps!

Runny nose not really, but at bedtime I sometimes get a little stuffy nose, which I will clear using my Vicks nasal inhaler, works okay for me. Otherwise very difficult to breathe, especially now when we seem to need deeper breaths! ;)


I encountered outbreaks on my face, back and chest since my 1st trimester but it gets better now. The pimples are not as big and as many as it used to be. Not sure what's the reason it gets better.
So strange right? My first trimester was okay, just the sudden change now. Just hoping that it doesn't get worse and start getting big and red and full of pus... ewe!

Hey guess what September ladies - we're about halfway through our pregnancies!! Whoopee!!


mi too studying part time and working at the same time... exams is juz next week and i'm not sure if i can cope ... Hopefully i can pass my exams ... feeling very tired nowadays...

by the way, mrs eg, doc says i have slightly low placenta.. have to monitor ... hopefully everything will go well.



I went to sign up for the antenatal lessons at TMC during my last visit. already reserved a place but haven pay yet. my lessons will start in mid June at AMK.
So strange right? My first trimester was okay, just the sudden change now. Just hoping that it doesn't get worse and start getting big and red and full of pus... ewe!

Hey guess what September ladies - we're about halfway through our pregnancies!! Whoopee!!
Ohh~ Mine was big, red and with pus and it's like a railway track, all in line along my jawline. Keke~ Maybe the facial and acne helps for me ba.. Hope yours don't get so bad like mine..

Yeah, we are almost halfway through our pregnancies.. :Dancing_wub:


New Member
mrs eg, yes, whenever baby moves it feels amazing! can feel your excitement and eagerness for the upcoming detailed scan :D

nightingale, on the contrary my skin has improved slightly. no more big red pimples! *fingers crossed hehe

raine, ok thanks, i will try! i don't have runny nose either, instead it's stuffy like nightingale. especially at bedtime, then i can hear myself breathing quite loudly.

and yes ladies, you're right, times flies! sometimes i still can't quite believe that there is a little life inside me, waiting to call me mommy :)


ohh.. maybe i lucky .. waiting time short short and less pple.. so far, i am ok with him although heard some complains about him..

raine> hahaha.. if not can say hi hi to each other..

are you gals going for the baby fair this wkends? done any shopping at the moment?? hee~~ :tlaugh:

I encountered outbreaks on my face, back and chest since my 1st trimester but it gets better now. The pimples are not as big and as many as it used to be. Not sure what's the reason it gets better.

You also go Dr Ang.. Lolz~ I didn't go to him cause his place is always crowded and crampy. I go to Dr Chen at Chong Pang. Nearer~ :001_302:


Active Member
woah.... didnt realise u are so young!!!!
anyway be careful... drink more water... boost ur immune etc... the last time I had running nose i ended up with fever... so pls do take care!!!

ya... seems slow but yet seems quite fast... halfway into pregnancy already!

wow!!! a prince!!! cool!!! my detail scan is tomorow!!! wahahaha.. yeah!!!
btw, that low placenta thingy not a serious thing.. so dun worry too much... jus be physically careful... :)
oh ya.. and all the best to you and the rest of the studying sept mummys in our exams!!!

to all mummys
btw... anyone going on a 'Babymoon' trip???


are you gals going for the baby fair this wkends? done any shopping at the moment?? hee~~ :tlaugh:
Yes yes! Will be going to the baby fair at Expo this Friday. :) Gonna do a bit of 'recce' for nice baby cots! At first we wanted to wait around and see if there are any potential hand-me-downs... but I think the timing is not quite right because cots can be used for several years. So we'll probably be buying one ourselves, hopefully will find some nice ones!

Okay confession time!! What have you gan cheong mummies bought for your babies already? Especially after knowing it's a boy or a girl - the shopping cannot stop de! I think I have almost everything for 0-3mths, except the cot, nappies, baby bath tub and baby toiletries. HAHAHA~ call me kiasu! :p

to all mummys
btw... anyone going on a 'Babymoon' trip???
I think no 'babymoon' for us cos I'm just finishing my studies and have to report back to work soon - though hubby and I are considering a short weekend hotel stay, like Sentosa or something. Heh - still 'overseas'? counted or not? keke!
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Mrs eg:
i'm not sure about the FBI discounts. must be 21 then can sign up. i'm not eligible to sign for the FBI yet as my birthday hasn't over yet. t.t

from what i know for Thomson medical centre the course fee
$246.10 for weekends and
$203.30 for weekday.
weekday classes are 7-9pm.
weekends sat 2pm to 4pm l 4.30pm to 6.30pm l 7pm to 9pm.
Sun 10am to 12pm l 12.30pm to 2.30pm l
3.30pm to 5.30pm 6 weeks course.

aiya different timing. ~.~ i heard the detail scan fastest can take 15mins longest i dont't know . >.<

Me too having back problems! it hurts badly and i have to please my mum to massage for me every night after work. >.< you may want to try rubbing on some oil/tiger blam before going to sleep, it helps to ease the ache and can sleep well too. ^^

my face's getting very oily and having small pimples too! >.<

hmmm i dont't know to choose Mt A or thomson . some say Mt A cheaper then thomson. do you have any idea how will the bills be like if you give birth at Mt A? >.<

Anyone experiencing runny nose? >.<
wow, raine you are younger than me. didn't know it...i thought i am the youngest here. lols