EDD Sep 2010


raine: my heart goes out to you. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision to make - many would have taken the 'easier' way out. Good for you! :D

1/6 of drawers full? hee hee so exciting - plenty more shopping to do!


WOW!! tat's fast... i still on see see look look mode..=p
I am gg to the bb fair tis sat.. =D

Do you gals think tat FBI is necessary?

Me not going for babymoon so soon.. maybe after delivery.. after my bb arrives, i have to prepare for lovenest.. my new hse coming.. stress!

Mrs eg & Lovemk87:
haha. yea i'm 21 this year, but my birthday have not pass yet so cant apply for FBI. >.< baby came accidently, and i didn't want to sacrifice an innocent life to gain my freedom in my young adult years. it was really a tough decision for me when i knew i was pregnant in jan. i'm happy i made the right choice in keeping my baby. :tlaugh:

ya if not can see each other.:eek:
Yes! i've done some shopping too! 1/6 of my drawers are full already! >.< i'm too going to the baby fair! might be going on fri or sat. not sure yet though. >.<

Mrs eg:

Thanks mrs eg. i will take care and i will drink lots and lots of water! and my mum have been cooking herbal soups for me on alternate days! :001_302:
i wanna go on a babymoon. but i cant. kinda busy with my work and sch exam. so maybe when baby's out and older then i bring her/him out for a babymoon~ heehee.



I went to sign up for the antenatal lessons at Thomson Medical Center during my last visit. already reserved a place but have not pay yet. my lessons will start in mid June at AMK.
Hi Mickey
How much is the classes? U mean they conduct class at AMK? Where is it held at? AMK Hub? My next appt is 22 May, so likely will check out more info at the parentcraft and sign up at that time lor.


Active Member
wah......... so fast ah.... buy so much already?!?!?! wahahahaha... if sentosa considered babymoon for u then babymoon it is!!! :) who cares what others think! hehehe

wow!!! where are you going?!?!?! so many trips... July still can go meh?? tummy will be very big already right??

*applause* for u... very brave move... jia you !!!

Ive gotten FBI since the start... and the detailed scan and the oscar scan got 10% discount... today I go and check the antenatal class also got 10% disc... on top of that there are other discounts which I cannot remember.. and they gave a goodie bag with lot of things... therefore... FBI... so far so good for me....

I also reserved a place.. but havent pay yet...
I chose weekend.. therefore it is slightly more ex... (sorry I duno by how much) But weekend charge with FBI membership is $221.50.
They have 3 locations, AMK hub, Blk 1 Thomson Rd, and... one more... think in Tampines (shit Im getting more n more forgetful!!)


Active Member
We told our parents that we are thinking of going on a babymoon...
and.. guess what....
the comments (nagging) are endlessssss........
well... what more can I say???

Anyway... my instict was wrong.... cannot believe it... tot mum's instinct usually accurate??? Im not having a prince.. but a princess instead!!! hahahaha... anyway.. other than doubting myself... Hvaing a princess is equally a good news!!! :) hehehe
My girl have been very active today... can feel lots of "popcorn like" movements... :)


We told our parents that we are thinking of going on a babymoon...
and.. guess what....
the comments (nagging) are endlessssss........
well... what more can I say???

Anyway... my instict was wrong.... cannot believe it... thought mum's instinct usually accurate??? Im not having a prince.. but a princess instead!!! hahahaha... anyway.. other than doubting myself... Hvaing a princess is equally a good news!!! :) hehehe
My girl have been very active today... can feel lots of "popcorn like" movements... :)
wow congrats!!!!! a princess! how nice :Dancing_tongue:can start to plan to buy those pink color baby clothes. i can feel my baby movements too. haha...
wow!!! where are you going?!?!?! so many trips... July still can go meh?? tummy will be very big already right??
We will be going to HK for 4 days, hopefully can enjoy myself.. Keke~ If situation allow, we willl be going to BKK in Jun or Jul. If not, then plan to somewhere else.. Hopefully won't be very big then since now my tummy still small.. :tbiggrin:

Anyway... my instict was wrong.... cannot believe it... thought mum's instinct usually accurate??? Im not having a prince.. but a princess instead!!! hahahaha... anyway.. other than doubting myself... Hvaing a princess is equally a good news!!! :) hehehe
My girl have been very active today... can feel lots of "popcorn like" movements... :)
Congrats~! Pinky pinky pink~~ There are so many nice and sweet clothings and shoes and etc for princess.. I'm sure you'll go gaga with all the nice stuffs. Happy shopping~~ :tlaugh:


Anyway... my instict was wrong.... cannot believe it... thought mum's instinct usually accurate??? Im not having a prince.. but a princess instead!!! hahahaha... anyway.. other than doubting myself... Hvaing a princess is equally a good news!!! :) hehehe
My girl have been very active today... can feel lots of "popcorn like" movements... :)
Congrats! Hey just in time for the upcoming Baby Expo this weekend - now the shopping can really begin! :) At the last baby fair in March I didn't know the gender of my baby yet, so can understand the frustration of not knowing and not being able to buy anything...pink? or blue? or neutrals like yellow/white/beige?? So I ended up buying stuff for myself instead, hehe. Good time to check out maternity wear too!


Active Member
soooo much to shop for....

but have to keep in mind ... cannot buy too much 0-3mths clothings... or 3-6mths... etc... cos baby grow very fast..... hehehehe... so have to buy a variety of age....



We told our parents that we are thinking of going on a babymoon...
and.. guess what....
the comments (nagging) are endlessssss........
well... what more can I say???

Anyway... my instict was wrong.... cannot believe it... thought mum's instinct usually accurate??? Im not having a prince.. but a princess instead!!! hahahaha... anyway.. other than doubting myself... Hvaing a princess is equally a good news!!! :) hehehe
My girl have been very active today... can feel lots of "popcorn like" movements... :)
Congras Mrs eg!!! A lovely princess you are having :tlaugh:! I still cannot identify the movements yet leh. Sometimes, I'd feel my tummy being squeezed, then let go. Sometimes, the squirting sensation makes wonder if that's my baby prince's movement. Haha... I am still waiting for him to give me a firm kick on my abdomen, so I can have a more definite answer for myself.

I just came back from a 3 nights stay in Sentosa to celebrate our 10th yr dating anniversary. My hubby prefers me not to take flight now. It has been quite enjoyable, nonetheless. We went Universal Studio, despite the number of rides that expectant mothers should avoid. Infact, almost all rides cannot take lor! But we did our own assessment, and took some of them still.


New Member
Raine: sorry for the late reply... thanks to nightingale giving the info on Mt. A ^^ The prices are not much difference from hospital to hospital.

Mrs Eg: Princess!!! Congratz!!! Shopping time! the moment i know i'm having a gal... the pink are flowing in to my baby's cupboard!!!!

Jus done my detail scan yesterday... baby is great! the measurements were prefect... the heart rate was good... i can actually see my baby's define nose, upper and lower lip, kidney, stomach, all the small little fingers and toes... ahhhhh!!! sooo close to tears... the feeling its overwhelming... seeing tat small thing in u moving actively and getting an A-star result! mummies who done it would know the feeling... and mummies doing it soon will enjoy the moment! good luck to mummies doing the scan tis couple weeks!!! ^^

Delvy: congrats on ur 10yrs dating anniversary! Sentosa is our fav. getaway now too. easy and convenient... maybe not overnight but weekend pizza and beach relaxation escapade!!! going again tis sunday with my whole family... anyone for pizza at Coastes??? ^^

Jaslyn: I dun have FBI too... not sure if its necessary.

oh oh... i can feel stronger kicks now... like last night, my hubby was all excited cos he felt 4 strong kicks!!! hahaha... he was not sure abt the movements before when i placed his hands on my tummy but he was sooo sure abt last night.

And Ladies... I jus bought a one-piece for my baby from FOX... printed "SuperBaby"! Its cheap and cute and its UNISEX!!! hehe!!! smallest size from 3-6mths tot... happy shopping!

Given ur prince or princess a name yet???
Last edited:


hehe yes yes I saw the Superbaby romper at Fox too! :) They also had another blue one with Superman logo on the front - very cute for little baby boys!

Sorry for being slow, but what's FBI? :p


New Member
We told our parents that we are thinking of going on a babymoon...
and.. guess what....
the comments (nagging) are endlessssss........
well... what more can I say???

Anyway... my instict was wrong.... cannot believe it... thought mum's instinct usually accurate??? Im not having a prince.. but a princess instead!!! hahahaha... anyway.. other than doubting myself... Hvaing a princess is equally a good news!!! :) hehehe
My girl have been very active today... can feel lots of "popcorn like" movements... :)

mrs eng dont be sad,.. maybe they are worried that is not safe to travel while you preggy.. congrats to you have a princess!!!!


New Member
Raine: sorry for the late reply... thanks to nightingale giving the info on Mt. A ^^ The prices are not much difference from hospital to hospital.

Mrs Eg: Princess!!! Congratz!!! Shopping time! the moment i know i'm having a gal... the pink are flowing in to my baby's cupboard!!!!

just done my detail scan yesterday... baby is great! the measurements were prefect... the heart rate was good... i can actually see my baby's define nose, upper and lower lip, kidney, stomach, all the small little fingers and toes... ahhhhh!!! sooo close to tears... the feeling its overwhelming... seeing that small thing in you moving actively and getting an A-star result! mummies who done it would know the feeling... and mummies doing it soon will enjoy the moment! good luck to mummies doing the scan tis couple weeks!!! ^^

Delvy: congrats on your 10yrs dating anniversary! Sentosa is our fav. getaway now too. easy and convenient... maybe not overnight but weekend pizza and beach relaxation escapade!!! going again tis sunday with my whole family... anyone for pizza at Coastes??? ^^

Jaslyn: I dont have FBI too... not sure if its necessary.

oh oh... i can feel stronger kicks now... like last night, my hubby was all excited cos he felt 4 strong kicks!!! hahaha... he was not sure about the movements before when i placed his hands on my tummy but he was sooo sure about last night.

And Ladies... I just bought a one-piece for my baby from FOX... printed "SuperBaby"! Its cheap and cute and its UNISEX!!! hehe!!! smallest size from 3-6mths thought... happy shopping!

Given your prince or princess a name yet???

mecolemummy, so great of your DS !! you can even see all the organs of yoru baby!!! during my DS the doctor did nto explain much to me cos there are some of the registra doctor are there for traning, hence the doctor are explain to them more than me.. haiz..


Raine: sorry for the late reply... thanks to nightingale giving the info on Mt. A ^^ The prices are not much difference from hospital to hospital.

Mrs Eg: Princess!!! Congratz!!! Shopping time! the moment i know i'm having a gal... the pink are flowing in to my baby's cupboard!!!!

just done my detail scan yesterday... baby is great! the measurements were prefect... the heart rate was good... i can actually see my baby's define nose, upper and lower lip, kidney, stomach, all the small little fingers and toes... ahhhhh!!! sooo close to tears... the feeling its overwhelming... seeing that small thing in you moving actively and getting an A-star result! mummies who done it would know the feeling... and mummies doing it soon will enjoy the moment! good luck to mummies doing the scan tis couple weeks!!! ^^

Delvy: congrats on your 10yrs dating anniversary! Sentosa is our fav. getaway now too. easy and convenient... maybe not overnight but weekend pizza and beach relaxation escapade!!! going again tis sunday with my whole family... anyone for pizza at Coastes??? ^^

Jaslyn: I dont have FBI too... not sure if its necessary.

oh oh... i can feel stronger kicks now... like last night, my hubby was all excited cos he felt 4 strong kicks!!! hahaha... he was not sure about the movements before when i placed his hands on my tummy but he was sooo sure about last night.

And Ladies... I just bought a one-piece for my baby from FOX... printed "SuperBaby"! Its cheap and cute and its UNISEX!!! hehe!!! smallest size from 3-6mths thought... happy shopping!

Given your prince or princess a name yet???
mecolemummy: Thanks! I like the pizza at Trapizza. The pasta is nice too =) Where's Coastes?

Nightingale: I think the FBI they are referring to is the First Born Incentive. There's a SBI, which is the Subsequent Born Incentive. They entitle you to various discounts from the hospital. For e.g, the OSCAR test, hospital bill, lessons etc. Upon signing up, they will give you some freebies. I got a diaper bag, a tin of Similac mum, silver plated spoon, keychain, some magazine etc.


New Member
hehe yes yes I saw the Superbaby romper at Fox too! :) They also had another blue one with Superman logo on the front - very cute for little baby boys!

Sorry for being slow, but what's FBI? :p
FBI is like the Alvernia Ladies Card... with hospital privileges.

its first born incentives. ^^

no worries ! hee~
omg i cant wait for my detail scan this coming mon!
getting more and more anxious to see my baby! :shyxxx:
talking about name i have not yet. still in the process of choosing a nice name for my baby. :tlaugh:
am going to the baby fair today to see whats good for bargains and its really time to stock up baby things already! :001_302:

when u go for ur detail scan... dun be shy to ask questions. Good Luck!!!

mecolemummy, so great of your dear son !! you can even see all the organs of yoru baby!!! during my dear son the doctor did nto explain much to me cos there are some of the registra doctor are there for traning, hence the doctor are explain to them more than me.. sigh..
Coco, hahaha... my bb is a gal. hehe! aiyo... why like tat? for mi, i abit nosey... i asked "wats tis, wats tat???" through out the scan... hehe!
but one thing for sure ur prince is fine! :wong15:


New Member
FBI is like the Alvernia Ladies Card... with hospital privileges.

when you go for your detail scan... dont be shy to ask questions. Good Luck!!!

Coco, hahaha... my baby is a gal. hehe! aiyo... why like that? for mi, i abit nosey... i asked "wats tis, wats that???" through out the scan... hehe!
but one thing for sure your prince is fine! :wong15:

hahha is good to ask question at least you neo that baby is safe arh and less worried abt what we dont neo.. yap ! i shld ask question next timw hahahha!!! mine is princess Hahah not prince...


New Member
mecolemummy: Thanks! I like the pizza at Trapizza. The pasta is nice too =) Where's Coastes?

Nightingale: I think the FBI they are referring to is the First Born Incentive. There's a SBI, which is the Subsequent Born Incentive. They entitle you to various discounts from the hospital. For e.g, the OSCAR test, hospital bill, lessons etc. Upon signing up, they will give you some freebies. I got a diaper bag, a tin of Similac mum, silver plated spoon, keychain, some magazine etc.
Coastes is at Siloso beach... from the beach carpark, on the right by the beach... really very nice pizza.:wong19:
hmmm... trapizza... good yeah? kool... new joint to try... thanks! ^^


New Member
hahha is good to ask question at least you neo that baby is safe and less worried about what we dont neo.. yap ! i shld ask question next timw hahahha!!! mine is princess Hahah not prince...
hahhahahaaha... faint!!! hahaha... princess....princess...