EDD Sep 2010


Active Member
wah.. 3 nights stay in Sentosa? Which resort? So other than Universal studio wat did u all do? got any pre-natal massage there?

wow pizza at sentosa sounds good...
btw u can check out the FBI here Thomson Medical Centre
so far so good for me... got a number of discounts...

ur hubby can feel the kicks??? my hubbbby ah... cannot feel it so far... even though i put his hands there while the baby is moving... haiz...

ermmm not sad la... jus... ermm... duno leh.. going on holiday would be great isnt it? hahaha

Miss Cindy
regarding FBI membership... approach the customer service counter at the grd flr of thomson medical.. they can assist u frm there...

Ladies... how are u sleeping so far??? i cant seem to sleep well... anyone with same problem... cant sleep well as in... cannot find the best position to sleep in...

Actually sleeping on my back feels the best... but I read so many books they say no good for baby and my lower back... They say the best position is sleeping on left side (sidewayS)... but if sleep on left side for too long... my left leg starts to feel sore... like walk whole day kinda sore... how ah?


New Member
mrs eg, i have the same problem! i cannot figure out the best position to sleep. hurts when i sleep on my back/right, but for some reason i can't stay for long on my left. and i used to be able to sleep like a baby throughout the night, but now i'm a very light sleeper. i need a good sleep badly!

for sore legs maybe you can try to either have a pillow in between your legs or raise your legs slightly with a pillow?


Active Member
mrs eg, i have the same problem! i cannot figure out the best position to sleep. hurts when i sleep on my back/right, but for some reason i can't stay for long on my left. and i used to be able to sleep like a baby throughout the night, but now i'm a very light sleeper. i need a good sleep badly!

for sore legs maybe you can try to either have a pillow in between your legs or raise your legs slightly with a pillow?
i do have a pillow to prop up my legs...
it really feels comfortable to lie on my back and prop my legs up... but soooo many books say it is NOT GOOD to sleep on ur back once u are 4mths preggy and above... so i also duno how.....


New Member
Mrs Eg and bee... i can't sleep on my left/right side for too long... my hand will get numb on either side i'm sleeping on... so i place a small pillow supporting my tummy all the way up to my armpit... in this way, i'm not actually sleeping all the way to the left/right side or on my back... it's very comfortable to mi. I can't sleep without my bolster so tats definately in between my legs and i will have a pillow to lift my legs up!



the weekend lessons cost 221.50 with FBI discount. they have 2 locations for the lessons. one in thomson and 1 in AMK hub i think. if you want to book for Mrs wong, then her lessons will be at AMK. total got 5 lessons and 1 talk by a doc.


Congrats mrs eg. a princess is equally good ... as long as the baby is healthy and everything goes smoothly for the pregnancy.

Unlike me, i have brown discharge again yesterday. this is the 3rd time already. so upset and worry... :( Dr wong is on leave so they refer me to see Dr Khi from ACJ clinic. today went to see dr khi, doc says either becoz of yeast infection or becoz of the low placenta... done a swap, result will be out 2 to 3 days later.. and done a CTG ... Dr Khi also gave me 8 days hospitalisation leave for bed rest at home ... but i doubt i can becoz i have exams next week and the following week...

Worry about my baby ... hopefully everything goes smoothly... totally no mood to revise for my exams ... hai .... :(


Mrs eg,

me also haven been sleeping well.. i keep waking up throughout the night... i also read about sleeping on the left side is the best position and can put a cushion or pillow to support your tummy when you sleep on the side, it's best for the baby...

anybody know how to get good sleep at night???


Hey Mickey88: don't worry too much, just follow the doctor's orders and get as much bed rest as you can. For exams try to contact your school administrative office and explain your situation - depending on the institution, sometimes they can arrange to let you sit for your exams at a hospital or something? No harm asking. Just study what you can, don't over-exert yourself. Listen to your body (and your baby!) and rest when you need to okay? No one will blame you for trying your best! :D Take care!

Mrs Eg: Sleeping still okay for me, mostly I feel more comfortable lying on my side. When I lie on my back I feel like I have more difficulty breathing - like my insides are being squashed by something, heh. I'm having problems with sitting up all day at my computer doing assignments though! My butt, thighs and lower back are aching no matter where I sit (soft or hard surface), can feel the relief whenever I lie down flat on my bed after several hours of sitting. Need to start attending some yoga classes soon! :p
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i used to be able to sleep like a baby throughout the night, but now i'm a very light sleeper. i need a good sleep badly!
Me too! Would wake up at least once in the night, to go to the loo... Used to be able to sleep til very late in the morning on weekends, like 11am - these days I'd be up by 7am and then won't be able to go back to sleep. Sigh!

FBI is like the Alvernia Ladies Card... with hospital privileges.:wong15:
I see~ thanks! :)
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Active Member

dun worry too much...

u are not the only one with low placenta here...
the detailed scan revealed I also have a low placenta too...
no wonder sitting down can be quite un-comfy...
like the part in btwn groin and lower abs kena squashed
smtimes can feel baby movements at the very low end of abs...
the waist line of panties also seems like getting in the way... (I already UP 2 sizes still like that)

anyway... maybe try asking the Dr wat to take note of when u have low placenta?? hehehe i also forgot to ask... to excited after knowing my baby is a gal...

U take care... and let's gambatae! me trying to start studying too...
the words from the text FLOATS too often!!!
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Active Member
Mrs Eg: Sleeping still okay for me, mostly I feel more comfortable lying on my side. When I lie on my back I feel like I have more difficulty breathing - like my insides are being squashed by something, heh. I'm having problems with sitting up all day at my computer doing assignments though! My butt, thighs and lower back are aching no matter where I sit (soft or hard surface), can feel the relief whenever I lie down flat on my bed after several hours of sitting. Need to start attending some yoga classes soon! :p

hmmm... ya... some stretching does help... when u are awake... excuse urself from ur assignment once in a while to do some light stretches...

the waking up at night seems normal... i have that too... sobs... wake up in the morning also feel like haven get enuf rest last night...


Active Member
Mrs eg,

me also have not been sleeping well.. i keep waking up throughout the night... i also read about sleeping on the left side is the best position and can put a cushion or pillow to support your tummy when you sleep on the side, it's best for the baby...

anybody know how to get good sleep at night???

Yes, sleeping on the left side is the best. right side is the artery, that will effect the blood flow to the baby.

Actually there is no how to get good sleep at night, its all depends on ur baby. So long u give them a good position, they will give u a good peaceful night.

For my 1st pregnancy, on my 4th trimester i hv to sleep 45 degree (half sitting, half lying down). as for my 2nd pregnancy i can sleep on any position.


Thanks mrs eg and nightingale ... wlll try to get as much rest as possible ....
mrs eg, did your doc say anything about what to watch out for having low placenta ??? i forgot to ask my doc .... by the way is your doc also Dr Adelina Wong???

anyone going for the BABY EXPO ??? still thinking whether to go a not as i was told to rest at home and have as much bed rest as possible ... hai ....


Thanks mrs eg and nightingale ... wlll try to get as much rest as possible ....
mrs eg, did your doc say anything about what to watch out for having low placenta ??? i forgot to ask my doc .... by the way is your doc also Dr Adelina Wong???

anyone going for the BABY EXPO ??? still thinking whether to go a not as i was told to rest at home and have as much bed rest as possible ... hai ....
Came across this useful article on low-lying placenta:
Low Lying Placenta & Placenta Praevia

Don't worry about the baby expo, I'm sure there will be a few more to come before your baby arrives! So if the doc says bed rest, it's bed rest for you my dear! (*hint: can always shop online and look for great bargains on the forum keke!)


Active Member
Yes, sleeping on the left side is the best. right side is the artery, that will effect the blood flow to the baby.

Actually there is no how to get good sleep at night, its all depends on your baby. So long you give them a good position, they will give you a good peaceful night.

For my 1st pregnancy, on my 4th trimester i have to sleep 45 degree (half sitting, half lying down). as for my 2nd pregnancy i can sleep on any position.
i also tried half sit half lay down but cannot fall into sleep leh. Tis position feels lik the tail bone will have added pressure...


Active Member
Thanks mrs eg and nightingale ... wlll try to get as much rest as possible ....
mrs eg, did your doc say anything about what to watch out for having low placenta ??? i forgot to ask my doc .... by the way is your doc also Dr Adelina Wong???

anyone going for the BABY EXPO ??? still thinking whether to go a not as i was told to rest at home and have as much bed rest as possible ... hai ....
I also forgot to ask leh... Haiz... Yup my gynae dr adelina wong... Urs too??
She only say hav to monitor, still considered early.. Hopefully in the future it wont grow lower...

Think u heed dr's advice n stay put la... Will still have more fairs...


hi all mummies, can i just asked whether during the 20th week detaied scanning, did the sonographer let u see your baby's fingers and toes???

I mean to look out for abnormalities and such, or they did it during their measurements taking and did not show it to us?? Cause my wife had just did the scanning and they did not showed to us and let us see it. however at the report, they state that there's no extremeties meaning no abnormalities.

Thus, would like to find out from all mummies here. thx!


Active Member
hi all mummies, can i just asked whether during the 20th week detaied scanning, did the sonographer let you see your baby's fingers and toes???

I mean to look out for abnormalities and such, or they did it during their measurements taking and did not show it to us?? Cause my wife had just did the scanning and they did not showed to us and let us see it. however at the report, they state that there's no extremeties meaning no abnormalities.

Thus, would like to find out from all mummies here. thx!

When I did the detailed scan, only the sonographer and I were in the room. Once she arrives, she started doing her job.. she was really focus and swift... constantly scanning and keying the results. I dun get to see what she is scanning at first....

Then once she has done all that she needs to do... she asked my hubby to join us in the room and we get to see the baby together... but she only briefly showed us a few area... like the heart's 4 chambers, the nose brigde, thigh bone... and a few other part of the baby, really briefly. She also showed us the sex of our baby. And further said that everything is normal...

If ur issue is why the person never show u anything... then I also duno what to say... duno why like tat... :( ... But if ur issue is u never get to whether the baby is good or not... well at least the report states everything is normal lo... :)


Active Member
Jus been to the Baby Expo...

I shld say pretty pathetic leh compared to the previous one... this one so small... The words baby EXPO sound like alot of shops... but it was half the size of the last baby fair... 'no kick'... hehehe..
anyway I didnt get anything at all... jus browse around...

so Mickey88... rest assured... ur staying at home and rest will be better for u... :)