Shld i induce??


ya likely to be daddy's genes coz my gynae say the baby will follow daddy's genes most of the time~

i did not eat any durian at all... guess likely generic ... or maybe also because my OGTT result at 28wks showed Impacted Glucose Tolerance level of 142 though not even considered close to mild diabetes bah...but then i have control carbo and sugar ..that can be eliminated. so i can only blames on genes :tlaugh: cos baby's daddy is tall and big baby also bigger than average and taller than average :tlaugh:

but like i said i not keen to induce cos when i asked gynae she tell me assuming check in at 9am induce by next day the baby should be out... it's NEXT day !!!! and there is no guarantee the cervix will dilate ...then might still need C sect after all the pain... ...even though gynae said so far her patients all will dilate but... everyone is diff one mah ...anyway will see next visit...
Went gynae appt just now!!
So happy baby's head engaged n he is healthy! Heartbeat n hearing test checked. Since it's 38 week, baby is safe for delivery now really waiting for 'things to happen'. I guess I will leave baby's fate to his hands I will wait. Felt so touched when I see his heartbeat on my heart to induce him out. :) hope he will take care of himself in my tummy until delivery... :)
Glads to noe tat! Will be waiting for your good news soon! o{^_^}o
Should be the weight which u r carrying now causing all's normal...jus make sure u do your confinement well n hv a few good post natal massage after u give birth... :)
now I felt mild back rheumatism kind...on n off...not sure if this is one of the symptom. Pelvis too n legs too...still can tahan ...

Try lifting up your legs over a chair or pillow bah... may help. Time to walk more so that delivery will be easy....:)


Should be the weight which you r carrying now causing all's normal...just make sure you do your confinement well n have a few good post natal massage after you give birth... :)
I realise most of the time I'm lying down on post natal massage...erm I din engaged any but may go to those commercial shops outside for 1 or 2
If u can, take short walks in the park, at least can breathe in some fresh air rather than stay at home too often. Wallking can really help shorten labour time i heard... i know tummy may be heavy, support it and walk...


If you can, take short walks in the park, at least can breathe in some fresh air rather than stay at home too often. Wallking can really help shorten labour time i heard... i know tummy may be heavy, support it and walk...
Heee ok I will walk when the rain stops..nw gd time for me to catch some sleep lol...din sleep well! :)
I realise most of the time I'm lying down on post natal massage...erm I did not engaged any but may go to those commercial shops outside for 1 or 2
U must lay on your left(or at least put a pillow or cushion behind your right back) whenever u sleep or jus laying...dun lay flat on your back, cos the baby's weight will be pressing down on your spine.
Time to engage 1 for the massage...engage those who will go your house one, if natural birth...can do it immediately afterthe day u discharge from the hospital...1 or 2 sessions is never enough for women who jus gave birth...your whole body muscle will be tense, n the womb will drop down somehow...important to adjust everything back in order, n even can be better den the b4 pregnancy condition...


you must lay on your left(or at least put a pillow or cushion behind your right back) whenever you sleep or just laying...dont lay flat on your back, cos the baby's weight will be pressing down on your spine.
Time to engage 1 for the massage...engage those who will go your house one, if natural birth...can do it immediately afterthe day you discharge from the hospital...1 or 2 sessions is never enough for women who just gave birth...your whole body muscle will be tense, n the womb will drop down somehow...important to adjust everything back in order, n even can be better then the before pregnancy condition...

Actually I got ask my fren on their contact n pricing n those gd ones nt cheap...sigh....then my father in law say his relative last time did it but cannot tahan then faint. Anyway hubby oso ask me find one...I will check it out tml...thanks again...
Where do u stay? If u wan, i can give u my massage lady's contact to u, i used her for my post natal massage tat time...the price is quite reasonable for straight 7 days....she's an indonesian chinese...


Where do you stay? If you want, i can give you my massage lady's contact to you, i used her for my post natal massage that time...the price is quite reasonable for straight 7 days....she's an indonesian chinese...
I stay at Bedok. How much per session? I currently have 2 contacts one Malay lady at $55 per session n 1 indo lady at $50 per session. :) yr massage after 1 wk gt lose weight? Effective? Will it b very uneasy to walk about??
I stay at Bedok. How much per session? I currently have 2 contacts one Malay lady at $55 per session n 1 indo lady at $50 per session. :) yr massage after 1 wk gt lose weight? Effective? Will it b very uneasy to walk about??
Had pmed u... :001_302:
I rem my post-natal massage lady said that actually the massage is more meant for getting rid of wind and water retention in the tummy, whether or not it will really help to flatten tummy entirely, will depend on mummy liao. For some mummies, immediately after delivering, tummy so flat...heheh which is good... oh ya, can buy those abdominal wrap from guardian pharmacy too, tho can be abit hot cos u will have to wear it entire day to be effective.


I rem my post-natal massage lady said that actually the massage is more meant for getting rid of wind and water retention in the tummy, whether or not it will really help to flatten tummy entirely, will depend on mummy . For some mummies, immediately after delivering, tummy so flat...heheh which is good... oh ya, can buy those abdominal wrap from guardian pharmacy too, tho can be abit hot cos you will have to wear it entire day to be effective.

Ya...but I tink for me my tummy won't be flat after delivery cos I gain too much weight! :(