EDD Sep 2010


Active Member
i bought mine 1 from Toa Payoh, 1 from Marine Parade.
If you ladies dun mind i can let go @ $3 each. I also hv the batik material, letting go at $2 each.



New Member
me too, i got to buy those front button one piece jammies.
hoping i will not lose more weight. so far my doc did not say anything about the lost. guess she is not to worried about it.

i still go for swim, whenever possible.. only thing is that..if water break..i might not realize it..:eek:


Active Member
oh no.. i bought all 4x 2pc pyjamas......

do u all mean it will be difficult to wear them on after given birth???
Thanks mummies Claralicious and lekdao for sharing your experiences! Glad to hear that it will be more of a discomfort than pain after the birth~ a bit anxious now about how it's going to be. Made the mistake of watching a childbirth video online - ouuuccch - now I can't get that image out of my mind haha!
OMG! TRUST ME! I WATCHED THOSE VIDEOS TOO. It looked damn painful lah! But it's different from the real thing. I would say childbirth wasn't much of a pain (if you're on epidural), I would say giving birth is more of an emotion. I will never ever forget how I felt the moment I saw my baby. I really felt like crying! (the macho man beside me felt the same way too ;)) It was really overwhelming and SUPER emotional! :D Just enjoy the whole process!


Active Member
Thanks mummies Claralicious and lekdao for sharing your experiences! Glad to hear that it will be more of a discomfort than pain after the birth~ a bit anxious now about how it's going to be. Made the mistake of watching a childbirth video online - ouuuccch - now I can't get that image out of my mind haha
Dun trust the childbirth video, its all depends on individual thrash hold of pain. Some they can done it with normal pain killer jab; like me. some with just the laughing gas. Not to worry, if u really cannot take it, then opt for epidural.

During my 2nd child birth, my friends said i'm crazy not to opt for epidural. Its not that i dun wan, its too late (hv to take the epidural 2 hrs b4 hand).

REMEMBER, NEVER massage your lower tummy when the contraction comes. This will increase the frequency of the contraction but not delivering the baby fast (told by the nurse in the labor ward).


Thanks Claralicious and lekdao for your encouraging comments! Feeling a lot more positive towards the whole birthing process now and looking forward to it... in fact can't wait to feel the onset of labour and meet our little girl!! :D

How are your experiences with breastfeeding? Read that many mummies experience engorgement when the milk first comes in.. did you manage to avoid that?


Guess we need to listen to more positive and encouraging stories, and not those negative, horror and downsides tales of giving birth. We need to work with our babies and let them take lead during labour. If we are in a totally relaxed mode, endorphines will be released and naturally labour will be easier. Hee...easier said than done. Let's all jia you together! :001_302:


Active Member
Guess we need to listen to more positive and encouraging stories, and not those negative, horror and downsides tales of giving birth. We need to work with our babies and let them take lead during labour. If we are in a totally relaxed mode, endorphines will be released and naturally labour will be easier. Hee...easier said than done. Let's all jia you together! :001_302:
Delvy, Well said!!!! We are designed to give birth the natural way... so... i guess it shldnt be that bad.... :001_302:

you are really advanced..:red: thinking about breastfeeding part already... I still havent really read up on that part yet!!!! gosh... :eek: only know that the "true" milk will not come in until a couple of days later... isit true? then wat does the baby feed on in the meantime!?!


Delvy, Well said!!!! We are designed to give birth the natural way... so... i guess it shldnt be that bad.... :001_302:

you are really advanced..:red: thinking about breastfeeding part already... I still havent really read up on that part yet!!!! gosh... :eek: only know that the "true" milk will not come in until a couple of days later... isit true? then what does the baby feed on in the meantime!?!
Mrs eg, during the 1st few days after labour, our breast produces colostrum, which is rich in nutrients and it helps to build up babies' immune system. When babies suckle on it, the action will trigger some hormones to tell our body that it's ready to produce the real stuff. My antenatal teacher told us that baby has enough reserve to survive the 1st few days on just colostrum alone, though I have my doubts. It's like very ke lian leh, no milk to drink...:embarrassed:


For breastfeeding tip, do remember to ask the specialist when you still in the hospital. They will be able to teach you the correct way to massage the breast as well as the nursing tip for FOC. And it really helpful.
How are your experiences with breastfeeding? Read that many mummies experience engorgement when the milk first comes in.. did you manage to avoid that?
HAHA! Nightingale! My breastfeeding experience was horrible to start off with. Remember what I told you guys? 3 hours after I gave birth, my baby was pushed to be to breastfeed. The nurse was rough on my nipples, I managed to get my boy to latch on. It felt uncomfortable though. My boy is the extremely fussy kind. If he wants to have his feeding now, it means NOW. So he got really impatient. I gave up breastfeeding after the 1st try. The next day, the lactation consultant came to teach me, she was so much better but I got irritated because my boy couldn't wait again. He just kept crying and struggling around. So I place him on formula all the way till the 4th day, that's when my breasts swell so badly and I was experiencing leaking. It swell so bad till I went into that whole depression mode. It was a totally huge mixture of discomfort. The lower area discomfort, the lower back aches and the breasts discomfort. I then placed refrigerated chinese cabbage for one whole night, and it got better. I do not feel like there was something "growing" inside. It was like a volcano somehow and it felt like it could explode anytime. I refused to take any painkillers that the hospital gave me because my mum said that it will cause the breasts to decrease in size and sag. So, my husband went to get a medala breast pump for me the next day and see, I hit my 10th day today and I am still good, and I couldn't feel so much better! One thing I really experience myself for breastfeeding would be that, we should be tensed up, we shouldn't feel anxious or have any negative feelings, the milk would not flow well. We should just be all relaxed and calm and we'll have milk!!! I'm on maternity diet and I realised that my son does not really respond well to my diet due to the high level of ginger and dom intake. So, I guess, you have to strike a good balance. I visited my gynae yesterday to check on my stitches, and he said that confinement diet is just a belief. The westerners do not restrict themselves in eating, you know chinese have this belief of not taking in cold food or even cold drinks, but according to what my gynae, he said that when cold stuff enters your body, your stomach will warm it up before going anywhere else which to me sounds logical and I broke my confinement diet last night by sneaking out with my husband for supper! =X At the end of the day, we can share experiences, views, beliefs, but, as they all say, to each it's own. :D


LOL naughty Clara sneaking out for supper! kekeke~ but I have a feeling that I would do the same too - backside itchy type, cannot stay home!
Yes yes heard that breastfeeding success is really quite a lot to do with our psychological well being, as well as having the determination to press on and overcome the initial difficulties. Let's all lend support to each other okay~! :D

Mrs_eg, there is just so much to read and learn - dont think we can ever fully prepare ourselves before our babies arrive! I think much of it will be 'on-the-job' training hehe - and I'll be counting on all you ladies here to exchange tips and experiences as we all grow together as parents! :)


Mrs eg, during the 1st few days after labour, our breast produces colostrum, which is rich in nutrients and it helps to build up babies' immune system. When babies suckle on it, the action will trigger some hormones to tell our body that it's ready to produce the real stuff. My antenatal teacher told us that baby has enough reserve to survive the 1st few days on just colostrum alone, though I have my doubts. It's like very ke lian , no milk to drink...:embarrassed:
Yeah it doesnt sound like baby would have enough.. but then again baby's stomaches at birth are only about the size of a walnut (we were told) - and they have reserves stored in their little bodies that can allow them to wait for mummy's milk to come in within the next 2 days or so. I think it's nature's way of ensuring that there's nothing to worry about, and that our little ones will be well nourished in time to come. :)

Here's a link with a bit more info: http://www.ameda.com/breastfeeding/started/stomach.aspx


Active Member
Mrs eg, during the 1st few days after labour, our breast produces colostrum, which is rich in nutrients and it helps to build up babies' immune system. When babies suckle on it, the action will trigger some hormones to tell our body that it's ready to produce the real stuff. My antenatal teacher told us that baby has enough reserve to survive the 1st few days on just colostrum alone, though I have my doubts. It's like very ke lian , no milk to drink...:embarrassed:
ya... I totally understand what you mean.... how can the little one have nothing to drink?!?! yet.. giving formula milk seem to break the "rule"


Active Member
Mrs_eg, there is just so much to read and learn - dont think we can ever fully prepare ourselves before our babies arrive! I think much of it will be 'on-the-job' training hehe - and I'll be counting on all you ladies here to exchange tips and experiences as we all grow together as parents! :)
Im still trying to finish my book on natural birthing!
I do have a breastfeeding related book which I havent started on it yet!!!
Hahaha... But I guess you are right... much of it will be the "on-the-job" training...

Yeah it doesnt sound like baby would have enough.. but then again baby's stomaches at birth are only about the size of a walnut (we were told) - and they have reserves stored in their little bodies that can allow them to wait for mummy's milk to come in within the next 2 days or so. I think it's nature's way of ensuring that there's nothing to worry about, and that our little ones will be well nourished in time to come. :)

Here's a link with a bit more info: Ameda - Breastfeeding Basics: Your Newborn's Stomach — Day 1-10
Great info there!!!
didnt know that babies stomach is so small initially and can grow still an large egg size in 10 days!
its amazing!!!

and also...
really appreciate all the new mummies who can fork out a little of their hectic time to share info with us!

Cheers to you all!!!:red:


Active Member
Im still trying to finish my book on natural birthing!
I do have a breastfeeding related book which I havent started on it yet!!!
Hahaha... But I guess you are right... much of it will be the "on-the-job" training...
WAH! You ladies hv time to read book. For me, i only managed to read from magazines and share with friends.

The only time i felt engorged is in the night - overslept. The rest of the time I did not feel engorgement at allz.

Immediately after my 1st delivery, the nurses wanted me to breastfeed my baby. I replied later, very tired, wanna sleep ... LOL. After changed my gown, pushed to my rm, less then 30mins the lactation consultant was there to guide me how to breastfeed. She was very patient and gentle with me and my baby. I only time i felt discouraged on breastfeed is my baby slept when i breastfeed, no way i could wake her up.

Drink lots of water (milo, holicks, longan water), soup (especially papaya fish soup), take Oats cereal, hv plenty of rest, stay relax. It will help to increase breast milk. .... Before and after you breastfeed your baby, drink half cup of warm longan water.

All mummies take care and hv a smooth delivery!