Edd Nov 2010


Well-Known Member
btw ... today ST has adv on robinson sale... on car seats , stroller etc...
but this sale only for this weekend


Hey ladies,

Just asking, have you all started to plan on clearing your leave? My edd is on 22/11 and boss asked me to clear my leave. Got ppl told me to keep them till Nov near to the EDD, but who knows later baby come out early than it will be wasted. sigh.. so difficults on planing the leave and somemore company dont allow to bring forward to next year... i only left 8 days leave ... hmmm.......:eek:11:


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies,

Just asking, have you all started to plan on clearing your leave? My edd is on 22/11 and boss asked me to clear my leave. Got ppl told me to keep them till Nov near to the EDD, but who knows later baby come out early than it will be wasted. sigh.. so difficults on planing the leave and somemore company dont allow to bring forward to next year... i only left 8 days leave ... hmmm.......:eek:11:
for me i am clearning it progressively... every month take 2 or 3 days leave.... think by the time my EDD i should be able to clear all ...

i choose not to clear when it is nearer to EDD because like you said we may be early then no chance to clear or i may have to brief and guide the person taking over my duties so best that i am around when it is nearer to my EDD


Hey ladies,

Just asking, have you all started to plan on clearing your leave? My edd is on 22/11 and boss asked me to clear my leave. Got ppl told me to keep them till Nov near to the EDD, but who knows later baby come out early than it will be wasted. sigh.. so difficults on planing the leave and somemore company dont allow to bring forward to next year... i only left 8 days leave ... hmmm.......:eek:11:
my company more flexible so no problem
anyway not many days after taking leave for holiday in feb....
maternity leave guess will be clearing till CNY :Dancing_tongue:


Very nervous and excited haha...
Let's all stay happy and healthy mommies :)
yes!! lets stay happi and healthy & enjoy the last trimster :red:
now i feel my tummy really vali heavy, sometime turn lef turn right also cannot sleep .........now vali sleepy :shyxxx:


Hey ladies,

Just asking, have you all started to plan on clearing your leave? My edd is on 22/11 and boss asked me to clear my leave. Got ppl told me to keep them till Nov near to the EDD, but who knows later baby come out early than it will be wasted. sigh.. so difficults on planing the leave and somemore company dont allow to bring forward to next year... i only left 8 days leave ... hmmm.......:eek:11:
Hi, my EDD is on 25th Nov, I also have about 10 days of leave left and i am also planning to take 1-2 days per month for the next 3 months as my company allows us to bring forward about 6-7 days to the next year. Maybe can plan your leave as now we are easily tired and need alot of rest sometimes.


yes!! lets stay happi and healthy & enjoy the last trimster :red:
now i feel my tummy really vali heavy, sometime turn lef turn right also cannot sleep .........now vali sleepy :shyxxx:
Hi, I also have the same problem. I can't sleep well these days le as baby keeps kicking and moving and my backache really affects my sleep. Some days I only slept for 2-3 hours, really affects my work the next day.


yes!! lets stay happi and healthy & enjoy the last trimster :red:
now i feel my tummy really vali heavy, sometime turn lef turn right also cannot sleep .........now vali sleepy :shyxxx:
me too... so i ended up sleeping on my back!! but will still try to sleep on side as i can hardly sleep thru the night recently. so whenever i am awake, i will try to turn... sometimes even got problem in coming down from the bed, got to be in slow motion! hahaha!!


Well-Known Member
me too... so i ended up sleeping on my back!! but will still try to sleep on side as i can hardly sleep thru the night recently. so whenever i am awake, i will try to turn... sometimes even got problem in coming down from the bed, got to be in slow motion! hahaha!!
Yah sometime I have no choice but to lay flat on my back . Btw for some weird reason my bb like to sleep on the left side so sometime when I lay flat my tummy will tilt to the left so funny :tlaugh:


Yah sometime I have no choice but to lay flat on my back . Btw for some weird reason my baby like to sleep on the left side so sometime when I lay flat my tummy will tilt to the left so funny :tlaugh:
ya..baby machiam doing somersault inside
when he on the left I have to lay on my right side, if I stay on left he will non-stop kicking...maybe he dun like I pressing him :wong19:


me too... so i ended up sleeping on my back!! but will still try to sleep on side as i can hardly sleep thru the night recently. so whenever i am awake, i will try to turn... sometimes even got problem in coming down from the bed, got to be in slow motion! hahaha!!
every nite I need to go toilet few time :eek:15: maybe baby pressing on bladder?


Well-Known Member
ya..baby machiam doing somersault inside
when he on the left I have to lay on my right side, if I stay on left he will non-stop kicking...maybe he dont like I pressing him :wong19:
i notice if mine is not taking side if i turn right for a while and when i turn to lay flat he will shift to the left :tlaugh: dunno why think he just like left side :tlaugh:

and yah ...sometime i feel he is sitting on my bladder too...and i tend to need to go toilet even though i had not much water for the past 1 hr but good thing is night time i only wake up once .... :001_302:


i notice if mine is not taking side if i turn right for a while and when i turn to lay flat he will shift to the left :tlaugh: dont know why think he just like left side :tlaugh:

and yah ...sometime i feel he is sitting on my bladder too...and i tend to need to go toilet even though i had not much water for the past 1 hr but good thing is night time i only wake up once .... :001_302:
Hahaha.. my boy too!!! exactly like urs! soo cute! esp when tummy tilt to the left. muahahahaha!

i wake up more than once, but try to tahan (lazy to walk to toilet as i can hardly sleep back after that if i stand up and walk)... so only go to toilet once a nite. kekeke