Edd Nov 2010


Well-Known Member
Hahaha.. my boy too!!! exactly like urs! soo cute! esp when tummy tilt to the left. muahahahaha!

i wake up more than once, but try to tahan (lazy to walk to toilet as i can hardly sleep back after that if i stand up and walk)... so only go to toilet once a nite. kekeke
i wonder is that how the chinese saying ... man on the left ...woman on the right come about...

haha...i get wat you mean but dun hold your urine that can lead to UTI ...becareful... for me i will still wake up and go if needed cos i dun want to risk UTI


i wonder is that how the chinese saying ... man on the left ...woman on the right come about...

haha...i get what you mean but dont hold your urine that can lead to UTI ...becareful... for me i will still wake up and go if needed cos i dont want to risk UTI
Oh dear, i missed out this thing!! okok, will remind myself not to do that anymore. thanks for reminding me :Dancing_wub:


Just went for check up lats friday....baby now is 1.2kg....and good news is baby seem kicking the fibroid upward...maybe can go for natural delivery instead of c-X
So tired + sleepy now..........tummy getting heavier as days goes by ...........


Just had my 1st PRE natal massage recommend by my malay colleague
vali professional, they stil bring their own bed, like those where we had in spa type....prof sia....

coming again this wkend...by then should know will relive my backache :)
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Well-Known Member
Just had my 1st post natal massage recommend by my malay colleague
vali professional, they stil bring their own bed, like those where we had in spa type....prof sia....

coming again this wkend...by then should know will relive my backache :)
Huh? Post natal ? Shld be pre natal right :p how much did u pay ?


Hey ladies, any idea how you all plan your annual leave from your edd? Mine com dont allow leave carry forward to next yr n if take before edd, suddenly in the mid of annual leave baby popped out than it will count on the maternity leave. Hmmm, wanna make full use of annual leave but dont know how to plan. Any suggestion? As wks go by, I'm getting clumsy and find diff to get out from bed..


Well-Known Member
Hey ladies, any idea how you all plan your annual leave from your edd? Mine com dont allow leave carry forward to next yr n if take before edd, suddenly in the mid of annual leave baby popped out than it will count on the maternity leave. Hmmm, wanna make full use of annual leave but dont know how to plan. Any suggestion? As wks go by, I'm getting clumsy and find diff to get out from bed..
my suggestion to you is take bit by bit every month...starting this month
the way i clear my leave is i make sure i take 2-3 days per month..by the time i am due ...likely it will be all clear :p i too dun want to land myself in a situtation when i suddenly pop while clearing my leave very near my EDD . my company will not pay me back and they will start counting the Maternity leave ...


New Member
hi there mummies..

I'm a first time mtb.. edd 2 nov. jus wondering have any of u found a gd n affordable massage lady yet for after give birth..? any recommendations? I have yet to really shop for bb's stuff as well, frens hv been passing dwn afew lil clothes, steriliser etc.. also duno where n what shld I start to buy n all.. only thing bought so far is a playpen. so busy with wrk, so tired. hmm.. jus hope to get mre advise frm u pretty mummies! thank u..

take care! =)


my suggestion to you is take bit by bit every month...starting this month
the way i clear my leave is i make sure i take 2-3 days per month..by the time i am due ...likely it will be all clear :p i too dont want to land myself in a situtation when i suddenly pop while clearing my leave very near my EDD . my company will not pay me back and they will start counting the Maternity leave ...
I also think of that but if take every month than I got no leave standby before my edd. Was thinking if using hospitalization leave but dont know if allow to take 3wks before my edd by gynae. Also dont know what excuse to give too.


Well-Known Member
I also think of that but if take every month than I got no leave standby before my edd. Was thinking if using hospitalization leave but dont know if allow to take 3wks before my edd by gynae. Also dont know what excuse to give too.
for me i have no intention to take/keng hospital leave i intend to work til the day i pop so i need to clear my leave gradually cos i know i will be busy handing over job to other colleague as the EDD get nearer so i need to be around in the office
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New Member
Final trimester!!! My EDD is 5th Nov. I intend to start leave in October. My ehartburns are terrible every night and I lack sleep. Anyone else suffers from severe heartburn?


New Member
Final trimester!!! My EDD is 5th Nov. I intend to start leave in October. My ehartburns are terrible every night and I lack sleep. Anyone else suffers from severe heartburn?
Diamond... i had it in my first trimester and doc recommend to take gaviscon (the only antacid) that is suitable for preggy. You might want to consult your doc and check if you should take tat too. Gaviscon is avaliable in Guardian and watson. Hope u get well soo :)


Well-Known Member
my mother-in-law told me not to do pre-natal massage :shyxxx:
so I cancel last sat one.....maybe I ask her come after I deliver
you still want to do it? if yes wiull PM you the contact
is there a reason why your MIL ask you not to do it ??

i will let you know again if i need it...so far so good no need :p


Anyone experience bad coughing? I'm in 29wks now and feeling breathless some time and also having bad cough. There is no plegm but just only cough. I'm afraid to take medication like cough syrup cos afrad that the littleone will be affected as well... I also notices that a week did not go to toilet to have proper poo and think my body is very heaty. Sleep also getting lesser as middle night feel hot and running to toilet too.


New Member
Anyone experience bad coughing? I'm in 29wks now and feeling breathless some time and also having bad cough. There is no plegm but just only cough. I'm afraid to take medication like cough syrup cos afrad that the littleone will be affected as well... I also notices that a week did not go to toilet to have proper poo and think my body is very heaty. Sleep also getting lesser as middle night feel hot and running to toilet too.

Lim: had not experience cough thou but i heard not all cough syrup i suitable, so please go to your GP and get his/her advice. For the heaty and constipation part, I do encounter. My GP recommend me to drink prune juice to aid constipation and eat more fibre stuff and wholemeal stuff + lots of vege. The prune juice did improve. maybe u can try too. Been trying to drink alot of water to help ease the heat too. My GP said cos during pregnancy, our large intestine is moving very slowing ... so might result in contispation compare to normal time. Hope this helps.


Anyone experience bad coughing? I'm in 29wks now and feeling breathless some time and also having bad cough. There is no plegm but just only cough. I'm afraid to take medication like cough syrup cos afrad that the littleone will be affected as well... I also notices that a week did not go to toilet to have proper poo and think my body is very heaty. Sleep also getting lesser as middle night feel hot and running to toilet too.
so far no experience on coughing....onli back is tearing :wong29:
better call ur gynae to see whether medicine ok for u or not